ARC Project on Sustainability (2009-2014)

Forthcoming Events

This project ended in September 2014. See past events


Five year interdisciplinary project on issues of sustainability starting October 1 2009. Topics to be investigated include specific issues relevant to intergenerational justice, sustainability criteria and Pontryagin optimality, optimal population size, population composition and dynamics, population policy, the problem of short-termism, the choice by firms of sustainable technology.

Short description: file

Full project: file


Thesis Defenses

Fabien Ngendakuriyo, Essays on Development Economics: Institutions and Technology Adoption

these Fabien

Paolo Melindi Ghidi, The Dynamics of Inequality, Minorities and School Choice

these Paolo

Paolo Piacquadio, Essays on Intergenerational Justice

these Paolo P these Paolo P

Paula Gobbi, Parenthood Decisions and the Transformation of the Family Structure

these Paula

Olivier Sterck, Essays in Development Economics: Conflict Resolution Mechanisms and Epidemics

these Olivier

Bastien Chabé-Ferret, Three Essays on the Fertility of Minority Groups

these Bastien

Emeline Bezin, Dynamique des préférences et impact sur les équilibres économiques (co-tutelle with Rennes)

Past Events

October 5, 2010, 12h15, Launching Lunch.

October 8, 12h50, Thomas Baudin, Family Policies: What Does The Standard Endogenous Fertility Model Tell Us?, IRES Research Seminar

October 8, 14h00, Axel Gosseries, Demographic Choices and Climatic Justice, Environmental Economics Seminar, CORE, room b-101 (or b-135 when specified).

October 20, 12h50, David de la Croix, An integrated model of brain drain and economic development, Macroeconomics Lunch Seminar, IRES, room d-350.

October 21, Paolo Piacquadio, Egalitarianism in Dynamic Models: An Impossibility Result, IAP day in Leuven (10h-17h30)

October 26, 12h30, Paolo Piacquadio, Intergenerational Egalitarianism and Growth, lunch seminar welfare economics, CORE.

November 12, 12h45, Matteo Cervellati, Life Expectancy and Economic Growth: The Role of The Demographic Transition

November 19, 12h45, Alessandro Sommacal (University of Verona) Interregional transmission of skills during childhood and optimal fiscal policy, IRES Research Seminar.

January 29
André Masson will present in English the main insights from his new French book: Des liens et des transferts entre générations
9h30 part 1, 10h15 Coffee Break, 10h30 part 2, 11h15 Debate, 11h45 Bonus presentation by Nicholas Vrousalis, 12h30 Lunch

February 25, 12h45, A. Schoonbroodt (Southampton), IRES Research seminar.

March 16-19, Workshop on Overlapping Generations: Population and Environment Dynamics, Vielsalm. Call for papers. New: Program Pictures

Social Choice and Welfare Economics, 29 March, Thomas Baudin on "Optimal Tradeoff Between Quality and Quantity With Uncertain Child Survival"

March 29, 2010 16h, Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, (Technische Universität Wien), Externalities in a life-cycle model with endogenous survival

May 18, Macro Lunch Seminar Thomas Baudin on "DINKS, DEWKS and CO."

May 20, ARC Sustainability Workshop, Program, Pictures

June 10, Environmental Economics Seminar, Thomas Baudin on "Optimal Extraction Paths Under Endogenous Demographics"

June 16, internal workshop - Work-in-Progress Speed Presentations, Pictures
Paula Gobbi 14h00, Alexandre Berthe 14h20, Thomas Baudin 14h40, paolo piacquadio 15h00
Pierre Pecher 15h40,Nicholas Vrousalis 16h00, Paolo Melindi Ghidi 16h20, David de la Croix 16h40

June 22, evaluation meeting

ARC Lunchbag seminar (in French)
Oct 8 2010, 12h45-13h50, Salle Vives
Pierre-Yves Bonin, Professeur à l'UQTR, Picture

Oct 13 2010, One afternoon ARC Workshop on the Non-identity Problem by Melinda Roberts (College of New Jersey), 14h-16h Socrate 23

Nov 9,2010, Macro Lunch Seminar Olivier Sterck on "Political Economy of Geoengineering: How To Avoid A "Cold War" "

December 7 2010, Paula Gobbi on "A model of voluntary childlessness", Midi de la Recherche, Centre de recherche en démographie et société, 12h45, Lecl 190

December 14 2010, Macro Lunch Seminar David de la Croix and Axel Gosseries on "The Natalist Bias of Pollution Control"

December 16, 12h45, C. Zimmermann (Connecticut), IRES Research Seminar.

