The JCC research group is part of a team of four research groups (Prof. Xavier Gonze, Prof. Gian-Marco Rignanese and Prof. Geoffroy Hautier) focusing on ab initio modeling within the Institute of Condensed Matter at the Université catholique de Louvain. These four research groups share offices and collaborate extensively, including also other internal ongoing collaborations within UCL [ Profs. Benoît Hackens, Sorin Melinte, Thomas Pardoen (IMMC), Jean-Pierre Raskin (ICTM), Jean-François Gohy ] as well as external collaborations with various international groups from different universities all over the world.
National Collaborators :
Dr. David Beljonne | U-Mons, Belgium |
Profs. Luc Henrard and Philippe Lambin | U-Namur, Belgium |
Prof. François Peeters | University of Antwerpen, Belgium |
Prof. Matthieu Verstraete | ULg, Belgium |
International Collaborators :
Prof. Pulickel M. Ajayan | Rice University, Houston, TX, USA |
Dr. Florian Banhart | University of Strasbourg, France |
Dr. Xavier Blase | CNRS – Institut Néel, Grenoble, France |
Prof. Roberto Car | Princeton University, USA |
Prof. Alessandro De Vita | King’s College London, UK |
Prof. Ph. Dollfus | CNRS – Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France |
Prof. Millie S. Dresselhaus | MIT, Cambridge, USA |
Prof. Thomas W. Ebbesen | University of Strasbourg, France |
Prof. Morinobu Endo | Sinshu University, Nagano, Japan |
Dr. Chris Ewels | CNRS – IMN, Nantes, France |
Prof. Andrea C. Ferrari | University of Cambridge, UK |
Prof. Sumio Iijima | NEC & Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan |
Prof. Ado Jorio | University of Belo Horizonte, Brazil |
Prof. Hafid Khalfoun | Université Hassiba Benbouali, Chlef, Algeria |
Dr. Annick Loiseau | CNRS – ONERA, Châtillon, France |
Prof. F. Lopez-Urias | IPICYT, San Luis Potosi, Mexico |
Prof. Hari Manoharan | Stanford University, USA |
Prof. Vincent Meunier | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA |
Dr. Marc Monthioux | CNRS – Université de Toulouse, France |
Dr. Yann-Michel Niquet | CEA, Grenoble, France |
Prof. Konstantin S. Novoselov | University of Manchester, UK |
Prof. Pablo Ordejon | Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology, Barcelona, Spain |
Prof. Alfredo Pasquarello | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Prof. Michael C. Payne | University of Cambridge, UK |
Prof. Marcos A. Pimenta | University of Belo Horizonte, Brazil |
Prof. Stephan Roche | Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology, Barcelona, Spain |
Prof. Riichiro Saito Tohoku | University, Sendai, Japan |
Prof. Humberto Terrones | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA |
Prof. Mauricio Terrones | Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA |
FNRS / CONACYT bilateral scientific collaborations (2016 – 2017) with the group of Profs F. Lopez-Urias and E. Munoz-Sandoval from the Advanced Materials Department of the IPICYT in San Luis Potosi (Mexico)