WARNING. Since 2015, I am no longer maintaining this list of publications.
A list of my papers can be found on
Scholar (270 references, h-index 58, 24000 citations). Some of my publications are available from
My Erdös number is 2 (with a
and here is my
genealogy (from the Mathematics Genealogy Project).
Books and edited books
- Vincent D. Blondel, Stephen
P. Boyd, Hidenori Kimura
(Eds.), Recent
Advances in Learning and Control,
Lecture Notes in Control
and Information Sciences, Springer Verlag, London, 2008.
- Vincent D. Blondel, A.
Megretski, Unsolved
problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory,
Princeton University Press, 2004.
- B. De Moor, B. Motmans, J.
Willems, P. Van Dooren, V.
(Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, July 2004.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Mathématiques
pour les Sciences, Dunod
Masson, Paris, 2000.
- Vincent D. Blondel, E. D.
Sontag, M. Vidyasagar and J.C.
Willems, Open
Problems in
Mathematical Systems and Control Theory,
Springer Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1999.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Simultaneous
stabilization of linear systems,
Springer Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1994.
Journal papers, chapters in books and lecture notes
- V. Blondel, A. Olshevsky. How to Decide Consensus?
A Combinatorial Necessary and Sufficient Condition and a Proof that Consensus is Decidable but NP-hard,
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2014.
arXiv: 1203.3167
- F Calabrese, L Ferrari, V Blondel.
Review with calabrese. Urban Sensing Using Mobile Phones Network Data: A Survey of Research.
ACM Computing Surveys, 2014.
- Chloe Brown; Neal Lathia; Anastasios Noulas; Cecilia Mascolo; Vincent D Blondel.
Group colocation behavior in technological social networks,
- Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Zbigniew Smoreda, Romain Trinquart, Cezary Ziemlicki, Vincent D. Blondel.
D4D-Senegal: The Second Mobile Phone Data for Development Challenge,
arXiv:1407.4885, 2014.
- B. C. Csaji, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel.
Pagerank optimization by edge selection,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 169, 73-87, 2014.
- Pierre Deville, Dashun Wang, Roberta Sinatra, Chaoming Song, Vincent Blondel and Albert-László Barabási.
Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact,
Nature Scientific Reports 4, 4770, 2014.
- M Tizzoni, P Bajardi, A Decuyper, G Kon Kam King, C Schneider, V Blondel, Z Smoreda, M Gonzalez, V Colizza.
On the Use of Human Mobility Proxies for Modeling Epidemics,
PLOS Computational Biology 10(7): e1003716, 2014.
- Thomas C.J., J. Lambrechts, E. Wolanski, V.A. Traag, V.D. Blondel, E. Deleersnijder and E. Hanert.
Numerical modelling and graph theory tools to study ecological connectivity in the Great Barrier Reef,
Ecological Modelling, 272, 160-174, 2014.
- Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, César A. Hidalgo, Michel Verleysen, Vincent Blondel.
Unique in the Crowd: The privacy bounds of human mobility,
Nature Scientific Reports, 3, 1376, 2013.
- Thoralf Gutierrez, Gautier Krings, Vincent D. Blondel.
Evaluating socio-economic state of a country analyzing airtime credit and mobile phone datasets,
arXiv:1309.4496, 2013.
- Nicolas Boumal, Amit Singer, P.-A. Absil, Vincent D. Blondel.
Cramér-Rao bounds for synchronization of rotations,
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 2013.
- L E C Rocha and V D Blondel.
Flow motifs reveal limitations of the static framework to represent human interactions,
Physical Review E 87 042814, 2013.
- L E C Rocha and V D Blondel.
Bursts of vertex activation and epidemics in evolving networks,
PLoS Computational Biology 9(3) e1002974, 2013.
- L E C Rocha, A Decuyper and V Blondel.
Epidemics on a stochastic model of temporal network,
Editors: A Mukherjee, M Choudhury, F Peruani, N Ganguly, B Mitra. In: Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks. Springer New York. pp 301-314, 2013.
- M. Cucuringu, V. Blondel, P. Van Dooren.
Extracting spatial information from networks with low-order eigenvectors,
Physical Review E 87, 032803, 2013.
- C.-T. Chang and V.D. Blondel.
An experimental study of approximation algorithms for the joint spectral radius,
Numerical Algorithms, Volume 64, Issue 1, pp 181-202, 2013.
- Balázs Csáji, Arnaud Browet, V.A Traag, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Etienne Huens, Paul van Dooren, Zbigniew Smoreda, Vincent Blondel,
Exploring mobility of mobile users,
Physica A, 392:6, pp. 1459-1473, 2012.
doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2012.11.040
- C.-T. Chang and V.D. Blondel,
An experimental study of approximation algorithms for the joint spectral radius,
Numerical Algorithms, 2012.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Markus Esch, Connie Chan, Fabrice Clerot, Pierre Deville, Etienne Huens, Frédéric Morlot, Zbigniew Smoreda, Cezary Ziemlicki,
Data for Development: The D4D challenge on mobile phone data, 2012.
- M. Lopez-Martinez, J.-C. Delvenne, V.D. Blondel,
Optimal sampling time for consensus in time-delayed networked systems,
IET Control Theory and Applications, 6:15, pp. 2467-2476, 2012.
