Dynamical Systems and Computation Day


CESAME, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium


July 15, 2004


This one-day workshop is devoted to the interplay between numerical algorithms and dynamical systems. This is the eigth of a series of annual workshops held in Belgium on topics related to dynamical systems. The goal of this series of workshops is to gather researchers from different disciplines around the general theme of dynamical systems in a casual and informal athmosphere; see the webpage for more information.





09h30 -10h15        The Karcher mean of points on the special orthogonal group

                               Knut Hueper (National ICT Australia Ltd, SEACS Program, Australia)


10h15 - 10h45       Coffee


10h45 - 11h30       Point convergence of gradient descent flows and numerical algorithms

                              Robert Mahony (Australian National University, Australia)


11h30 - 12h15       Trust region methods on Riemannian manifolds

                              Pierre-Antoine Absil (Florida State University, USA)


12h15 - 14h15       Lunch


14h15 - 15h00       Dynamical systems for extreme eigenspace computations

                              Maziar Nikpour (CESAME, UCL, Belgium)


15h00 - 15h45       Dynamics of particle groups

                              Derek Paley (Princeton University, USA)


15h45 - 16h15       Coffee


16h15 - 17h00       Numerical algorithms as discrete-time control systems

                              Jens Jordan (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)

Organizers. Vincent Blondel (UCL), Rodolphe Sepulchre (ULg), Paul Van Dooren (UCL).

Practical details. The meeting will be held at CESAME, Euler Building, Université catholique de Louvain, 4, av. G. Lemaître, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The meeting is organized within the framework of the IUAP on V/22 on Dynamical Systems and Control. Registration is free but participants must register before July 12 by sending an email to: termolle@auto.ucl.ac.be. Travel instructions to the Euler Building can be found here.