February 10, 12h45, M. Tertilt (Stanford and Mannheim), An Equilibrium Model of the African HIV/AIDS Epidemic, IRES Research seminar.

24-25 March 2011, worskhop on "Puzzles of Intergenerational Justice" organized by Nicholas Vrousalis Web page

19-20 May 2011, Conference on sustainable growth Program

May 24 (2pm)- May 27 (9am) 2011, Overlapping Generations Days, Vielsalm (Belgium). Participants: Bertrand Wigniolle, David de la Croix, Omar Licandro, Alice Schoonbroodt, Alexander Ludwig, Matteo Cervellati, Holger Strulik, Andreas Schäfer, Andreas Irmen, Hélène Latzer, Thomas Seegmuller, Grégory Ponthière Tim Buyse, Renaat Van de Kerckhove, Fabian Kindermann, Natacha Raffin, Victor Hiller, Thomas Baudin, Karine Constant, Burcu Afyonoglu, Davin Marion, Paula Gobbi Javier Olivera, Joël Machado, Robert Stelter, Paolo Piacquadio, Hippolyte d'Albis, Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa Pictures

June 2011. Defense of Fabien Ngendakuriyo's thesis

Speed presentations: June 28, 2011. 200pm: Olivier Sterck, 245pm: Nicholas Vrousalis, 330pm: David de la Croix and Fabio Mariani, 415pm Paolo Piacquadio.

Macro lunch seminar, September 21th, 2011: Olivier Sterk, Sustainability of the peace process in Burundi : who benefits from the demobilization program?

Macro lunch seminar, October 11th, 2011: Paolo Melindi Ghidi, Income Inequality, School Choice and the Endogenous Gentrification of U.S. Cities

Macro lunch seminar, November 8th, 2011: Fabio Mariani, From Polygamy to Serial Monogamy: a Unified Theory of Marriage Institutions

IRES Research Seminar, November 17, 2011, Nico Voigtlaender, UCLA, How the West 'Invented' Fertility Restriction

IRES Research Seminar, November 24, 2011, Rodriguo Soares, PUC Rio

Christmas meeting of Belgian economists, December 23, 2011, David de la Croix, DINKS, DEWKS and Co, Marriage, Fertility and Childlessness in the US

Macro lunch seminar January 10, 2012: Bastien Chabet-Ferret (IRES): "Cross-Race Differences in Fertility in the US"

Oded Galor's visit from Jan 24 to 27, and plenary lecture at the doctoral worskhop. (on the 27)

Paolo Melindi Ghidi's thesis defense, January 31, 15h

Oded Galor's visit from Jan 31 to Feb 2, with IRES research seminar on Feb 2

Workshop on optimal population, Feb 9, 2012
14h - 15h Paper 1: Paolo (discussant: Livio)
15h - 16h Paper 2: Gustaf (discussant: David)
16h-17h Paper 3: Tim (discussant: Fabio)
more. Pictures here

IRES Research seminar on Feb 23 by Frédéric Gaspart (UCL, ECRU) on Choosing the subscribers: Endogenous fertility and education with ascending altruism

IRES research seminar by Stephania Marcassa on March 1

Macro lunch seminar, March 27, Shoshana Grossbard (San Diego State University): "Economics of polygamy"
Shosana Grossbard

IRES research seminar by Nippe Lagerlof, on April 26

Macro lunch seminar, May 8, Emeline Bezin (INRA): "The evolution of environmental concern and the dynamics of pollution"

Workshop on sustainability and population change, May 21 and 22, 2012
Program here
Pictures here

Macro lunch seminar, September 25, David de la Croix: "The mean lifetime of famous people from Hammurabi to Einstein"

IRS research seminar by Gilles Saint Paul on October 18

IRS research seminar by Michelle Rendall on November 15

IRS research seminar by Alessia Russo on December 13

Macro lunch seminar by Paula Gobbi on February 12, 2013: Childcare and commitment within households

Macro lunch seminar by Robert Stelter on February 26, 2013: Over-aging: are present human populations too old?

Special seminar, March 11, 2013 - Matthias Doepke (Northwestern University) - "Parenting with Style: Altruism and Paternalism in Intergenerational Preference Transmission"

Macro lunch seminar, Mathias Doepke (Northwestern University) on March 12: Does Female Empowerment Promote Economic Development?

