Welcome to the website of Alain M. Jonas
I am a researcher working at the crossroads of polymer science, self-assembly and nanotechnology.
This involves :
- studying the crystallization, structure and properties of long chain molecules for structural and functional applications;
- investigating the physical chemistry of surfaces, interfaces and organic thin films;
- developing nanolithography and patterning;
- and using controlled assembly at the sub-micrometer scale.
Current applications of my research are ferroelectric memories, stimuli-responsive polymer layers for biological applications, self-cleaning superhydrophobic surfaces made by aqueous-based processes, and nanostructures with a biological function such as drug delivery or sensing.
I am an active member of :
- the InterUniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) on Supramolecular Functional Systems (FS2);
- the European Multifunctional Materials Institute (EMMI),
- the Erasmus Mundus-sponsored International Doctoral School in Functional Materials (IDS-FunMat),
- and the Erasmus Mundus-sponsored European master in Functional Advanced Materials & Engineering (FAME).
Professor Alain M. Jonas
Université catholique de Louvain
Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (IMCN)
Bio & Soft Matter (BSMA)
Croix du Sud, 1/L7.04.02
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Belgium (EU)
tel : +32/10/473765
mail : alain.jonas'at'uclouvain.be