# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PYTHON for DUMMIES 19-20
# Shooting technique
# Vincent Legat - 2018
# Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

from numpy import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None'
# plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'lavender'
# plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'lavender'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -1- Intégration de la trajectoire de l'obus
#           dxdt(t) = u(t)
#           dudt(t) = - gamma*u(t)
#           dydt(t) = v(t)
#           dvdt(t) = - 9.81 - gamma*v(t)

def f(u):
  friction = 0.1 * sqrt(u[1]*u[1]+u[3]*u[3])
  dxdt =   u[1]
  dudt =   - friction *u[1] 
  dydt =   u[3] 
  dvdt =   -9.81 - friction * u[3]
  return array([dxdt,dudt,dydt,dvdt])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------    
# -2- Schema de Runge-Kutta classique d'ordre 4
def rungekutta(a,h):
  imax = int(8/h)
  u = a * cos(pi/4)
  v = a * sin(pi/4)
  X = arange(imax+1)*h
  U = zeros((imax+1,4)); U[0,:] = [0,u,0,v]
  i = 0
  while (U[i,2] >= 0) and (i < imax) :
    K1 = f(U[i,:]       )
    K2 = f(U[i,:]+K1*h/2)
    K3 = f(U[i,:]+K2*h/2)
    K4 = f(U[i,:]+K3*h  )
    U[i+1,:] = U[i,:] + h*(K1+2*K2+2*K3+K4)/6  
    i = i+1
  return i,X,U

# -3- Méthode de bissection 

def shoot(a,h):
  i,X,U = rungekutta(a,h)
  return (35-U[i,0])
def shootingMethod(h,tol):
  n = 1; nmax = 40;
  a = 100;  fa = shoot(a,h)
  b = 2000; fb = shoot(b,h)
  n = 0; delta = (b-a)/2; x = a;
  if (fa*fb > 0) :
    raise RuntimeError('Bad initial interval') 
  while (abs(delta) >= tol and n <= nmax) :
    delta = (b-a)/2; n = n + 1;
    x = a + delta; fx = shoot(x,h)
    print(" x = %14.7e (Estimated error %13.7e at iteration %d)" % (x,abs(delta),n))
    if (fx*fa > 0) :
      a = x;  fa = fx
    else :
      b = x;  fb = fx
    if (n > nmax) :
      raise RuntimeError('Too much iterations') 
  return x

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------    

fig = plt.figure("Shooting techniques")
h   = 0.01
tol = 1e-1
a = shootingMethod(h,tol)
i,X,U = rungekutta(a,h)

print(" ============ Final value for x(%f) = %.4f " % (X[i],U[i,0]))