- Gautier M Krings, Márton Karsai, Sebastian Bernharsson, Vincent D Blondel and Jari Saramäki,
Effects of time window size and placement on the structure of aggregated networks,
EPJ Data Science, 1:4, 2012.
- Vincent Blondel, Mert Gurbuzbalaban, Alexandre Megretski, Michael Overton,
Explicit solutions for root optimization of a polynomial family with one affine constraint,
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 57:12, pp. 3078-3089, 2012.
- Francesco
Calabrese, Zbigniew Smoreda, Vincent D. Blondel,
Carlo Ratti, The interplay
between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions: a study using
mobile phone data, PloS
ONE, 6(7): e20814, 2011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020814,
- Vincent Blondel, Pierre
Deville, Frédéric Morlot,
Zbigniew Smoreda, Paul Van Dooren, Cezary Ziemlicki, Voice
on the border: do cellphones redraw the maps?,
Review, 2011.
- Ngoc-Diep Ho, Paul Van
Dooren, Vincent D. Blondel, Descent
methods for
nonnegative matrix factorization.
Chapter in: Numerical
Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control, Lecture Notes in
Engineering, volume 80, pp. 251-293, Paul Van Dooren et al. (Eds).
Springer Verlag, 2011. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0602-6_13,
- Paul Expert, Tim S. Evans,
Vincent D. Blondel and Renaud
Lambiotte, Uncovering
communities in spatial networks,
PNAS (Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences), 108:19, pp. 7663-7668, 2011. [PDF]
- Raphaël
Jungers, Vincent D. Blondel, Observable
graphs, Discrete Applied
Mathematics 159:10, pp. 981-989,
2011. [PDF]
- Raphaël Jungers,
Francisca Zamorano, Vincent D. Blondel, Alain
Vande Wouwer, Georges Bastin. Fast
computation of minimal elementary
decompositions of metabolic flux vectors.
Automatica (Special
Issue on Systems Biology), 47:6, pp. 1255-1259, 2011. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel,
Stéphane Gaubert, Natacha
Portier, The set of
of a max-plus linear sequence is semi-polyhedral,
Journal of
Computer and System Sciences, 77:4, pp. 820-833, 2011. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, G. M.
Krings, I. Thomas, Regions and
borders of
mobile telephony in Belgium and around Brussels,
Brussels Studies 42, ISSN 2031-0293,
(13pp.), 2010. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
M. Hendrickx and John N. Tsitsiklis, Continuous-time
opinion dynamics with opinion-dependent communications.
SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, 48:8, pp. 5214-5240, 2010. [PDF]
- Thomas Aynaud, Vincent D.
Blondel, Jean-Loup Guillaume et Renaud
Lambiotte, Optimisation locale
multi-niveaux de la modularité
(in French).
14 in: Partitionnement de graphe Optimisation et applications,
Charles-Edmond Bichot et Patrick Siarry (Eds), Hermes, Paris, 2010.
- Vincent D. Blondel and
Raphaël M. Jungers, Extremal
products and the
finiteness property. Chapter
in: Combinatorics, Automata, and
Number Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- Vladimir Protasov,
Raphaël M. Jungers, and Vincent D.
Blondel, Joint spectral
characteristics of matrices: a conic programming approach.
Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 31:4, pp. 2146-2162,
2010. [PDF]
- Balázs Csáji,
Raphaël M. Jungers and
Vincent D. Blondel, PageRank
optimization in polynomial time by stochastic shortest path
reformulation, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Volume 6331,
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Algorithmic
Learning Theory, Springer, pp. 89–103, 2010.
- Paul Bell, Jean-Charles
Delvenne, Raphaël Jungers, Vincent
D. Blondel, The
continuous Skolem-Pisot problem: On the complexity of reachability for
linear ordinary differential equations.
Theoretical Computer Science, 411, pp. 3625-3634, 2010. [PDF]
- Vincent Blondel, Julien M.
Hendrickx, John Tsitsiklis, On
Krause's consensus
formation model with state-dependent connectivity.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54:11, pp. 2506-2517, 2009. arXiv:0807.2028v1
- Raphaël M. Jungers,
Vladimir Protasov, Vincent D. Blondel, Overlap-free words and
spectra of
matrices. Theoretical
Computer Science, 410:38-40, pp.
3670-3684, 2009. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Switched
and piecewise affine systems,
Handbook of Hybrid Systems
Control: Theory, Tools and Applications, Jan Lunze, F.
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue (Eds), Cambridge
University Press, 2009.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Yurii
Nesterov, Polynomial-time
of the joint spectral radius for some sets of nonnegative matrices. SIAM
Journal of Matrix Analysis, 31:3, pp. 865-876, 2009. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
Cassaigne, and Raphaël M.
Jungers, On the number of
a-power-free words for 2 < a < 7/3.
Theoretical Computer
Science, 410:30-32, pp. 2823-2833, 2009. [PDF]
- Gautier Krings, Francesco
Calabrese, Carlo Ratti, Vincent D.
Blondel, Urban gravity: a model
for inter-city telecommunication flows.
