Research interests and work in progress
Research interests:
Labor economics, Microeconometrics, Policy evaluation.
Work in progress:
Scrapping the entitlement to unemployment benefits for young labor
market entrants : An effective way to get them to work ? (with Bart Cockx, Koen Declercq, Leda Inga and Bruno Van der Linden)
2. Losing future entitlement to unemployment benefits. Impact on
educational attaintment (with Bart Cockx and Koen Declercq)
3. Pathways to retirement insensitive to rises in the statutory
retirement age for women. Should it be bad news? (with Bart Cockx and
Corinna Ghirelli)
4. Massive hiring subsidies for disadvantaged youth after the Great
Recession: net impact and neighbor spillover effects (with Andrea
Albanese and Bart Cockx)
5. Labour market integration of low-skilled youths in Wallonia: The
role of information, income support and hiring subsidies (with Koen
Declercq, Matthieu Delpierre and Mathilde Pourtois)
6. Raising unemployment benefits at the start and reducing them at the
end: does it bring unemployed back to work? (with Nathan Lachapelle)
Short bio: Belgian, born on January 23, 1975; in couple with 3 boys (17
& 15 & 7 yrs).
Place Montesquieu, 3 bte L2.06.01; B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
Office D-118 (first floor) ; Phone: + 32-10-47.41.00
E-mail :
Ph. D. in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain (2002).
M.A. in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain (1997).
contracts (since 2006)
Belgian Short-time Work scheme: Economic and Psychological Impacts"
(BESWEP), Belgian Science Policy, Brussels, 2021-2025. With Pierre
Cahuc (Sciences Po, Paris), Bart Cockx (UGent), Nele De Cuyper (KU
Leuven), Hans De Witte (KU Leuven) and Florence Stinglhamber
Project description.
Market Integration of Low-Skilled Youths in Wallonia: The Role of
Information, Income Support and Hiring Subsidies, IWEPS (doctoral
fellowship IPRA), 2019-2023. With Matthieu Delpierre.
Benefits for Youth: Does it Bring Jobs or Just Misery?, National Bank
of Belgium, 2017-2021. With Bart Cockx and Bruno Van der Linden.
femmes et emploi: une évaluation” / “Age, women and
an evaluation” (WOLDEMP), Belgian Science Policy, Brussels, 2012-2017.
With Bart Cockx and Bruno Van der Linden.
Les soutiens financiers à la création d’emploi", Etude pour la Maison des Entreprises wallonnes ASBL, 2012-2013. With Bruno Van der Linden.
Communiqué de presse (21/02/2013).
du comportement de recherche d’emploi" / "Evaluation of the
activation of job-seeking behaviour" (SUIVICHO), Belgian Science
Policy, Brussels, 2006-2010. With Bart Cockx, Andrey Launov (U. Mainz)
and Muriel Dejemeppe.
nouveau système de suivi des chômeurs: une évaluation",
Science Policy, Brussels, 2005-2006. With Bart Cockx, Anne Defourny and
Bruno Van der Linden.
students (since 2007)
As (co-)supervisor- Douglas Amouli (since 2020). With Frédéric Docquier (LISER, Luxembourg).
- Nathan
Lachapelle (since 2018), "The variations in the time profil of
unemployment benefis: does it affect the probability of employment and
the risk of poverty?".
- Mathilde Pourtois (since 2019), "Labour market integration of
low-skilled youths in Wallonia: The role of information, income support
and hiring subsidies". With Matthieu Delpierre (IWEPS).
- Tiziano Tonolio (since 2020). With Bruno Van der Linden (UCLouvain).
Supervisor of the following student who has completed a Ph. D. dissertation
Marco Pecoraro (2013),
"Incidence and wage effects of educational mismatch in the Swiss labour
market”, Ph.D. thesis, Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et
politiques, Université catholique de Louvain, Nouvelle Série-N°709,
Louvain-la-Neuve : CIACO. Supervision with Bruno Van der Linden.
As jury member
Dalal Moosa (Ph. D. in Economics, Université
catholique de
Louvain & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne , 2019),
Andras Gregor (Ph. D. in Economics, Université
catholique de
Louvain, 2019), Mery Ferando (Ph. D. in Economics, Université
catholique de
Louvain, 2018), Èric Roca Fernández (Ph. D. in Economics, Université
catholique de
Louvain, 2018),
Yannick Thuy (Ph. D. in Economics, University of Gent, 2016), Olivier Brolis (Ph. D. in Economics, Université
catholique de
Louvain, 2015), Ana
Maria Diaz Escobar (Ph. D. in Economics, Université
catholique de
Louvain, 2011), Pavlina Karasiotou (Ph. D. in Economics, Université
catholique de Louvain, 2010),
Picchio (Ph. D. in Economics,
Université catholique de Louvain, 2009),
Paolo Naticchioni (Ph.
D. in
Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, 2008),
(Ph. D. in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, 2007),
Göbel (Ph. D. in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain,
with decision-makers
- Co-editor of Regards
économiques, a publication of the
economists from the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium).
Regards Economiques publishes (mostly in French) economic analyses on
various socio-economic issues in a pedagogical and non-technical
language in order to reach a large audience.
- Board member of the Société Royale d’Economie Politique de Belgique.