Research interests

International finance - exchange rates, asset prices, systemic risk;

Behavioral finance - heterogenous agent models, financial complex systems, financial networks;

Applied econometrics
- time series, macro panel data, econometrics of networks

Research Papers

Ongoing research

  • 'An agent-based modelling of the exchange rate disconnect puzzle', in progress
  • 'Debt structure and growth in emerging economies', with Jean-Yves Gnabo (UNamur) and Thérèse Quang (Univ. Paris Ouest), in progress
  • 'On the comparison of transfer entropy and Granger causality to identify causal relationships in financial data', with Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist(UNamur and UCL), in progress
  • 'Why are they systemic? A Panel analysis of the determinants of SIFIs', with Jean-Yves Gnabo (UNamur) and Donald Zoutncheme (UCL), in progress
  • 'The impact of short-selling regulation on financial stability: An HAM-based empirical assessment', with Annelies Casteleyn (UNamur), in progress
  • 'Heterogenous agents, bounded rationality and macroeconomic representation: From DSGE to multi-agent framework', with Nicolas Scholtes (UNamur and UCL), in progress

Published papers in peer-reviewed journals

  • Béreau, S., Lopez Villavicencio, A., and V. Mignon (2012), 'Currency Misalignments and Growth: A New Look using Nonlinear Panel Data methods', with A. Lopez Villavicencio and V. Mignon, Applied Economics, forthcoming.
  • Bénassy-Quéré, A., and S. Béreau (2011), 'Rebalancing IMF Quotas', The World Economy, 34(2), 223-247, [link].

  • Bénassy-Quéré, A., Béreau, S., and V. Mignon (2010), 'On the complementarity of equilibrium exchange rate approaches', Review of International Economics, 18(4), 618-632 [link].
  • Béreau, S., Lopez Villavicencio, A., and V. Mignon (2010), 'Nonlinear Adjustment of the Real Exchange Rate Towards its Equilibrium Value: A Panel Smooth Transition Error Correction Modelling', Economic Modelling, 27(1), 404-416, [link].
  • Bénassy-Quéré, A., Béreau, S., and V. Mignon (2009), 'The Dollar in the Turmoil', Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 23(4), 427-436, [link].
  • Bénassy-Quéré, A., Béreau, S., and V. Mignon (2009), 'Robust Estimations of Equilibrium Exchange Rates within the G20: A Panel BEER Approach', Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 56(5), 608-633, [link]
  • Bénassy-Quéré, A., Béreau, S., and V. Mignon (2009), "Taux de change d'équilibre : une question d'horizon", Revue Economique, 60(3), 657-666, [pdf in French]
  • Béreau, S. (2007), "Une mesure macroéconométrique "à la Feldstein-Horioka" du degré d'intégration financière en Europe", Economie Internationale, n°110, 63-106 [pdf in French - an English abstract is also available here]

Chapters in books

  • Bénassy-Quéré, A., Béreau, S. and V. Mignon (2008), Taux de change de l'euro : perspectives de moyen et long termes, in "L'économie mondiale 2009", Paris : La découverte, collection Repères, 2008 [link]


  • Bénassy-Quéré, A., Béreau, S., Decreux, Y., Gouel, C., and S. Poncet (2007), "Les quotes-parts du FMI à l'horizon 2030", Report for the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, December 2007.

Other contributions

  • "Mieux comprendre les taux de change", Les Echos, 9-10 septembre 2011, [link]
  • 'Euro/dollar: face to face', with A. Bénassy-Quéré and V. Mignon, La Lettre du CEPII, n°279 [link].

  • 'Euro/dollar: Long-run benchmarks', with A. Bénassy-Quéré and V. Mignon, Vox, July, 17th 2008 [link].