Journal of Statistical
Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, L07003 (8 pp.), 2009. [PDF]
- Renaud Lambiotte, Jari
Saramaki, Vincent D. Blondel, Dynamics
of latent
voters. Physical Review E,
79, 046107 (6 pp.), 2009. [PDF]
- Cristobald de Kerchove,
Gautier Krings, Renaud Lambiotte, Paul Van Dooren, Vincent Blondel, The role of second
trials in cascades of information over networks. Physical
Review E, 79, 016114 (7 pp.), 2009. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel,
Jean-Loup Guillaume, Renaud Lambiotte, Etienne
Lefebvre, Fast
unfolding of communites in large networks, Journal
of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment,
1742-5468, P10008 (12 pp.), 2008. [PDF]
- Renaud Lambiotte, Vincent D.
Blondel, Cristobald de
Kerchove, Etienne Huens, Christophe Prieur, Zbigniew Smoreda, Paul Van
Dooren, Geographical
dispersal of mobile communication
networks. Physica A:
Statistical Mechanics and its
Applications, 387, pp. 5317-5325, 2008. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
M. Hendrickx and
Raphaël Jungers, Solitaire
Clobber as
an optimization problem on words.
Integer: Electronic journal in combinatorial number theory, vol. 8(1),
#G04 (12 pp.), 2008. [PDF]
- Julien M. Hendrickx, Baris
Fidan, Changbin Yu, Brian D.O.
Anderson and Vincent D. Blondel, Formation
reorganization by
primitive operations on directed graphs.
IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control, 53:4, pp 968-979, 2008. [PDF]
- Vincent D.
Blondel. The birth
of the joint spectral radius: an interview with
Gilbert Strang, Linear
Algebra and its Applications,
428:10, pp. 2261-2264, 2008.
- Vincent D. Blondel,
Jean-Loup Guillaume, Julien M.
Hendrickx, Cristobald de Kerchove and Renaud Lambiotte, Local leaders in
networks. Physical Review E,
vol. 77, 036114 (5 pp.),
2008. [PDF]
- P.
Senellart and V. D.
Blondel, Automatic discovery of
similar words. M. W. Berry
M. Castellanos (Eds.), Survey of
Text Mining II:
Clustering, Classification and Retrieval, pp. 25‑44. Springer-Verlag,
2008. [PDF]
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vincent Blondel, On the
for rational matrices. Linear
Algebra and its
Applications, 428:10, pp. 2283-2295, 2008.
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vladimir Protasov, Vincent
Blondel, Efficient
algorithms for deciding the type of growth of products
of integer matrices. Linear
Algebra and its
Applications, 428:10, pp. 2296-2311, 2008. [PDF]
- Raphaël M. Jungers,
Vladimir Protasov, Vincent
Blondel, Computing
the growth of the number of overlap-free words with spectra of matrices,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4957, Springer, Proceedings
of LATIN 2008, Buzios
(Brazil), 2008.
- Vincent D. Blondel,
Jean-Loup Guillaume, Julien M.
Hendrickx and Raphaël Jungers, Distance
random graphs and application to complex networks exploration.
Physical Review E, vol.76, 066101, (8 pp.), 2007.
- Julien M. Hendrickx, Brian
D. O. Anderson, Jean-Charles
Delvenne,Vincent D. Blondel, Directed
graphs for the analysis of rigidity and persistence in autonomous agents systems. International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, International Journal of
Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17:960-981, 2007. [PDF]
- Changbin Yu, Julien M.
Hendrickx, Baris Fidan, Brian D. O.
Anderson, Vincent D. Blondel, Three
and higher dimensional autonomous formations: rigidity, persistence and
structural persistence.
Automatica, 43:3, pp.
387-402, 2007. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel,
Raphaël Jungers, Vladimir
Protasov, On
the complexity of
computing the capacity of codes that avoid forbidden difference
patterns. IEEE
Transactions on Information
Theory, 52:11, pp. 5122-5127, 2006. [PDF]
- J.-C. Delvenne, Vincent D.
Blondel, Complexity
of control on finite automata,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51:6, pp. 977- 986, 2006. [PDF]
- J.-C. Delvenne, Petr Kurka,
V. Blondel, Decidability
and universality in symbolic
dynamical systems, Fundamenta
Informaticae, 74:4,
pp. 463-490, 2006. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, C. de Kerchove,
E. Huens, P. Van Dooren, Social
leaders in
graphs, Lecture
Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 341, pp. 231-237,
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2006.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Emmanuel
Jeandel, Pascal Koiran,
Natacha Portier, Decidable
undecidable problems about quantum automata,
SIAM Journal
on Computing, 34:6, pp. 1464-1473, 2005. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Laure
Ninove, Paul Van Dooren, An affine eigenvalue
problem on the
nonnegative orthant, Linear
Algebra and its Applications,
404, pp. 69-84, 2005. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Yurii
Nesterov, Computationally
efficient approximations of
the joint spectral radius,
SIAM Journal of Matrix
Analysis, 27:1, pp. 256-272, 2005. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Yurii
Nesterov and Jacques Theys, On the accuracy of
the ellipsoid norm
approximation of the joint spectral radius,
Linear Algebra
and its Applications, 394:1, pp. 91-107, 2005. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel,
Anahí Gajardo,
Maureen Heymans, Pierre Senellart, Paul Van Dooren, A measure of similarity between graph
vertices. With applications to synonym extraction and web searching,
SIAM Review, 46:4, pp. 647-666, 2004. [PDF]
- Jean-Charles Delvenne,
Vincent D. Blondel, Quasiperiodic
configurations and undecidable
dynamics for tilings, infinite words and Turing machines.
