Publications and Preprints
- Interacting phase fields yielding phase separation on surfaces
With Benjamin Lledos and Roberta Marziani (2024). (arXiv)
- Connecting disclinations by ridges
With Peter Gladbach. Preprint (2024). (arXiv)
- Phase separation on varying surfaces and convergence of diffuse interface approximations
With Matthias Röger. Calc. Var. PDE 62(9), 250, 2023. (arXiv)
- Consistent and convergent discretizations of
Helfrich-type energies on general meshes
With Peter Gladbach. Preprint (2023). (arXiv)
- Godunov variables and convex entropy for relativistic fluid dynamics with bulk viscosity
J. Math. Phys., 63(3), 2022 (arXiv)
- Approximation of the Willmore energy by a discrete geometry model
With Peter Gladbach. Adv. Calc. Var. 16(2), 403-424, 2023. (arXiv)
- Michell truss type theories as a Gamma-limit of optimal design in linear elasticity
Adv. Calc. Var. 15, 305-322, 2022. (arXiv)
- Variational competition between the full Hessian and its determinant for convex functions
With Peter Gladbach. Nonlinear Anal. 242,
113498, 2024. (arXiv)
- Coarea formulae and chain rules for the Jacobian determinant in
fractional Sobolev spaces
With Peter Gladbach. J. Funct. Anal. 278(2), 108312, 2020. (arXiv)
- On a Gamma-limit of Willmore functionals with additional curvature
penalization term
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 51(3), 2599–2632, 2019. (arXiv)
- On a boundary value problem for conically deformed thin elastic sheets
Anal. PDE 12(1), 245-258, 2019. (arXiv)
- Michell trusses in two dimensions as a Gamma-limit of optimal design
problems in linear elasticity
Calc. Var. PDE 56(166), 2018. (arXiv)
- The shape of low energy configurations of a thin elastic sheet with a
single disclination
Anal. PDE 11(5), 1285-1302, 2018. (arXiv)
- Extrinsic curvature of codimension
one isometric immersions with Hölder
continuous derivatives
With Sören Behr. Preprint, 2016. (arXiv)
- Symmetry breaking in indented elastic cones
With Sergio Conti and Ian Tobasco. Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. S. 27-2:291-321, 2017. (arXiv)
- Energy scaling law for a single disclination in a thin elastic sheet
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 224-3: 985-1019, 2017. (arXiv)
- Integrability of the Brouwer degree for irregular arguments
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non-linéaire 34-4:933-959, 2017. (arXiv)
- Energy scaling law for the regular cone
J. Nonlinear Sci. 26: 287-314, 2016. (arXiv)
- The one-dimensional model for d-cones revisited
Adv. Calc. Var., 9-3:201-216, 2016. (arXiv)
- Interpenetration of matter in plate theories obtained as Gamma-limits
With Eris Runa. ESAIM: COCV 23:119-136, 2017. (arXiv)
- Homogenization of the nonlinear bending theory for plates
With Stefan Neukamm. Calc. Var. PDE, 53:719-753, 2015. (arXiv)
- Almost conical deformations of thin sheets with rotational
With Stefan Müller. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 46-1: 25-44, 2014. (arXiv)
- Conical singularities in thin elastic sheets
With Stefan Müller. Calc. Var. PDE 49-3: 1177-1186, 2014. (arXiv)
- Perturbative quantum field theory via vertex algebras
With Stefan Hollands.
J. Math. Phys. 50:112304, 2009. (arXiv)
- States of low energy on Robertson-Walker spacetimes
Class. Quant. Grav. 24:5011-5030, 2007. (arXiv)
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