- Advances in Applied Probability, forthcoming. and (2024) “Max-linear graphical models with heavy-tailed factors on trees of transitive tournaments”,
- Extremes 26, 433–468. and (2023) “Extremes of Markov random fields on block graphs: max-stable limits and structured Hüsler–Reiss distributions”,
- Bernoulli 29(4), 2797–2827. , , , and (2023) “Concentration bounds for the empirical angular measure with statistical learning applications”,
- Electronic Journal of Statistics 17(1), 1113–1159. , and (2023) “Tail inference using extreme U-statistics”,
- Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 59(1), 53–78. , and (2023) “Risk bounds when learning infinitely many response functions by ordinary linear regression”,
- Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 11842–11853. , , and (2022) “A quadrature rule combining control variates and adaptive importance sampling”,
- Statistics & Probability Letters 189, 109610. , and (2022) “Uniform concentration bounds for frequencies of rare events”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 104912. and (2022) “Measuring dependence between random vectors via optimal transport”,
- Extremes 24, 461–500. , and (2021) “Inference on extremal dependence in a latent Markov tree model attracted to a Hüsler–Reiss distribution”,
- The Annals of Statistics, forthcoming. and (2021) “Empirical tail copulas for functional data”,
- Statistics and Computing, forthcoming. , and (2021) “Control variate selection for Monte Carlo integration”,
- Statistics & Probability Letters 173, forthcoming. and (2021) “Maxima and near-maxima of a Gaussian random assignment field”,
- Electronic Journal of Statistics 15(1), 1328–1371. , and (2021) “Multivariate goodness-of-fit tests based on Wasserstein distance”,
- Advances in Applied Probability 52(3), 855–878. (2020) “One- versus multi-component regular variation and extremes of Markov trees”,
- Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 20(1), 174–190. , , and (2020) “Bayesian model averaging over tree-based dependence structures for multivariate extremes”,
- Journal of Applied Probability 56, 1168–1186. and (2019) “Monte Carlo integration with a growing number of control variates”,
- Bernoulli 25, 375–394. , and (2019) “On the longest gap between power-rate arrivals”,
- Extremes 22, 193–222. , and (2019) “Identifying groups of variables with the potential of being large simultaneously”,
- Technometrics 61, 123–135. , , and (2019) “Peaks-Over-Thresholds Modeling with Multivariate Generalized Pareto Distribtions”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 166, 266–281. and (2018) “Weak convergence of the weighted empirical beta copula process”,
- Electronic Journal of Statistics 12, 1098–1125. and (2018) “Inference for heavy tailed stationary time series based on sliding blocks”,
- Bernoulli 24, 1427–1462. and (2018) “Maximum likelihood estimation for the Fréchet distribution based on block maxima extracted from a time series”,
- Journal of Econometrics 205, 508–525. , , and (2018) “Inference on the tail process with application to financial time series modelling”,
- Extremes 21, 205–233. , and (2018) “A continuous updating weighted least squares estimator of tail dependence in high dimensions”,
- Proceedings of the 2018 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2018 2018-January, 195–200. , , and (2018) “Gradient Importance Sampling: an Efficient Statistical Extraction Methodology of High-Sigma SRAM Dynamic Characteristics”,
- Extremes 21, 581–600. , and (2018) “An estimator of the stable tail dependence function based on the empirical beta copula”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 166, 160–181. and (2018) “On the weak convergence of the empirical conditional copula under a simplifying assumption”,
- Extremes 21, 115–145. , and (2018) “Multivariate peaks over thresholds models”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 165, 117–131. , and (2018) “Multivariate generalized Pareto distributions: parametrizations, representations, and properties”,
- BMC Public Health 18, 108. , , , , and (2018) “Heat and emergency room admissions in the Netherlands”,
- Extremes 20, 839–872. and (2017) “On the maximum likelihood estimator for the generalized extreme-value distribution”,
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 183, 1–17. , , , and (2017) “Multivariate Nonparametric Estimation of the Pickands Dependence Function using Bernstein Polynomials”,
- Journal of Applied Probability 54, 773–796. and (2017) “Marginal standardization of upper semicontinuous processes. With application to max-stable processes”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 155, 35–51. , and (2017) “The empirical beta copula”,
