Courses at UCLouvain (2023–2024)
Graduate teaching
- Graduate course "Empirical Processes with Applications in Statistics" (Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale, Programme Doctoral en Statistique et Probabilités Appliquées, Les Diablerets, Feb 4-5, 2020).
- Graduate course "Copulas: An Introduction" (Columbia University, Department of Statistics, Oct 9-11, 2013).
- Graduate course "Extreme Value Analysis" (21st Meeting of Dutch AiOs in Stochastics, Hilversum, May 13-14, 2013).
- Graduate course "Extremes of weakly dependent stationary sequences: clusters, tail processes, and point process convergence" (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Sep 10-11, 2012).
- Graduate course "Novelty detection and extreme value analysis" (UCL, Dec 6, 2010), together with David Clifton, for the Computational Intelligence and Learning doctoral school.
- President of the Ecole doctorale thématique en statistique et en sciences actuarielles
- ISBA representative at the Commission doctorale de domaine "Sciences et Sciences vétérinaires"
- Teaching Award 2006 "Kansrekening en Statistiek" (Tilburg University), together with John Einmahl and Ramon van den Akker
- Invited speaker at the Deuxième colloque francophone international sur l'enseignement de la statistique (CFIES'2010)