Workshop on Firm-Level Analysis of Labour issues, Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL-Belgium), May 28, 2014

Keynote speaker: Alexander Hijzen (OECD-IZA) 
on "The Role of Institutions and Firm Heterogeneity for Labour Market Adjustments: Cross-Country Firm-Level Evidence"

We are pleased to invite you to the one-day workshop on Firm-Level Analysis of Labour Issues to be held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, on May 28, 2014. The growing availability of good-quality firm-level longitudinal data - many of them providing information on the characteristics of both employees and their workplaces -  has created opportunities for the analysis of  key areas of labour market functioning and policy. Such data sets enable researchers to consider  a large set of topical issues: the impact of labour characteristics (education, age, gender, part- vs. full-time assignment) on productivity and employability, the magnitude of gender wage discrimination, the importance and consequences of job turnover, the link between company-based training  productivity and pay, the origins of  regional unemployment asymmetries, the employment vs pay response to output shocks  ... The purpose of this one-day workshop is to assemble the best and most recent contributions of researchers active in this area.



Collège J. Leclerq (ground floor, room LECL 61)
Place Montesquieu, 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) (see map)

Organising committee

Prof. Vincent Vandenberghe (UCL- vincent.vandenberghe@uclouvain.be), Lara Lebedinski  (UCL- Lara.lebedinski@uclouvain.be), Giulia Specchia (UCL- giulia.specchia@uclouvain.be), Claudine Stage (claudine.stage@uclouvain.be)

Scientific committee

Prof. Joseph Koenings (KULeuven)
Prof. F. Rycx (ULB)
Prof. Vincent Vandenberghe (UCL)

Funding for this event is provided by IRES and  the Belgian Federal Government - SPP Politique scientifique, programme "Société et Avenir",EmployMENT , DISCRIMINATION , POVERTY (EDIPO),  research contract TA/00/46



PROGRAMME (9 am-5.15 pm)  
Workshop on Firm-Level Analysis of Labour issues, Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL-Belgium), May 28, 2014

Collège J. Leclerq (ground floor, room LECL 61)
Place Montesquieu, 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) (see map)

Morning  Session (9.00 am- 12.30 am) - ROOM LECL61 - chair: V.Vandenberghe & F. Rycx

- Welcome of  participants (9-9.10 am)

- Paper 1.  Worker reallocation around ownership change and its implications for wages and job tenure (Ragnhild Balsvik, Norwegian School of Economics) pdf
- Paper 2.  Not In My Community: Social Pressure and the Geography of Dismissals (Andrea Bassanini, OECD-IZA)

Morning coffee break (10.45-10.55 am) 

- Paper 3.  Educational Mismatch and Firm Productivity:Do Skills, Technology and Uncertainty Matter? (François Rycx, ULB, & Guillaume Vermeylen, Université de Mons) pdf
- Paper 4. The Role of Institutions and Firm Heterogeneity for Labour Market Adjustments: Cross-Country Firm-Level Evidence   (Alexander Hijzen, OECD-IZA)   KEYNOTE PAPER  pdf

Lunch (12.30 am -1.15 pm) - IRES coffee loundge (ground floor, Dupriez Building, 3 place Montesquieu)

Poster Session (1.20-2.10 pm) -   ROOM LECL 51-52 and LECL HALL
Are human capital costs associated with bankruptcy large enough to be a disincentive for unlisted firms to use more debt? An Empirical Analysis (Balbinder Singh Gill, Ghent University) pdf
- Better Workers Move to Better Firms:A Simple Test to Identify Sorting (Francesco Devicienti, University of Turin) pdf
- Decomposition Of Gender Wage Differential By Employer Size (Syeda Batool, University  of  Paris-1 & Paris  School  of  Economics) pdf
- The Performance Pay Premium: How Big Is It and Does It Affect Wage Dispersion?   (Lucy Stokes, John Forth, Alex Bryson, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, UK)
- Are Firms Paying More For Performance?    (Lucy Stokes, John Forth, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, UK) pdf
- The impact of overeducated and undereducated workers on firms’ productivity. First evidence for Germany (Philipp Grunau, Institute for Employment Research, Nurenberg)
- Do Internal Labour Markets Protect the Unskilled from Low Payment? Evidence from Germany (Clemens Ohlert,  University of Hamburg,
Holger Lengfeld, University of Leipzig) pdf
- Hiring Discrimination Based On National Origin And Competition Between The Employed And Unemployed Job Seekers (Guillaume Pierne, Centre  d’Etudes  des  Politiques  Économiques  de  l’Université  d’Evry)

Afternoon parallel sessions - part 1 (2.10-3.35 pm)

Session A - ROOM LECL93 chair: A. Aubry
Paper 5. Assessing human capital theory using firm-level evidence. The Missing Link  (Vincent Vandenberghe, IRES-UCL) pdf
Paper 6.  Effects of Performance Related Pay on productivity and wages: a quantile regression analysis of the Italian firms (Fabrizio Pompei, University of Perugia, Mirella Damiani, University of Perugia, Andrea Ricci, ISFOL) pdf
Session B - ROOM LECL60 chair: L. Lebedinski
Paper 7. Allocation of human capital and innovation at the frontier:Firm-level evidence on Germany and the Netherlands  (Sabien Dobbelaere, VU University Amsterdam, Tinbergen Inst.-IZA) pdf
Paper 8. How Does Labor Demand React to Changes in the Supply of Skills? Evidence from Schooling Reforms (Kai Liu, Norwegian School of Economics)

Session C - ROOM LECL61 chair:  A. Ariu
Paper 9. Plant-level Productivity in A Declining Market: The Case of Union Locals  (Thomas Breda, Paris School of Economics- CEP) pdf
Paper 10. Job creation, firm creation, and de novo entry  (Johannes VanBiesebroeck/Karen Geurts, KULeuven)

Afternoon break (3.35-3.45 pm)

Afternoon parallel sessions - part 2 (3.45- 5.15 pm)

Session D - ROOM LECL60 chair:  S. Blanas
Paper 11. Spillovers From Multinationals to Domestic Firms: An Empirical Analysis of the Profitability Effects of Labour Flows (Pekka Ilmakunnas, Aalto University School of Business) pdf
Paper 12. Sequential Incentive Systems and Sorting: Evidence from a Downsizing Firm (Wolter Hassink, Utrecht University) pdf

Session E - ROOM LECL61 chair:  V. Vandenberghe
Paper 13. Educational Diversity and Knowledge Transfers via Inter-Firm Labor Mobility (Marianna Marino, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) pdf
Paper 14. The Spatial Dimension of Internal Labor Markets (Jose Varejao, Universidade do Porto) pdf

NB: DINNER organizers + paper givers (7.00 - .... pm) at MADZEBU (place de l'université 14, B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) , see map)


Workshop on Firm-Level Analysis of Labour issues, Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL-Belgium), May 28, 2014


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