The research group is part of a team of four research groups (with Prof. Jean-Christophe Charlier, Prof. Gian-Marco Rignanese and Prof. Samuel Poncé) focusing on ab initio modeling within the Institute of Condensed Matter at the Université catholique de Louvain. These four research groups (about 30 people) share offices and collaborate extensively. Other collaborators of X. Gonze within UCLouvain include J.-F. Gohy, S. Melinte and Th. Pardoen. Numerous external collaborations exist with international groups from different universities and research center all over the world, especially linked to the ABINIT project, to the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility, and to the NOMAD EU Center of Excellence.
National collaborations
IMEC (Dr. G. Pourtois, M. Van Setten, B. Van Troeye)
U. Antwerpen (Profs. M. Milosevic, B. Partoens, F. Peeters)
U. Ghent (Profs. B. Van Waeyenbergh, S. Cottenier)
U. Liège (Profs. E. Bousquet, Ph. Ghosez, M. Verstraete, J.-Y. Raty)
U. Namur (Profs. L. Henrard, V. Liégeois)
European collaborations
Cambridge U. (Prof. James Elliott)
CEA Bruyères-le-châtel, France (Drs. Amadon, Jollet, Torrent)
CEA Saclay, France (Dr. F. Bruneval)
Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France (Drs. L. Reining, F. Sottile)
Humboldt U., Germany (Prof. C. Draxl)
Artic U. of Norway Tromsoe (Dr. Ch. Tantardini)
Oversees collaborations
Dalhousie U., Canada (Prof. J. Zwanziger)
Dartmouth College, USA (Prof. Hautier)
MatSimResearch, USA (Dr. D. Hamann)
Mitsubishi Chem. Corp., Japan (Dr. M. Mikami)
U. Montréal, Canada (Prof. M. Côté)
U. Trois-rivières, Canada (Prof. Antonius)
West Virginia U., USA (Prof. A. Romero)
Yanshan U., China (Prof. Y. Jia).