NetMob 2013
May 1-3, 2013, MIT
Third conference on the Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets
With a special event on the Data for Development (D4D) challenge.
"I can't say how impressed I was with the quality and quantity of the submissions."
"There is some incredibly good work in here."
Anonymous reviewers
May 1, 2013. The following documents are available for the conference:
NetMob program. The final program for NetMob (3MB). A printed copy will be available at the conference.
Book of abstracts. The book of abstract for NetMob (40MB). This document contains a short description of the NetMob presentations (excluding the D4D session). A printed copy will be available at the conference.
D4D book. The D4D book (122 MB). This book contains copies of all the submissions to the D4D challenge that have been selected for NetMob. It is a large file (850 pages).
April 24, 2013. The final program for NetMob 2013 and D4D is now avaible for download: NetMob 2013 program (1MB). A printed copy will be available at the conference. Practical informations for participants is also available here: NetMob 2013 practical information.
March 15, 2013. The submissions are still under review. We expect to post a conference program here on March 22. Authors of submissions will be informed by email as soon as the program is available. Information about accommodation is given below.
March 1, 2013. We have received an unexpectedly large number of submissions and have decided to have the conference over three days (May 1-3) rather than two. May 1 will be for D4D and May 2-3 will be for NetMob. The registration fees are unmodified.
The 2013 edition of NetMob will take place at the Media Lab at MIT in a conference format similar to that of the previous editions: one track of short contributed talks, a simplified submission procedure, no proceedings (except for a book of abstracts), and the possibility to present recent results or results submitted elsewhere (see NetMob 2010 and NetMob 2011 for previous editions).
- Submission deadline: February 15, 2013
- Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2013
- Deadline for early registration: April 10, 2013
- Conference: May 1-3, 2013
Organizing Commitee
Chair: Vincent Blondel, University of Louvain (Belgium) and MITPierre Deville, University of Louvain (Belgium)
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, MIT
Jameson Toole, MIT
Vincent Traag, University of Louvain (Belgium)
Dashun Wang, Northeastern University