Theoretical Computer Science, 319:1-3, pp. 127-143, 2004. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Yurii
Nesterov and Jacques Theys, Approximations of
the rate of growth
switched linear systems,
Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Volume 2993, Rajeev Alur, George J. Pappas (Eds.): Hybrid
Systems: Computation and Control HSCC 2004, pp. 173-186, Springer
Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
Cassaigne, Juhani Karhumaki, Freeness of
multiplicative matrix
Problem 10.3 in: Unsolved problems in Mathematical Systems and Control
Theory, pp. 309-314, Princeton University Press, 2004.
- Jean-Charles Delvenne, P.
Kurka, Vincent D. Blondel, Computational
universality in
dynamical systems. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science,
Volume 3354, M. Margenstern (Ed): MCU, pp. 104-115, Springer Verlag,
Heidelberg, 2004. [PDF]
- Jakob Stoustrup, Vincent D.
Blondel, Fault
Tolerant Control: A Simultaneous
Stabilization Result, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic
Control, 49:2, pp. 305-310, 2004. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Jacques
Theys, John N. Tsitsiklis, When is a pair of
matrices stable?,
Problem 10.2 in: Unsolved problems in Mathematical Systems and Control
Theory, pp. 304-308, Princeton University Press, 2004.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Vincent
Canterini, Undecidable
problems for probabilistic
automata of fixed dimension,
Theory of Computing systems,
36, pp. 231-245, 2003. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Paul
Van Dooren, Similarity
matrices for pairs of graphs,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2719, J.C.M. Baeten et al.
(Eds.): ICALP 2003, pp.739-550, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003.
- Pierre P.Senellart, Vincent
D. Blondel, Automatic
discovery of similar words,
chapter 2 in: Survey of Text Mining. Clustering, classification, and
retrieval, Michael Berry (Ed.), pp. 25-44, Springer-Verlag, 2003. [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, J. Theys and
A. A. Vladimirov, An
elementary counterexample to the
finiteness conjecture, SIAM
Journal on Matrix Analysis,
24:4, pp. 963-970, 2003. [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, D.
Hinrichsen, J. Rosenthal and P. Van
Dooren, Foreword
to the fourth
special issue on linear systems and control,
Algebra and its Applications, 351-352, pp. 1-9, 2002. [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, N. Portier, The
presence of a zero in an integer linear recurrent sequence is NP--hard
to decide, Linear Algebra and
Its Applications, 351-352,
pp. 91-98, 2002. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
Cassaigne, Codrin Nichitiu, On the presence of
in Turing machines and in counter machines,
Computer Science, 289, pp. 573-590, 2002 . [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, O. Bournez,
P. Koiran, J. N. Tsitsiklis, The stability of
saturated linear
systems is undecidable,
Journal of Computer and System
Sciences, 62, pp. 442-462, 2001. [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, N. Portier, Le
problème de la réalisation minimale dans le
demi-anneau max-plus et le problème de Pisot sont NP-durs
(The minimal realization problem in the max-plus semiring and Pisot's
problem are NP-hard), Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des
Sciences-Série I - Mathematics, 333:12, pp. 1127-1130, 2001.
- M. Vidyasagar, Vincent D.
Blondel, Probabilistic
solutions to some NP-hard
matrix problems, Automatica,
37:9, pp. 1397-1405, 2001. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
Cassaigne, Codrin Nichitiu, On a conjecture of
Kurka. A Turing
with non periodic configurations,
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Volume 2055, MCU2001, M. Margenstern,Y. Rogozhin
(Eds), pp. 165-176, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001.
- V. D. Blondel, O. Bournez,
P. Koiran, C. Papadimitriou, J.
N. Tsitsiklis, Deciding
and mortality of piecewise affine dynamical systems,
Theoretical Computer Science, 255: (1-2), pp. 687-696, 2001. [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, O. Bournez,
P. Koiran, J. N. Tsitsiklis, The stability of
saturated linear
systemsis undecidable,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
volume 1770, STACS 2000 (Lille), H. Reichel, S. Tison (Eds), pp.
479-490, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000.
- Sabrina Mantaci, Vincent D.
Blondel, Jean Mairesse, Bilinear functions and
trees over the
max-plus semiring, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science,
Volume 1893, MFCS 2000, Nielsen, M., Rovan, B. (Eds), pp. 549-558,
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, John N.
Tsitsiklis, The
boundedness of all products of a pair of
matrices is undecidable,
Systems and Control Letters,
41:2, pp. 135-140, 2000. [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, S. Gaubert,
and J. N. Tsitsiklis, Approximating
the spectral radius of sets of
matrices in the max-algebra is NP-hard,
IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control, 45:9, pp. 1762-1765, 2000. [PDF]
- Survey
Vincent D. Blondel, John N.
