Teaching activities

I am involved in courses on embedded security (LELEC2760) and privacy enhancing technologies (LELEC2770) given at the Louvain School of Engineering (admission conditions are detailed here). Both are also accessible to students of the inter-university master in cybersecurity (admission conditions are detailed here)

Master students and internships

I can supervise master theses on topics related to the courses LELEC2760 and LELEC2770, and more generally on topics related to cryptography, security, privacy and statistical learning. Master students must be registered at UCLouvain or at the cybersecurity master. Topics can be adapated with a more or less theoretical flavour, with or without a programming part. Some of them can also integrate an industrial partner. I sometimes supervise interns. Interested students can contact me by e-mail to obtain more information.

PhD students and post-docs

I do not maintain a public repository of job offers but regularly have open positions for PhD students and post-docs. For prospective PhD students from UCLouvain, the best way to introduce yourself is to follow one of the aforementioned classes (and start with a master thesis). International students can contact me by e-mail (in the latter case, I expect applications with at least two reference letters (ideally from professors active in my research fields). For prospective post-docs, the best way to introduce yourself is during a conference or via publications in established venues in cryptography/security (e.g., IACR's general and aread conferences, or this list).