Groupe de Travail: Categorification

  • 2016-17 Hopfological Algebra UCL/ULB (organizers: Pedro Vaz (UCL), Joost Vercruysse (ULB), Jonathan Grant (ULB))


1. Khovanov, Mikhail: Hopfological algebra and categorification at a root of unity: the first steps. J. Knot Theory Ramifications 25 (2016), no. 3, 1640006, 26 pp.

Published version (JKTR)


2. Khovanov, Mikhail and Qi, You: An approach to categorification of some small quantum groups. Quantum Topol. 6 (2015), no. 2, 185-311.

Published version (QT)


3. Qi, You: Hopfological algebra. Columbia University; PhD Thesis (2013).


(smaller) Published version (Compositio Math.)


5 Oct 2016 15h00 Room 2NO 906 (ULB) Jonathan Grant
First steps in Hopfological algebra
19 Oct 2016 14h00 Room CYCL07 (UCL) Jonathan Grant
First steps in Hopfological algebra, part II
8 Nov 2016 9h30 Salle des profs (ULB) Adam-Christiaan Van Roosmalen
Comodule algebras and derived categories
23 Nov 2016 13h00 Room: CYCL08 (UCL) Adam-Christiaan Van Roosmalen
Comodule algebras and derived categories, part II
8 Dec 2016 14h30 Room: O.7.109 Salle Debever (ULB) Grégoire Naisse
p-Homological Algebra