IRES Research Seminar - March 14, 2013 - Alexander Ludwig (University of Cologne) "A Life-Cycle Model with Ambiguous Survival Beliefs"

Macro lunch seminar, Hamzeh Arabzadeh Jamali (Paris School of Economics) Dutch Disease, Technology-Enhancing Public Investment in Dynamic Framework with Politico-Economic Equilibrium"

ARC-Sustainability Workshop: Procreative Responsibility and Population Size - April 25-26, 2013. salle du Sénat académique, Halles Universitaires, Place de l'Université, 1.

ARC Workshop on Financial and Political Short-termism May 14th 2013 - 14-16h. Salle Vivès, Chaire Hoover (D-305, Place Montesiqueu 3, Louvain-la-Neuve).

ARC-Sustainability Workshop: Developing Countries and Duties towards Future, 20-21 June 2013

IRS research seminar by Lars Lonstrup on November 28, 2013

Macro Lunch Seminar, December 17th : Bastien Chabé-Ferret (PSE), "A decomposition of the black-white fertility rate in the US"

IRS research seminar by Hippolyte d'Albis on February 13, 2014

IRS research seminar by John Knowles on February 20, 2014

Macro lunch by Nico Voigtlaender on April 1, 2014

IRS research seminar by Romain Wacziarg on May 8, 2014

ARC-Sustainability Workshop on Short Termism 24-25 May 2014 program

8th Louvain Symposium in Economic Dynamics Sustainability, Institutions and Development September 18-19-2014. program

Macro lunch seminar by Faustine Perrin (Strasbourg), Sept 23, 2014

Journal articles by subject (updated October 2014)

Intergenerational justice

Sustainability criteria and Pontryagin optimality

Optimal population size

Population composition and dynamics

Population policy


Sustainable technology

Sustainable institutions

Unpublished working papers

Noel Bonneuil and Raouf Boucekkine Optimal Transition To Renewable Energy With Threshold Of Irreversible Pollution

2013028 Raouf Boucekkine, Blanca Martinez and José Ramon Ruiz-tamarit Optimal Sustainable Policies Under Pollution Ceiling: The Demographic Side

2013020 Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Paolo Melindi Ghidi Voluntary Pooled Public Knowledge Goods and Coalition Formation

2013019 Gobbi, Paula Eugenia, Childcare and Commitment Within Households

2013012 Chabé-ferret, Bastien, The Importance Of Fertility Norms: New Evidence From France

2013011 Chabé-ferret, Bastien, Socioeconomic Characteristics, Fertility Norms and The Black-white Fertility Gap In The Us

201309 D'aoust, Olivia, Sterck, Olivier, Verwimp, Philip, Buying Peace: The Mirage Of Rebels' Reinsertion

201307 Granelli, Lucia, From The Eu Savings Directive To The Us Fatca, Taxing Cross Border Savings Income

2012052 David De La Croix David and Omar Licandro, The Longevity Of Famous People From Hammurabi To Einstein

2012015 Olivier Sterck and Olivia D'aoust, Who Benefits From Customary Justice? Rent-seeking, Bribery and Criminality In Sub-saharan Africa

2012013 Thomas Baudin, David De La Croix and Paula Gobbi, Dinks, Dewks and Co. Marriage, Fertility and Childlessness In The United States

2012006 Paolo Melindi Ghidi Income Inequality, School Choice and The Endogenous Gentrification Of Us Cities

2012005 David De La Croix and Fabio Mariani, From Polygyny To Serial Monogamy: A Unified Theory Of Marriage Institutions

2011035 Olivier Sterck Geoengineering As An Alternative To Mitigation: Specification and Dynamic Implications

2011024 Olivier Sterck Why Only One Individual Tests For Hiv/aids Among Sub-saharan African Couples?

2011018 Raouf Boucekkine, Giorgio Fabbri, Fausto Gozzi Life Span and The Problem Of Optimal Population Size

2010040 Fabien Ngendakuriyo Open Loop and Feedback Solutions To An Institutional Game Under Non-quadratic Preferences

2010011 Raouf Boucekkine, Benteng Zou Catching-up With The Locomotive: A Simple Theory

2010006 Carmen Camacho, I-ling Shen Public Education For The Children Left Behind


All publications of the team should include the following ackowledgment: "This research is part of the ARC project 09/14-018 on "sustainability" (French speaking community of Belgium)."

This does not prevent you from acknowledging other sources of funding.