Tsitsiklis, A
survey of
computational complexity results in systems and control,
Automatica, 36:9, pp. 1249-1274, 2000. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Rudolf
Rupp, Distortion
theorems for rational functions without poles or zeros in simply
connected domains, Journal of
Complex Variables and
Applications, 40, pp. 299-316, 2000. [PDF]
Prior to 2000
- Vincent D. Blondel, Simultaneous
stabilization of linear systems and interpolation with rational
functions, in: Open Problems
in Mathematical Systems and
Control Theory, Vincent D. Blondel, Eduardo D. Sontag, M. Vidyasagar
and Jan C. Willems (Eds),pp. 53-60, Springer Verlag, London, 1999.
- Vincent D. Blondel, John N.
Tsitsiklis, Three
problems on the decidability and
complexity of stability, in:
Open Problems in Mathematical
Systems and Control Theory, Vincent D. Blondel, Eduardo D. Sontag, M.
Vidyasagar and Jan C. Willems (Eds), pp. 45-52, Springer Verlag,
London, 1999.
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, Complexity
of stability and controllability of elementary hybrid systems,
Automatica, 35:3, pp. 479-489, 1999. [PDF]
- B. De Schutter, V. Blondel,
R. de Vries, B. De Moor, On the boolean minimal
in the max-plus algebra,
Systems and Control Letters,
35:2, pp. 69-78, 1998. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, Overview
of complexity and decidability results for three classes of elementary
nonlinear systems, Lecture
Notes in Control and
Information Science, Learning, Control and Hybrid Systems, Y. Yamamoto
and S. Hara (Eds), pp. 46-58, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, Structured
Numbers. Properties
of a hierarchy of internal operations on binary trees,
Acta Informatica, 35, pp. 1-15, 1998. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, NP-hardness
of some linear control design problems,
SIAM J. of Control
and Optimization, 35:6, pp. 2118-2127, 1997. [PDF]
- J. Tsitsiklis, V. Blondel, The
Lyapunov exponent and joint spectral radius ofpairs of matrices are
hard -- when not impossible -- to compute and to approximate,
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 10, pp. 31-40, 1997.
(Correction in 10, pp. 381, 1997) [PDF]
- M. Gevers, R. Bitmead, V.
Blondel, Unstable
ones in understood algebraic questions of modelling for control design,
J. of Mathematical Modelling of Systems, 3, 1997.
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, When
is a pair of matrices mortal?,
Information Processing
Letters, 63, pp. 283-286, 1997. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, On convex
combinations of stable polynomials,
IEEE Trans. Automatic
Control, 41, 1996. [PDF]
- D. Bertilsson, V. Blondel, Transcendence
in simultaneous stabilization,
J. of Math. Systems,
Estimation, and Control, 6, pp. 347-350, 1996. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, On
interval polynomials with no zeros in the unit disc,
Trans. Automatic Control, 40, pp. 479-480, 1995. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, R. Rupp, H.
Shapiro, On
zero and one points of analytic functions,
Variables: Theory and Applications, 28, pp. 189-192, 1995.
- V. Blondel, C. Lundvall, A
rational test for strong stabilizability,
Automatica, 31,
1197-1198, 1995. [PDF]
- Survey paper:
V. Blondel, M. Gevers, A. Lindquist, Survey
on the state of systems and control,
European J. of
Control, 1, pp. 5-23, 1995. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, Operations
on binary trees, Comptes
Rendus de l'Académie
des Sciences de Paris - SérieI, 321, pp. 491-494, 1995.
- M. Fu, S. Dasgupta, V.
Blondel, Robust
stability under a class of nonlinear parametric perturbations,
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 40, pp. 213-223, 1995. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, D. Bertilsson, An
upper bound for the gain of stabilizing proportional controllers,
Systems and Control Letters, 24, pp. 83-86, 1995. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, M. Gevers, Simultaneous
stabilization of three linear systems is rationally undecidable,
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 6, 135-145, 1994. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, M. Gevers, R.
Mortini, R. Rupp, Simultaneous
stabilization of three or more
systems:conditions on the real axis do not suffice,
Journal of Control and Optimization, 32, 2, 572-590, 1994.
- C. Zhang, V. Blondel, Simultaneous
stabilization using LTI compensator with a sampler and hold,
International J. of Control, 57, 293-308, 1993.
- V. Blondel, G. Campion, M.
Gevers, A
sufficient condition for simultaneous
stabilization, IEEE Trans.
Automat. Control, 38,
1264-1266, 1993. [PDF]
- Michel Kinnaert, Vincent
Blondel, Discrete-time
pole placement with stable controller,
Automatica , 28:5,
pp. 935--943, 1992.
- V. Blondel, A
counterexample to a simultaneous stabilization condition for systems
with identical unstable poles and zeros,
Systems and
Control Letters, 17:5, pp. 339--341, 1991.
conference papers
- Pierre Deville, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Vincent Blondel, Nathan Eagle, Chaoming Song and Dashun Wang,
Scaling Theory of Human Mobility and Spatial Network,
NetSci: The International School and Conference on Network Science. June 18-22, 2012.
- Vincent Blondel, Alexander Olshevsky,
On the Cost of Deciding Consensus,
Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Hawai (USA), 2012.
