Colleagues and Friends

Playing football with R. Ruiz-Tamarit

With O. Licandro (too serious!)

R. Ruiz-Tamarit with O. Licandro (much more relax)

With O. Licandro and D. de la Croix, Bonn

From left to right: B. Hobijn, T. Lloyd-Braga, R. Dos Santos, G. Cozzi, P. Crifo, B. Martinez, J. Ruiz, F. Dufourt and C. Le Van

Conspiring with F. Bec, dinner of R. Dos Santos day, Strasbourg

With N. Hritonenko, C. Le Van, N. Bonneuil, C. Ghiglino, S. Bosi and (half) M. Juillard

S. Bosi and T. Seegmuller: farniente close to Naples

With Y. Yatsenko and O. Licandro (so vintage!)

With N. Hritonenko (Train station, Louvain-la-Neuve)

With JB. Ntagoma in Bukavu (Congo), behind: the Kivu lake