X. Gonze, group leader. Full-time Professor at UCLouvain since 2004.
“Ingénieur civil physicien” in 1984, “Licence en physique” in 1985, PhD thesis in Applied Physics in May 1990, all at UCLouvain. Stay at Cornell University as visiting scientist (1990-1992). Chargé de recherche at the FRS-FNRS in 1992, then professor at UCLouvain 2004. One year stay at the Fritz-Haber Institute der Max-Planck Gesellshaft, Berlin Germany, in 1998-1999 (Humboldt research fellowship). In the period April 2019 – March 2022, X. Gonze joined Skolkovo Institute of Technology (Moscow) as visiting professor.
Scientific output and bibliometry (July 2023): 229 publications in international journals, including Nature, Science, Advanced Materials, Nanoletters, Physical Review Letters… ; Scopus h-index 72, with over 27000 citations; Google scholar h-index=83, with over 36000 citations; 42 grants and research contracts; 127 personal invited oral communications in scientific meetings; 54 invited seminars in universities and research labs outside the host institutions.
Scientific merits recognized, among others, by election as fellow of the American Physical Society (2007), quinquennal prize of the FRS-FNRS in applied exact sciences, delivered by his majesty the king Albert II (2010), and election at the Royal Academy of Belgium (2011).
PhD students
Julien Bouquiaux |
Alexandre Cloots |
Rashmi Ranjan Routaray |
Vasilii Vasilchenko |
Le Shu |
Maryam Azizi |
Samare Rostami |
Visiting professor
Xiyue Cheng |
Technical staff (ABINIT project)
Jean-Michel Beuken |
Matteo Giantomassi |
Former PhD Students (only the last 12 years)
Guillermo Avendano Franco |
Paul Boulanger |
Yannick Gillet |
Matteo Giantomassi |
Vishank Kumar |
Anna Miglio |
Samuel Poncé |
Lisa Siciliani |
Benoit Van Troeye |
David Waroquiers |
Former postdocs (only the last 12 years)
Bruno Bertrand |
Fabiana Da Pieve |
Adam Fekete |
Matteo Giantomassi |
Bogdan Guster |
Myrta Gruening |
Geoffroy Hautier |
Yongchao Jia |
Jonathan Laflamme |
Stéphane Le Roux |
Anna Miglio |
Riad Shaltaf |
Martin Stankovski |
David Waroquiers |
Former Visiting scientists
Gabriel Antonius |
Theo Cavignac |