Install, use, understand Python 3.8...

Installing Python with Anaconda (Windows - MacOS - Linux)

For a more complete installation, another efficient and simple way is to install Python with Anaconda: this is the second recommended procedure for the LEPL1104 course, which will provide you with a complete environment with all the packages required for the course exercises: be careful, it's big and it takes time to install :-) It is imperative to choose the Python 3.8 version (and therefore not the Python 2.7 version :-)

Anaconda : the Most Popular Python Data Science Platform
Anaconda : download for MacOS installer
Anaconda : download for Windows installer
Anaconda : download for Linux installer

Other options are available... We can also mention another environment which is appreciated by a lot of developers and is less demanding in memory space than Anaconda.

PyCharm : Python IDE for Professional Developers

Installing Python with apt-get (Linux)

Finally, under Linux, it is even more direct and efficient to install Python with the package manager and the command

sudo apt-get install python3.8

The documentation....

Python : the official reference site
Numpy documentation
Scipy documentation
Matplotlib documentation
SymPy documentation
Panda documentation
NumPy for Matlab users

Learning Scientific Programming with Python....

Book by Christian Hill

And from the side of computer science students: a lot of super-useful information!

Installation tutorials for software used in computer science at EPL