

Arxiv version:

(2021), P.-A. Absil, Ousmane Diao and Mouhamadou Diallo, Assessment of
COVID-19 hospitalization forecast from a simplified SIR model


(2023), Ousmane Diao, P.-A. Absil and Mouhamadou Diallo, Generalized Linear Models to Forecast Malaria Incidence in Three Endemic Regions of Senegal
Article published in Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, Volume 20, Issue 13, 6303, URL


1-(2020), Ousmane Diao, Mathematical modelling of malaria transmission taking into account the influence of current
prevention and treatment

Abstract link and Slides link
39th Benelux Meeting, Netherlands.

2-(2021), Ousmane Diao, An SIR-type model for COVID-19 hospitalization forecasts
Abstract link and Slides link
40th Benelux Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

3- (2022), Ousmane Diao, Modelling malaria incidence by a
generalized linear model based on meteorological factors
in three endemic regions, Senegal

Abstract link and Poster link
Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases EEID 2022.

4- (2022), Ousmane Diao, Saturated pluviometry as explanatory variable to forecast malaria incidence
Abstract link and Poster link
International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria (ICTMM), 24-28 October 2022, in the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Thailand.

5-(2023), Ousmane Diao, Optimization methods for generalized linear models
Abstract link and Slides link
42th Benelux Meeting, Netherlands.

Research interests

I am interested in the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases such as Malaria, particularly in Senegal, and more recently COVID-19.