Vincent Legat
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Louvain School of Engineering
Université catholique de Louvain

E-mail: vincent(dot)legat(at)uclouvain(dot)be

  Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil engineering
  Head of Applied Mechanics and Mathematics Division

  Avenue Georges Lemaître, 4,
  B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
  Secretariat: +32 10 47 23 50, Fax: +32 10 47 21 80

My research field is computational physics applied to materials engineering, fluid mechanics, oceanography and integrated modeling of natural and anthropogenic effects. The basic objective is the development of mathematical models and numerical tools for predicting the behaviour of complex systems. I also started a research work in unstructured-mesh numerical oceanography. Though ocean modelling made huge progress since Bryan's pioneering work, the basic aspects of most models have remained similar to those of Bryan's: finite difference techniques are still implemented on structured grids. Unstructured mesh offer much more flexibility than structured ones. Since it is most probably impossible to modify step by step a structured-grid model to obtain an unstructured-grid one, a revolution -- rather than an evolution -- is needed in ocean model design, paving the way for the second generation of ocean models.

SLIM : Second-generation Louvain-la-neuve Ice-ocean Model

Immersed granular flows are daily used in many industrial processes. Avalanches, lava flows and transport of marine sediments involve fluid-grains mixtures. The great inhomogeneity that can be encountered in immersed granular flows and the influence of these inhomogeneities are mainly responsible to the lack of knowledge. Developing a fast asoftware to compute immersed granular flows can improve processes in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical and agro-food industries as well as to understand many natural phenomena.

MigFlow : Immersed granular flows


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Google Scholar bibliometric data : 3865 citations; h-index : 40; i10-index : 69
ORCID-ID : 0000-0002-1152-944X

Education and biography

2010-Present   Full professor Professeur ordinaire, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (EPL-UCL), Belgium
2004-2010   Professor Professeur, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (EPL-UCL), Belgium
2002-2008 Invited Professor Gasthoogleraar, Faculteit Toegepaste Wetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium
1993-2004   Lecturer Chargé de cours, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (EPL-UCL), Belgium
1994-1999 Research Associate NFSR Chercheur Qualifié FNRS, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (EPL-UCL), Belgium
1993-1994 Senior Research Assistant NFSR Chargé de Recherches FNRS, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (EPL-UCL), Belgium
1992-1993 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Oden Institute, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA
1988-1992 Research Assistant NFSR Aspirant FNRS, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (EPL-UCL), Belgium
1992 PhD in Applied Mechanics (advisors: Prof. M.J. Crochet - Dr. J.M. Marchal), UCL, Belgium
1987 Ingénieur civil en mathématiques appliquées, UCL, Belgium


Horaire   Horaire   LEPL1104 : Méthodes numériques
Horaire   Horaire   LEPL1110 : Introduction aux éléments finis
Horaire   Horaire   LEPL1201 : Physique 1
Horaire   Horaire   MECA2300 : Advanced numerical methods
Horaire   Horaire   MECA2170 : Numerical geometry
Horaire   Horaire   LFSM1105 : Physique
Horaire   Horaire   MECA1321 : Mécanique des fluides et transfert 1
Horaire   Horaire   PHYS1213 : Physique des fluides

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