Workshop on Large Networks



December 1, 2004


The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from UCL who are active in computational problems raised by large networks in order to encourage collaborations within UCL. Talks will be in tutorial format and will be widely accessible.




11h00 -12h15           Representing and aggregating preferences using random walks

                              François Glineur, INMA

                              Similarities in large graphs

                              Vincent Blondel, Paul Van Dooren, INMA

                              Collaborative filtering based on random walks on a graph

                              Marco Saerens, Alain Pirotte, Pierre Dupont, Francois Fouss, IAG and INGI

                              Graph problems in 3D image representations

                              P. Rondao, Benoît Macq, ELEC

                              Diameter and girth of large Cayley graphs: From expanders to cryptography

                              Jean-Jacques Quisquater, ELEC


12h00 - 14h00          Lunch


14h00 - 15h00          Random matrices and permutations

                              Pierre van Moerbeke, MATH

                              Stable traffic equilibria

                              Yurii Nesterov, INMA

                              A characterization of stochastically stable networks

                              Vincent Vannetelbosch, ECON

                              Computational economics in network based industries

                              Yves Smeers, INMA


15h00 – 15h15         Break


15h15 - 16h15          Issues and challenges in interdomain routing on the internet

                              Olivier Bonaventure, INGI

                              Intradomain traffic engineering with traditional IP routing protocols

                              Bernard Fortz, IAG

Congestion control in network systems

                              George Bastin, INMA

                              Flow optimisation in communications overs IP networks

                              Philippe Chevalier, Jean-François Macq, Benoît Macq, IAG and ELEC


16h15                     Open discussion



Organizers. Vincent Blondel, Yurii Nesterov, Paul Van Dooren.


Practical details. The meeting will be held on December 1, 2004 in the auditorium of the building EULER. The meeting is organized within the framework of the ARC on Algorithmic Challenges in Large Networks. Registration is free but participants must register before November 25 by sending an email to: Lunch will be offered to all registered participants.


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