Author: wp_admin
November 2021 – Prix CERA-De Vuyst 2021 for Maëlle Villani
Maëlle Villani, who recently started a PhD thesis in the WeThaw project, has received two awards, prix CERA 2021 & prix De Vuyst 2021, for her Master thesis entitled « Influence de la dégradation du pergélisol et du changement de végétation sur les propriétés de la litière et du sol ».
November 2021 – Prix Sophie Vanhulle for Maxime Thomas
Maxime Thomas has received the “Prix Sophie VanHulle 2021” for the best poster presentation at the “Midi étudiants-chercheurs”.
Pushing the boundaries of Critical Zone research: Unravelling hydrological controls on carbon and nutrient fluxes by integrating proximal sensing, field measurements and smart modelling (LandSense), ARC, 2021-2026
September 2021- Departure to Abisko for the WeThaw team for a 2-month monitoring
The WeThaw team is monitoring the shoulder period in Abisko, and the mission has been covered in the media: RTBF web article 10/11/21 & La première and Vivacité – Radio JT du 10/11/21 Journal télévisé RTL – 13H et 19H on 11/11/21, and RTL info – Web article du 11/11/21 DH net– Web du 11/11/21, Read more about September 2021- Departure to Abisko for the WeThaw team for a 2-month monitoring[…]
September 2021 – Participation to the conference Geologica Belgica 2021
Presentations by Maëlle Villani, Elisabeth Mauclet, Justin Louis and Alexia Gilliot at the Geologica Belgica conference in Tervuren, Belgium
August 2021 – Last Report from the IPCC on the cryosphere
Release of the last IPCC report AR6 with the recent updates on the cryosphere and permafrost
May 2021 – Prized communication of François Gaspard at the ELI Day conference
Public Selection for Oral Presentation on Wednesday, May 26 for François Gaspard with his presentation on “Waters in hydrothermal and polar environments: further developments for silicon isotope measurements” at the ELI Day conference at UCLouvain.