- Paul Expert, Tim S. Evans, Vincent D. Blondel and Renaud Lambiotte,
Beyond space for community detection in spatially embedded networks,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems EECS, Vienna (Austria), 2011.
- C.-T. Chang and V.D.
A genetic algorithm approach
the approximation of the joint spectral radius
Proceedings of the 30th
Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control (BMSC11), Lommel (Belgium), 2011.
- Chia-Tche Chang, Vincent
Blondel, Approximating the
joint spectral radius
using a genetic algorithm framework,
Proceedings of the 18th
IFAC World Congress, Milano (Italy), 2011.
- Manuel Lopez-Martinez,
Jean-Charles Delvenne, Vincent Blondel, Energy-Aware Consensus
for Networked
Sampled MIMO Systems, Proceedings
of the 18th IFAC World
Congress, Milano (Italy), 2011.
- Gautier Krings, David Dabin,
Vincent Blondel, Communities
in a crime
Proceedings of NetSci2011 International School and Conference on
Network Science, Budapest (Hungary) 2011.
- Gautier Krings, Marton
Karsai, Jari Saramäki, Vincent
Finding a good window size
for evolving graph analysis,
Proceedings of the 29th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
(BMSC10), Heeze (The Netherlands), 2010.
- Balázs
Csanád Csáji, Raphaël M.
Jungers, Vincent D. Blondel, PageRank
Optimization in Polynomial Time by Stochastic Shortest Path
Reformulation. ALT 2010, pp.
89-103, 2010.
- Vincent Blondel, Julien M.
Hendrickx, John Tsitsiklis, Opinion
dynamics for
agents with
opinion-dependent connections,
Proceedings of
the 49th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta (Georgia, USA), 2010.
- Vincent Blondel, Mert
Gurbuzbalaban, Alexandre Megretski, Michael
Overton, Explicit solutions for
root optimization of a polynomial family,
Proceedings of
the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta (Georgia,
USA), pp. 485-488, 2010.
- T. P. Cason P.-A. Absil V.
D. Blondel P. Van Dooren, A
unified framework for
affine graph
similarity, Proceedings of
the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and
Systems (MTNS), Budapest (Hungary), 2010.
- Manuel Lopez-Martinez,
J.-Ch. D and Vincent Blondel. Energy-aware
algorithms in networked sampled systems,
Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop onDistributed Estimation and
Control in Networked Systems (Nec-Sys 2010), Annecy, France, 2010.
- C.-T. Chang and V.D.
A comparison of
algorithms for the joint spectral radius.
Proceedings of the 29th
Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control (BMSC10), Heeze, The
Netherlands, Mar., 2010.
- Florence Bénézit,
Vincent Blondel,
Patrick Thiran, John Tsitsiklis, Martin Vetterli. Weighted gossip:
distributed averaging
using non-doubly stochastic matrices, Proceedings of
the IEEE
International Symposium on Information Theory
(ISIT), pp. 1753-1757, Austin (Texas, USA), 2010.
- Gautier Krings, Francesco Calabrese, Carlo
Vincent D. BlondelScaling
behaviors in
the communication
network between cities
the IEEE
International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, pp.
936-939, Vancouver (Canada),2009.
- Vladimir Y. Protasov, Raphaël M.
Jungers and
Vincent D. Blondel. Joint
spectral characteristics of matrices: a conic programming approach.
Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra,
Bay-Seaside (California, USA), 2009.
- Chia-Tche Chang, Raphaël M.
Jungers and
Vincent D. Blondel. On the growth
rate of matrices with row uncertainties. Proceedings
BFG09, Leuven (Belgium), 2009.
- Paul Bell, Jean-Charles Delvenne,
Raphaël M.
Jungers and Vincent D. Blondel. The
continuous Skolem-Pisot problem.
Proceedings of Automatha'09,
Liège (Belgium), 2009.
- Raphaël M. Jungers, Francisca
Vincent Blondel, Alain Vande Wouwer, Georges Bastin. A fast algorithm for
computing a
minimal decomposition of a metabolic flux vector in terms of elementary
flux vectors. Proceedings of
MathMod 2009, pp. 525, Wien (Austria), 2009.
- Julien Cassaigne and Raphael M. Jungers. On the number of
a-power-free words for
2 < a < 7/3.
Proceedings of the Journées
Numération, Prague (Czech Republic), 2008.
- Jean-Loup Guillaume, Vincent Blondel,
Renaud Lambiotte, Etienne Lefebvre, Identification
multi-échelle de la structure communautaire de
très grands graphes, Proceedings of Algotel
2008, pp. 61-64, Saint-Malo (France), 2008. [PDF]
- Alain Sarlette, Emre Tuna,
Vincent Blondel, Rodolphe J. Sepulchre, Global synchronization
on the circle,
Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress,
Seoul (Korea),
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
M. Hendrickx and
Raphaël Jungers, On
the proportion of edges that belong to shortest paths in random graphs,
Proceedings of Dynamo's first meeting on Dynamic Networks, Salerno
(Italy), 2007.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Products
of matrices and reachability of their optimal rate of growth,
Proceedings of the satellite workshops of DLT2007, Turku Centre for
Computer Science, M. Hirvensalo, V. Halava, I. Potapov, J. Kari (Eds),
45, pp. 1-2, Turku (Finland), 2007.
