Course on Computational Motor Control

by Reza Shadmehr, Johns Hopkins University


Registration is free but recommended for practical reasons (coffee breaks…).

To receive more information about the workshop or if you wish to meet with our guest, please contact

Philippe Lefèvre:





Opening conference on:

“Motor adaptation and the timescales of memory”


Wednesday June 6th, 2007 from 2:00 to 3:15pm

Location: Auditorium Euler, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve





Detailed program:

Wed-Thu-Friday June 6-7-8 from 2:00 to 6:00pm

Location: Auditorium Euler, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve




  1. Motor Adaptation and the Timescales of Memory (1:15)
    As our brain generates motor commands, it also predicts the sensory consequences.  Why is prediction a fundamental part of motor control?  One can provide two reasons: first, the ability to predict allows us to sense the world better than is possible from our sensors alone.  Second, the ability to predict overcomes the fundamental limitation of time delay in our sensory system.  However, for prediction to be valuable, it has to be accurate, which implies that adaptation is also an integral part of the brain mechanisms that make predictions.  In the first part of this lecture, I will focus on saccade adaptation and demonstrate that the motor memory that supports learning is composed of multiple timescales: a fast system that strongly responds to error but rapidly forgets, and a slow system that weakly responds to error but has excellent retention.  The simple model appears to be able to account for a wide body of data, including learning in reaching and certain aspects of declarative memory.

    In the second part of the lecture I ask the question of why the nervous system should learn motor control in this way.  Why should we have an adaptive system that rapidly forgets?  I argue that there is a link between how our motor system learns and the natural events that can affect the motor system: events like fatigue, aging, and disease.  That is, we forget as a function of time because certain perturbations (like fatigue) naturally go away as a function of time.  Once again I focus on the saccadic system and show that the timescales of fatigue are surprisingly similar to timescales of adaptation to perturbations.  The mathematical framework that we will use to model saccades and other kinds of movements like reaching is optimal control.

    Vaziri S, Diedrichsen J, and Shadmehr R (2006) Why does the brain predict sensory consequences of oculomotor commands?  Optimal integration of the predicted and the actual sensory feedback. Journal of Neuroscience, 26:4188-4197.  Paper

    Kording KP, Tenenbaum JB, and Shadmehr R (2007) The dynamics of memory as a consequence of optimal adaptation to a changing bodyNature Neuroscience, 10:779-786.  Paper

    Smith MA, Ghazizadeh A, and Shadmehr R (2006) Interacting adaptive processes with multiple timescales underlie short-term motor learningPublic Library of Science Biology, 4:e179.  Paper Synopsis

  2. A computational view of motor control (0:50)
    This lecture introduces the problem of motor control from a computational perspective.  The act of making a movement involves solving four kinds of problems:  1) We need to learn the costs that are associated with our actions as well as the rewards that we may experience upon completion of that action.  2) We need to learn how our motor commands produce changes in state of our body and our environment.  3) Given the cost structure of the task and the expected outcome of motor commands, we need to find those motor commands that minimize the costs and maximize the rewards.  4) Finally, as we execute the motor commands, we need to integrate our predictions about sensory outcomes with the actual feedback from our sensors to update our belief about our state.  In this framework, the function of basal ganglia appears related to learning costs and rewards associated with our sensory states.  The function of the cerebellum is to predict sensory outcome of motor commands and correct motor commands through internal feedback.  Together, reward driven optimal feedback control theory appears the most consistent framework to explain a number of disorders in human motor control.

    Shadmehr R (2007) A computational view of motor control.  In: The Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.  Squire LR (editor), Elsevier, in press.  Paper






  1. The problem of state prediction: mathematical background (1:15)
    This lecture introduces the mathematics of optimal state estimation, focusing on linear systems and the Kalman filter.  Topics include optimal parameter estimation, parameter uncertainty, state noise and measurement noise, adjusting learning rates to minimize model uncertainty.  Derivation of the Kalman filter algorithm.

  1. The problem of state prediction: classical conditioning, integration of predictions with observations, and the multiple timescales of memory (1:15)
    This lecture applies the optimal estimation algorithm to biological data: classical conditioning in animals, data fusion and combining data from multiple sensors, fast and slow memory systems, massed vs. spaced learning, forward models and integration of predicted with measured sensory outcomes.

    Dayan P, and Yu AJ (2003) Uncertainty and learning.  IETE Journal of Research 49:171-182.  Paper

    Kording KP, Tenenbaum JB, and Shadmehr R (2007) The dynamics of memory as a consequence of optimal adaptation to a changing bodyNature Neuroscience, 10:779-786.  Paper





  1. Optimal control theory: introduction (1:15)
    This lecture introduces optimal control using the method of Lagrange multipliers, focusing on open-loop optimal control.

    Todorov E (2004) Optimality principles in sensorimotor control.  Nature Neuroscience Reviews 7:907-915.


  1. Optimal stochastic feedback control: a framework for biological motor control (1:15)
    This lecture introduces feedback into the optimal control problem, focusing on stochastic optimal feedback control using Gaussian and signal dependent noise. 

    Todorov E (2005) Stochastic optimal control and estimation methods adapted to the noise characteristics of the sensorimotor system. Neural Computation 17:1084-1108




last update: May 24th, 2007
Author:  Philippe LEFEVRE