DBLP, Recent works, To appear, Proceedings, Published papers, Tech. reports.

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Recent (unpublished) works

- F. Berti, F.-X. Standaert, I. Levi, Authenticity in the Presence of Leakage using a Forkcipher, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2024/1325.

- S. Belaid, G. Cassiers, C. Mutschler, M. Rivain, T. Roche, F.-X. Standaert, A.R. Taleb, Towards Achieving Provable Side-Channel Security in Practice, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2023/1198.

Papers to appear

320. Ruiyang Li, Yiteng Sun, Chun Guo, F.-X. Standaert, Weijia Wang, Xiao Wang, Leakage-Resilient Circuit Garbling, to appear in ACM CCS 2024, Salt Lake City, USA, October 2024, (pdf file).

319. J. Bogaert, F.-X. Standaert, Does a Reduced Fine-Tuning Surface Impact the Stability of the Explanations of LLMs?, to appear in the proceedings of ESANN 2023, pp 6, Bruges, Belgium, October 2024, (pdf file).

296. O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Mode-Level Side-Channel Countermeasures, to appear in the Embedded Cryptography Textbook, Wiley, 2024, (pdf file).


A. Canteaut, F.-X. Standaert, Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12696-12698, Zagreb, Croatia, October 2021, Springer.

E. Oswald, F.-X. Standaert, Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design, 7th International Workshop - COSADE 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9689, Graz, Austria, April 2016, Springer.

G. Leander, F.-X. Standaert, ECRYPT Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography, Universite catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 2011.

S. Mangard, F.-X. Standaert, Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 12th International Workshop - CHES 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6225, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2010, Springer.

F.-X. Standaert, ECRYPT Workshop on Tools for Cryptanalysis, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, June 2010.

G. Grimaud, F.-X. Standaert, Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, 8th IFIP WG 8.8/11.2 International Conference, CARDIS 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5189, London, UK, September 2008, Springer.

Published papers

321. D. Kamel, F.-X. Standaert, O. Bronchain, Information Theoretic Evaluation of Raccoon's Side-Channel Leakage, in Communications in Cryptology, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp 21, (pdf file).

318. T. Moos, S. Saha, F.-X. Standaert, Prime Masking vs. Faults - Exponential Security Amplification against Selected Classes of Attacks, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2024, num 4, pp 690-736, (pdf file).

317. M. Obremski, J. Ribeiro, L. Roy, F.-X. Standaert, D. Venturi, Improved Reductions from Noisy to Bounded and Probing Leakages via Hockey-Stick Divergences, in the proceedings of Crypto 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14925, pp 461--491, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2024, Springer (pdf file).

316. G. Cassiers, L. Masure, C. Momin, T. Moos, A. Moradi, F.-X. Standaert, Randomness Generation for Secure Hardware Masking - Unrolled Trivium to the Rescue, in Communications in Cryptology, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp 52, (pdf file).

315. T. Peters, Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Multiplex: TBC-based Authenticated Encryption with Sponge-Like Rate, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, vol 2024, num 2, pp 1-34, (pdf file).

314. J. Bogaert, M.-C. de Marneffe, A. Descampe, L. Escouflaire, C. Fairon, F.-X. Standaert, Sensibilite des Explications a l'Alea des Grands Modeles de Langage : le Cas de la Classification de Textes Journalistiques, in TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues), numéro spécial sur l'explicabilite, vol 64, num 3/2024, pp 15-40, (pdf file).
-- English translation, Explanation sensitivity to the randomness of large language models: the case of journalistic text classification, ArXiv, report 2410.05085, 2024.

313. Duyen Pay, F.-X. Standaert, Side-Channel Analysis of Arithmetic Encodings for Post-Quantum Cryptography: Cautionary Notes with Application to Kyber in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14861, pp 260--281, Douala, Cameroun, July 2024, Springer, (pdf file).

312. G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, C. Verhamme, Low-Latency Masked Gadgets Robust against Physical Defaults with Application to Ascon, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2024, num 3, pp 603-633, (pdf file).

311. S. Faust, L. Masure, E. Micheli, M. Orlt, F.-X. Standaert, Connecting Leakage-Resilient Secret Sharing to Practice: Scaling Trends and Physical Dependencies of Prime Field Masking, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14654, pp 316-344, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2024, Springer, (pdf file).

310. L. Grassi, L. Masure, P Meaux, T. Moos, F.-X. Standaert, Generalized Feistel Ciphers for Efficient Prime Field Masking, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14654, pp 188-220, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2024, Springer, (pdf file).

309. J. Bogaert, F.-X. Standaert, A Question on the Explainability of Large Language Models and the Word-Level Univariate First-Order Plausibility Assumption, in the proceedings of ReLM 2024, 7 pages, Vancouver, Canada, February 2024, (pdf file).

308. C. Hoffmann, P. Meaux, F.-X. Standaert, The Patching Landscape of Elisabeth-4 and the Mixed Filter Permutator Paradigm, in the proceedings of Indocrypt 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14459, pp 134-156, Goa, India, December 2023, Springer, (pdf file).

307. B. Udvarhelyi, F.-X. Standaert, Leveraging Coprocessors as Noise Engines in Off-the-Shelf Microcontrollers, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14530, pp 148-165, Amsterdam, The Netherldands, November 2023, Springer, (pdf file).

306. Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Lei Wang, Forgery Attacks on Several Beyond-Birthday-Bound Secure MACs, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14440, pp 169-189, Guangzhou, China, December 2023, Springer, (pdf file).