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vincent D. Blondel, Is the
joint spectral
of rational matrices reachable by a finite product?,
Proceedings of the satellite workshops of
DLT2007, Turku Centre for Computer Science, M. Hirvensalo, V. Halava,
I. Potapov, J. Kari (Eds), 45, pp. 25-37, Turku (Finland),
- Vincent Blondel, Julien M.
Hendrickx, John Tsitsiklis, On
the 2R conjecture
for multi-agent systems,
Proceedings of
the European Control Conference 2007 (ECC 2007),
July 2007, 874-881, Kos (Greece), 2007. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel,
Cristobald de Kerchove, Julien
Hendrickx, Raphaël Jungers, Playing
on a Cycle, 26th
Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, 2007.
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vincent Blondel, Observable
graphs, 26th
Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 2007.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
M. Hendrickx,
John N. Tsitsiklis, Opinion
models: on the 2R conjecture, 26th
Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 2007.
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vincent D. Blondel, Cruisable
Journées Montoises, Rennes (France), 2006.
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vladimir Protasov, Vincent D.
Blondel, Efficient
algorithms for deciding the type of growth of products
of integer matrices, 13th ILAS Conference,
(The Netherlands), July 2006.
- Julien M. Hendrickx, Baris
Fidan, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O.
Anderson, Vincent Blondel, Elementary
operations for the reorganization of minimally persistent formations, 17th
International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks
and Systems (MTNS2006), pp. 859-873, Kyoto (Japan), July 2006.
- Vincent Blondel,
Raphaël Jungers, On the
complexity of
computing the capacity of codes that avoid forbidden difference patterns,
17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory
of Networks and Systems (MTNS2006), pp. 207-212, Kyoto
(Japan), July 2006.
- Julien M. Hendrickx, Vincent
D. Blondel, Convergence of
linear and non-linear Vicsek models,
17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory
of Networks and Systems (MTNS2006), pp. 1229-1240, Kyoto
(Japan), July 2006.
- Blondel Vincent, De Kerchove
Cristobald, Huens Etienne, Van
Dooren Paul, Social
leaders in graphs, 2nd
International Symposium on Positive Systems POSTA 06, pp. 231-237,
Grenoble, France, August 30- September 2, 2006.
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vincent Blondel, Cruisable graphs,
Journées Montoises, Rennes (France),
August 2006.
- Raphaël Jungers,
Vincent Blondel, Vladimir
Protasov, Efficient
algorithms for deciding the type of growth of products of integer
matrices, 13th ILAS
Amsterdam (The Netherlands), July 2006.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Julien
M. Hendrickx, Alex Olshevsky,
and John N. Tsitsiklis, Convergence
in Multiagent Coordination, Consensus, and Flocking,
44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Seville, Spain, 2005. [PDF]
- Julien M. Hendrickx, Brian
D. O. Anderson, Vincent D.
Blondel, Rigidity
and persistence
of directed graphs,
44th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, Seville, Spain, 2005.
- Julien M. Hendrickx, Baris
Fidan, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O.
Anderson, Vincent D. Blondel, Rigidity
and Persistence of Three and Higher Dimensional Formations.
First International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic
Systems (MARS 2005), Barcelona, Spain, September 13-14, 2005. [PDF]
- Vincent D. Blondel, Yurii
Nesterov, Stable
sets of matrices and efficient
approximations of the joint spectral radius,
reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report 11/2005,
p. 576, 2005. [PDF]
- Jacques Theys, Vincent
Blondel, Alexander Vladimirov,
Fabian Wirth, Relative
Proportions of Matrices in Sequences Achieving the Maximal Growth Rate, SIAM
Conference on Control and Its Applications, New Orleans, 2005.
- Vincent Blondel, Jacques
Theys, Relative
proportions of matrices in sequences achieving the joint spectral
radius of a set of matrices,
Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houffalize, Belgium, paper
TIP01-3, March 22-24, 2005.
- V. Blondel, Y. Nesterov, Computationally
efficient approximations of the joint spectral radius,
International Symposium on Mathematical
Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2004), Leuven, Belgium, paper
THA2-1, July 2004.
- Jean-Charles Delvenne,
Vincent Blondel, Complexity
of control on finite automata,
16th International Symposium on
Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2004), Leuven, Belgium, paper
FA2-2, July 2004.[PDF]
- Vincent Blondel, Laure
Ninove, Paul Van Dooren, Affine iterations on
vectors, 16th International
Symposium on Mathematical
Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2004), Leuven, Belgium, paper
THP3-6, July 2004.
- Vincent D.Blondel, Jacques
the relations between discrete and continuous time stability for
switched linear systems. 16th
International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
(MTNS2004), Leuven, Belgium, paper THA2-3, July 2004.
- J. Stoupstrup, V.D. Blondel, A
simultaneous stabilization approach to passive fault tolerant control,
2004 American Control Conference, Boston (MA, USA),
paper WeP15-5, June 2004. [PDF]
- Vincent D.Blondel, Yurii
Nesterov, Jacques Theys,Computing
the joint spectral radius of a set
of matrices, 23rd Benelux
Meeting on
Systems and Control, Helvoirt, The Netherlands, paper FrP06-3, March
17-19, 2004.
