H. van der Vorst, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Parallel Algorithms for Numerical Linear Algebra, Advances in Parallel
Computing, Vol 1, North Holland, 1990.

G. Golub, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Numerical Linear Algebra, Digital Signal Processing and Parallel Algorithms,
NATO-ASI Series, Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol 70, Springer Verlag, 1991.

R. Patel, A. Laub, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Numerical Linear Algebra Techniques for Systems and Control,
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P. Van Dooren, B. Wyman, (Eds.), Linear Algebra and Control Theory,  Proceedings IMA Workshop June 1992,

P. Van Dooren, A. Hadjidimos, H. van der Vorst, (Eds.), Numerical Analysis in the 20th Century, Vol. III, Linear
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S. Bhattacharya, R. Chan, V. Olshevsky, A. Routray, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals,
Systems and Control, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol. 80, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2011.

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J. Ball, L. Rodman, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.) Linear Algebra and its Applications Special Issue on Matrix Valued
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G. Ammar, V. Mehrmann, N. Nichols, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Linear Algebra and its Applications Special Issue
on Numerical Linear Algebra Methods in Control, Signals and Systems, Vol. 188/189, July 1993.

A. Bultheel, A. Magnus, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Numerical Analysis, Proceedings of a conference in honour of
Jean Meinguet, Belgian Mathematical Society, Dec. 1996.

V. Blondel, D. Hinrichsen, J. Rosenthal, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Linear Algebra and its Applications Special Issue
on Linear Systems and Control, Vol 351/352, Aug. 2002.

S. El Hajji, N. Revol, P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Linear Algebra and
Arithmetic, Rabat, Morocco, Journal Comp. Appl. Math., Vol 162, Elsevier, Jan. 2004.

B. De Moor, B. Motmans, J. Willems, P. Van Dooren, V. Blondel, (Eds.), CD-Rom Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, July 2004.

H. Bart, J. Brandts, A. Ran and P. Van Dooren, (Eds.), Linear Algebra and its Applications Special Issue, Proceedings
13th ILAS Conference, Amsterdam, Vol.429(5-6), 2008.

N. Mastronardi, G.H. Golub, S. Chandrasekaran, M. Moonen, P. Van Dooren, S. Van Huffel (Eds.), Numerical Linear
Algebra in Signal Processing Applications, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2007, Hindawi
Publications, 2007.

M. Van Barel, D. Bini, L. De Lathauwer, N. Mastronardi, A. Sartenaer, R. Vandebril and P. Van Dooren (Eds.), Special Section on Structured Numerical Linear Algebra and Multilinear Algebra Problems: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications,
Special Issue Journal of Computational and and Applied Mathematics, Vol.272, Dec. 2014.

LAA Spec Issue 2   Meinguet   LAA Spec Issue 3   Rabat2004   MTNS2004   VanBarel