
# Class and explicit integrators for ODE
# Vincent Legat - 2018
# Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain

from numpy import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# ============================= a so simple class ! =======================

class ExplMethods(object):
  "Class of explicit integrators for ODE equations"
# Un constructeur qui est exécuté automatiquement lorsqu'on instancie un
# nouvel objet de la classe : il s'appelle obligatoirement __init__()
  def __init__(self,name,color,f):
    self.name = name
    self.f = f
    self.color = color

# ============================= mainProgram ===============================

integrators = [ExplMethods("Explicit Euler order 1",".-b",
                      lambda u,x,h : h*(x-u)/2  ),
               ExplMethods("Explicit Taylor order 4",".-r",
                      lambda u,x,h : h*(x-u)/2+(2-x+u)*((h**2)/8-(h**3)/48+(h**4)/384) ) ]

u = lambda x : 3*exp(-x/2)-2+x
Xstart = 0; Xend = 3; Ustart = 1; 

for integrator in integrators:
  print(" ====== %s method=====" % integrator.name)
  error = zeros(4)
  for j in range(4):
    n = 3*pow(2,j)  
    h = (Xend-Xstart)/n
    X = linspace(Xstart,Xend,n+1)
    U = zeros(n+1); U[0] = Ustart
    for i in range(n):
      U[i+1] =  U[i] + integrator.f(U[i],X[i],h)
    error[j] = abs(U[-1]-u(Xend))
    print(" ==== %s : h=%5.3f : eh(Xend) = %8.2e " % (integrator.name,h,error[j]))
  order = mean(log(error[:-1]/error[1:])/log(2))
  print(" ============= Estimated order : %.4f " % order)