- J.-Ch. Delvenne, V. Blondel, Complexity
of control on automata,
23rd Benelux
Meeting on Systems and Control, Helvoirt, The Netherlands, paper
FrP06-1, March 17-19, 2004.
- V. Blondel, L. Ninove, P.
Van Dooren, Convergence
of graph similarity algorithms,
23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control,
Helvoirt, The Netherlands, paper FrP06-4, March 17-19, 2004.
- J. Theys, V. Blondel, Discrete
and continuous stability of switched systems,
22nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, Belgium,
March 19-21, 2003.
- J.-Ch. Delvenne, V. Blondel, Dynamics
and computation, 22nd Benelux
on Systems and Control, Lommel, Belgium, March 19-21, 2003.
- Vincent D. Blondel, Pierre
P. Senellart, Automatic
extraction of synonyms in a
dictionary, SIAM Workshop on
Mining, Arlington (Texas, USA), 2002. [PDF]
- V. D. Blondel, J. Theys and
A. A. Vladimirov, Switched
systems that are periodically
stable may be unstable, International
Symposium on
Mathematical Theory
of Networks and Systems
(Notre-Dame, USA), 2002. [PDF]
- Magnus Egerstedt, Vincent
Blondel, How
hard is it to control switching systems?,
American Control Conference, Anchorage (Alaska,
USA), 2002. (Best in Session Award.) [PDF]
- Vincent Blondel,
Stéphane Gaubert, Natacha
Portier, The
set of realizationsof
a max-plus linear sequence is semi-polyhedral,
8th International Conference on Advances in Communications and
Control, Crete (Greece), 2001.
- V. D. Blondel, John
Tsitsiklis, The
boundedness of all products of a pair of matrices is undecidable,
14th Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of
Networks and Systems (MTNS), El Jai and M. Flies, Editors, Perpignan
- V. Blondel, B. De Schutter,
R. De Vries, B. De Moor, On the complexityof the
realization problem in the max-plus algebra,
7th International Conference on Systems, Signals, Control and
Computers, Durham (South Africa), 1998.
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, Decidability
limits for low-dimensional piecewise linear systems,
10th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory
of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Padova (Italy), 1998.
- M. Vidyasagar, V. Blondel, Probabilistic
solutions to some NP-hard matrix problems,
37th Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa (Florida, USA),
- V. Blondel, Three
problems on the decidability and complexity of stability,
37th Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa
(Florida, USA), 1998.
- V. Blondel, Simultaneous
stabilization of linear systems and interpolation by rational functions,
37th Conference on Decision andControl, Tampa
(Florida, USA), 1998.
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, Complexity
of elementary hybrid systems,
European Control Conference, Brussels (Belgium), 1997.
- V. Blondel, M. Gevers, R.
Bitmead, When
is a model good for control design?,
36th Conference on Decision and Control, 1997. [PDF]
- J. Tsitsiklis, V. Blondel, The
spectral radius of a pair of matrices is hard to compute,
35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe
(Japan), 3192-3197, 1996.
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, Computational
complexity of robust control design problems,
3rd European Control Conference, Rome (Italy), 2066-2071, 1995.
- D. Bertilsson, V. Blondel, Semialgebraic
sets, stabilization, and computability,
34th Conference on Decision and Control, New-Orleans (USA), 4273-4278,
1995. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, J. Tsitsiklis, NP-hardness
of some linear control design problems,
34th Conference on Decision and Control, New-Orleans (USA), 2910-2915,
1995. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, M. Gevers, The
simultaneous stabilizability question of three linear systems is
rationally undecidable,
International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and
Systems, Regensburg (Germany), Akademie Verlag. Math. Res. 79, pp.
75-76, 1993.
- Hollot, C.V.; Tempo, R.;
Blondel, V., H-infinity
performance of interval plants
and interval feedback systems,
Workshop on Robustness of dynamic systems with parameter uncertainties,
201-209, Ascona (Switzerland), 1992.
- V. Blondel, M. Gevers, R.
Mortini, R. Rupp, Stabilizable
by a stable and by an inverse
stable but not by a stable and inverse stable,
31st Conference on Decision and Control, USA, 832-833, 1992. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, G. Campion, M.
Gevers, Avoidance
and intersection in the complex
plane, 30th Conference on
Decision and
Control, Brighton (UK), 47-48, 1991. [PDF]
- V. Blondel, Stabilization
with respect to a general domain of stability,
2nd International Symposium on Implicit and Robust Systems,
Warsaw (Poland), 33-36, 1991.
- M. Fu, S. Dasgupta, V.
Blondel, Robust
stability under a class of nonlinear parametric perturbations,
American Control Conference, San-Diego (California,
USA), 2542-2547, 1990.
- C. Feuerstein, I. Gath, V.
Blondel, D. Gaio, T. Pham-Dinh, Intérêt
modèle autoregressif pour l'analyse de l'eeg de sommeil.
Abstractin Neurophysiol. Clin., 18, 291-292, 1988.