A few ideas of project for LINFO2402. Note that I’m not a teacher for the course; I merely provide a list of ideas for projects in my area or of general interest. As a reminder, students cannot select Open Source project from UCLouvain, so those are external projects where you could do something meaningful enough in 140hours:
- Moodle ! You’ve been using it for years. In a month as Assistant Professor I already have 72 ideas of improvement, so you must have some too 🙂 ➡ https://tracker.moodle.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa
- Unikraft is a good system project! A lightweight VM system, with a kernel built for a single app with just what is needed. Made by some very strong researchers ➡ https://github.com/unikraft/unikraft They’ll be looking for integration of libraries, for more examples, … There are a lot of easy paths to enter!
- HomeAssistant is a home automation software to handle home automation. It contains a lot of components already but is missing particularly integration with local providers. For instance, there is no integration with the TEC service, the SNCB one lacks the ability to provide the future trains, …
- GEM5 : not the easiest one, but it is a strong CPU simulator. You might start with some issues at https://gem5.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/GEM5/issues/?filter=allissues there might be simple things.
- DPDK is a huge project for software packet processing. You can ask directly on the Slack if there’s something not too hard to implement that just needs to be done.
- Picoquic is a QUIC stack. It could surely have a few more example applications, like a proxy. Contact Christian Huitema on its github for ideas.
- VPP is a software router. You might want to contact authors to see if there’s something easy enough to be done in the allowed time frame. I suspect they have something simple to do that nobody just takes the time to do 🙂
Other sources:
- https://next.redhat.com/projects-full/
- The ToR project has some “first time contributor” label in their projects to start with : https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/team/-/issues/?label_name%5B%5D=First%20Contribution