- Extremes 20, 539–566. , and (2017) “Polar decomposition of regularly varying time series in star-shaped metric spaces”,
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 183, 1–17. , , , and (2017) “Multivariate Nonparametric Estimation of the Pickands Dependence Function using Bernstein Polynomials”,
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) 78, 275–298. , , and (2016) “An M-estimator of spatial tail dependence”,
- Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 62, 162–172. , and (2015) “Max-factor individual risk models with application to credit portfolios”,
- Extremes 18, 369–402. , and (2015) “Statistics for tail processes of Markov chains”,
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 84, 1–13. and (2015) “Nonparametric estimation of pair-copula constructions with the empirical pair-copula”,
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 160, 23–34. (2015) “Hybrid copula estimators”,
- The Annals of Statistics 42, 1598–1634. , and (2014) “When uniform weak convergence fails: empirical processes for dependence functions and residuals via epi- and hypographs”,
- Extremes 17, 495–528. and (2014) “Extreme value copula estimation based on block maxima of a multivariate stationary time series”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 132, 111–128. , , and (2014) “Detecting changes in cross-sectional dependence in multivariate time series”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 123, 96–110. , and (2014) “Measuring association and dependence between random vectors”,
- Journal of Applied Probability 51, 1133–1153. and (2014) “Markov tail chains”,
- Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 72, 190–204. and (2014) “Nonparametric estimation of the tree structure of a nested Archimedean copula”,
- The Annals of Statistics 42, 1911–1940. , and (2014) “Semiparametric Gaussian copula models: Geometry and rank-based efficient estimation”,
- Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 42, 1176–1192. , , and (2013) “A Euclidean Likelihood Estimator for Bivariate Tail Dependence”,
- The Annals of Probability 40, 2008–2033. , and (2012) “A functional limit theorem for dependent sequences with infinite variance stable limits”,
- The Annals of Statistics 40, 1764–1793. , and (2012) “An M-estimator for tail dependence in arbitrary dimensions”,
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142, 3073–3085. and (2012) “Nonparametric estimation of multivariate extreme-value copulas”,
- Bernoulli 18, 764–782. (2012) “Asymptotics of empirical copula processes under nonrestrictive smoothness assumptions”,
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- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 102, 37–47. and (2011) “Nonparametric estimation of an extreme-value copula in arbitrary dimensions”,
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) 73, 377–406. , and (2011) “Non-parametric Bayesian inference on bivariate extremes”,
- The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39, 703–720. , and (2011) “Large-sample tests of extreme-value dependence for multivariate copulas”,
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- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101, 1837–1845. and (2010) “On the asymptotic covariance of the empirical copula process”,
- Banach Center Publications 90, 111–137. and (2010) “Generalised regular variation of arbitrary order”,
- Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 119, 1055–1080. and (2009) “Regularly varying multivariate time series”,
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 2800–2815. , and (2009) “Second-order refined peaks-over-threshold modelling for heavy-tailed distributions”,
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100, 1521–1537. and (2009) “Tails of multivariate Archimedean copulas”,
- The Annals of Statistics 37, 2953–2989. and (2009) “Maximum empirical likelihood estimation of the spectral measure of an extreme-value distribution”,
- Electronic Journal of Statistics 3, 993–1020. , and (2009) “A sliding blocks estimator for the extremal index”,
- The Annals of Statistics 37, 2990–3022. and (2009) “Rank-based inference for bivariate extreme-value copulas”,
- Statistics & Probability Letters 78, 412–419. and (2008) “Convergence of Archimedean copulas”,
- Bernoulli 14, 1003–1026. , and (2008) “A method of moments estimator of tail dependence”,
- The Canadian Journal of Statistics 36, 369–382. , and (2008) “Projection estimators of Pickands dependence functions”,
- Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 43, 85–92. and (2008) “Tails of random sums of a heavy-tailed number of light-tailed terms”,
- Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 40, 525–532. and (2007) “Lower tail dependence for Archimedean copulas: characterizations and pitfalls”,
- Bernoulli 13, 175–194. and (2007) “Assessing confidence intervals for the tail index by Edgeworth expansions for the Hill estimator”,
- Extremes 9, 213–229. , , and (2006) “Extremal indices, geometric ergodicity of Markov chains, and MCMC”,
- Journal of Applied Probability 43, 463–485. (2006) “Rare events, temporal dependence, and the extremal index”,
- Statistics & Probability Letters 74, 330–336. (2005) “Approximate distributions of clusters of extremes”,
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 128, 381–396. (2005) “Generalized Pickands estimators for the extreme value index”,
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) 65, 545–556. and (2003) “Inference for clusters of extreme values”,
- Advances in Applied Probability 35, 1028–1045. (2003) “Functionals of clusters of extremes”,
- Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 29, 461–483. (2002) “Abelian and Tauberian theorems on the bias of the Hill estimator”,
- Statistics & Probability Letters 53, 409–413. (2001) “On the normal uniform local domain of attraction for intermediate order statistics”,
- Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 98, 15–27. (2001) “Residual estimators”,
- Extremes 3, 291–303. and (2000) “Testing the Gumbel hypothesis by Galton's ratio”,
To download preprints and discussion papers, see my publication lists on arXiv, ResearchGate or Google Scholar.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0444-689X
- Statistics of Extremes: Theory and Applications, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. , , and (2004)
Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals
Book chapters
- Pioneering Works on Extreme Value Theory: In Honor of Masaaki Sibuya ( , and , eds.) Springer Nature, Singapore, 27–53. , and (2021) “Resampling procedures with empirical beta copulas”, in:
- Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis. Methods and Applications ( and , eds.) CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL, 353–376. , and (2016) “Nonparametric Estimation of Extremal Dependence”, in:
- Copula theory and its applications (Warsaw, 2009) ( , , and , eds.) Lecture Notes in Statistics – Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 127–146. and (2010) “Extreme-value copulas”, in:
- Topics in Extreme Values ( and , eds.) Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 181–203. (2007) “Non-parametric inference for bivariate extreme-value copulas”, in:
PhD thesis
- Extremes of a Random Sample: Limit Theorems and Applications, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2001-05-09, supervisor: . ,
Contributions to articles with discussion
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) 82(4), 926. (2020) “Discussion of « Graphical models for extremes » by S. Engelke and A.S. Hitz”,
- Extremes 21(3), 387–390. (2018) “Comments on « Human life is unlimited – but short » by H. Rootzén and D. Zholud”,
- Statistical Science 27(2), 193–196. (2012) “Nonparametric inference for max-stable dependence. Discussion of «Statistical modelling of spatial extremes» by Anthony C. Davison, Simone Padoan and Mathieu Ribatet”,
- TEST 20, 281–283. (2011) “Diagonal sections of bivariate Archimedean copulas. Discussion of «Inference in multivariate Archimedean copula models» by Christian Genest, Johanna Neslehova, and Johanna Ziegel”,
- Extremes 9, 51–53. (2006) “Discussion of «Copulas: Tales and Facts» by Thomas Mikosch”,
- North American Actuarial Journal 8, 108–111. , and (2004) “Discussion of «Generalized Pareto Fit to the Society of Actuaries' Large Claims Database» by A. Cebrián, M. Denuit and Ph. Lambert”,
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) 66, 542–543. (2004) “Discussion of «A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values» by J.E. Heffernan and J.A. Tawn”,
Book reviews
- Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, 863. (2009) “Review of: Markovich, N. (2009) Nonparametric Analysis of Univariate Heavy-Tailed Data: Research and Practice”,
- Extremes 4, 379–381. (2001) “A subtle art. Review of: Coles, S. (2001) An Introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values”,
Science vulgarisation
- Wilmott Magazine, 97–103. , and (March 2005) “Mandelbrot's Extremism”,
- De Actuaris, 39–41. and (November 2005) “Van observatie tot extrapolatie: gefundeerde methoden voor de analyse van extreme gebeurtenissen”,
- Medium Econometrische Toepassingen 13(1), 9–11. (2005) “Extreme-value copulas”,
- Defacto 18(2), 37–40. (2004) “Modelling Large Insurance Claims”,
- Nekst 13(1), 38–41. (2004) “Extreme-value copulas”,