Note that
Some events:
2-7 February 2020
Dynamics in Geometric Dispersive Equations and the Effects of Trapping, Scattering and Weak Turbulence (20w5013), Banff, Canada
27 April -1 May 2020
Workshop on Integrable Systems and Orthogonal Polynomials - Numerical and Analytical Perspectives, South Africa
11-15 May 2020 School Methods of Random Matrix Theory and Applications, LMS Ressearch School, University of Reading, UK
19-23 May, 2020 Nonlinear dynamics and long-time asymptotics, Conference in memory of Vladimir S.Buslaev, St.Petersburg
24-30 May 2020 Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations, Oberwolfach, Germany
25-29 May 2020 RMTA-2020: Random Matrices and Their Applications, New York
5-9 June 2020 13th AIMS conference on dynamical systems, differential equations and applications, Atlanta, USA
15-19 June, 2020
, Kharkiv, Ukraine
20-22 June, 2020 Asymptotic methods in Math Phys, in memory of Vladimir Buslaev, St.Petersburg
23-28 June 2020
Tenth Workshop "Group Analysis of Differential Equations and Integrable Systems", Ukraine and Cyprus,
5-11 July 2020 8th European congress of mathematics, Portorož, Slovenia
6-10 July 2020 ISQS27-2020 meeting in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
6 July -18 December 2020 Dispersive hydrodynamics: mathematics, simulation and experiments, with applications in nonlinear waves, Newton Institute, UK
12-17 July, 2020 Complex Analysis, Spectral Theory and Approximation meet in Linz, Johannes Keppler University, Linz, Austria
13-17 July 2020 Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics, in memory of Boris Dubrovin, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
19-24 July, 2020
Singularity Formation in Nonlinear PDEs (20w5070), Banff, Canada
27-30 July 2020 SIAM conference on nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Bremen, Germany
Aug 31-Sep 4, 2020 Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems(RAQIS), Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de
Physique Théorique, Annecy-le-Vieux, France
7-10 September 2020 Differential Equations and Applications, Brno, Czech Republic
18-22 October 2021 Integrable structures in random matrix theory and beyond, MSRI, USA
Some links:
mathmeetings calendar
CIRM, Luminy, France
BIRS calendar, Banff, Canada
EMS calendar
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
SIAM calendar
COMS conference listing
Oberwolfach calendar
AMS calendar
Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research
Some useful and interesting links.
programming mfti Link 2
Link 3: chat server
sympy python tutorial
programming e-maxx
drop-down text html
Some openings
Bristol 15 Nov 2019- 6 Jan 2020
Bristol 15 Nov 2019- 6 Jan 2020
Bremen 26 Nov - 31 Dec 2019
SCAS 16 Nov 2019- 13 Jan 2020
Pisa 30 Dec 2019
Some offtopic:
is a translation of
this or vice versa.
Some reading.
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O zhenshinax
O tom kak stat rykovoditelem
O voprose a eshe
O samochyvstvii
Ob obratnoj svyazi
O tom kak davat feedback samomy sebe
O sobesedovaniyax
O raznice mezhdy xochy i mogy
O sile voli
Kak dela