305. J. Feldtkeller, T. Guneysu, T. Moos, J. Richter-Brockmann, S. Saha, P. Sasdrich, F.-X. Standaert, Combined Private Circuits - Combined Security Refurbished, in the proceedings of ACM CCS 2023, pp 990-1004, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2023, (pdf file).

304. M. Azouaoui, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, C. Hoffmann, Y. Kuzovkova, J. Renes, M. Schönauer, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, C. van Vredendaal, Protecting Dilithium against Leakage: Revisited Sensitivity Analysis and Improved Implementations, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2023, num 4, pp 58-79, (pdf file).

303. J. Bogaert, E. Jean, C. De Bodt, F.-X. Standaert, Fine-tuning is not (Always) Overfitting Artifacts, in the proceedings of ESANN 2023, pp 6, Bruges, Belgium, October 2023, (pdf file).

302. C. Hoffmann, P. Meaux, C. Momin, Y. Rotella, F.-X. Standaert, B. Udvarhelyi, Learning With Physical Rounding for Linear and Quadratic Leakage Functions, in the proceedings of Crypto 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14083, pp 410-439, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2023, Springer, (pdf file).

301. L. Masure, F.-X. Standaert, Prouff & Rivain’s Formal Security Proof of Masking, Revisited: Tight Bounds in the Noisy Leakage Model, in the proceedings of Crypto 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14083, pp 343-376, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2023, Springer, (pdf file).

300. Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Optimally Secure Tweakable Block Ciphers with a Large Tweak from n-bit Block Ciphers, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, vol 2023, num 2, pp 47-68, (pdf file).

299. F.-X. Standaert, Mid-Size Primes for Symmetric Cryptography with Strong Embedded Security (Invited Talk), in the proceedings of STAP 2023, Lyon, France, April 2023, (slides).

298. G. Cassiers, H. Devillez, F.-X. Standaert, B. Udvarhelyi, Efficient Regression-Based Linear Discriminant Analysis for Side-Channel Security Evaluations, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2023, num 3, pp 270-293, (pdf file).

297. L. Masure, G. Cassiers, J. Hendrickx, F.-X. Standaert, Information Bounds and Convergence Rates for Side-Channel Security Evaluators, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2023, num 3, pp 522-569, (pdf file).

295. L. Masure, P. Meaux, T. Moos, F.-X. Standaert, Effective and Efficient Masking with Low Noise using Small-Mersenne-Prime Ciphers, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14007, pp 596-627, Lyon, France, April 2023, Springer, (pdf file).

294. F. Berti, Chun Guo, T. Peters, Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Secure Message Authentication in the Presence of Leakage and Faults, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, vol 2023, num 1, pp 288-315, (pdf file).

293. J. Béguinot, Wei Cheng, S. Guilley, Yi Liu, L. Masure, O. Rioul, F.-X. Standaert, Removing the Field Size Loss from Duc et al.'s Conjectured Bound for Masked Encodings, in the proceedings of COSADE 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13979, pp 86-104, Munich, Germany, April 2023, Springer, (pdf file).

292. G. Cassiers, L. Masure, C. Momin, T. Moos, F.-X. Standaert, Prime-Field Masking in Hardware and its Soundness against Low-Noise SCA Attacks, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2023, num 2, pp 482-518, (pdf file).

291. C. Hoffmann, B. Libert, C. Momin, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Polka: Towards Leakage-Resistant Post-Quantum CCA-Secure Public Key Encryption, in the proceedings of the Fourth PQC Standardization Conference, Virtual, November 2022, (slides).
-- Also appeared in the proceedings of PKC 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13940, pp 114-144, Atlanta, USA, May 2023, Springer (pdf file, long version).

290. O. Gur, T. Gross, D. Bellizia, F.-X. Standaert, I. Levi, An In-Depth Evaluation of Externally Amplified Coupling (EAC) Attacks --- a Concrete Threat for Masked Cryptographic Implementations, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (I), vol 80, num 2, pp 783-796, (pdf file).

289. G. Camurati, M. Dell'Amico, F.-X. Standaert, MCRank: Monte Carlo Key Rank Estimation for Side-Channel Security Evaluations, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2023, num 1, pp 277-300, (pdf file).

288. L. Masure, V. Cristiani, M. Lecomte, F.-X. Standaert, Don't Learn What You Already Know: Grey-Box Modeling for Profiling Side-Channel Analysis against Masking, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2023, num 1, pp 32-59, (pdf file).

287. L. Masure, O. Rioul, F.-X. Standaert, A Nearly Tight Proof of Duc et al.'s Conjectured Security Bound for Masked Implementations, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13820, pp 69-81, Birmingham, Germany, UK, November 2022, Springer, (pdf file).

286. Yuanyuan Zhou, Joop van de Pol, Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, A Third is All You Need: Extended Partial Key Exposure Attack on CRT-RSA with Additive Exponent Blinding, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13794, pp 508-536, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2022, Springer, (pdf file).

285. O. Cosseron, C. Hoffmann, P. Meaux, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Globally Optimized Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption - Featuring the Elisabeth Stream Cipher, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13794, pp 32-67, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2022, Springer, (pdf file).

284. T. Peters, Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, G. Cassiers, C. Verhamme, Triplex: an Efficient and One-Pass Leakage-Resistant Mode of Operation, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2022, num 4, pp 135-162, (pdf file).

283. D. Bellizia, C. Hoffmann, D. Kamel, P. Meaux, F.-X. Standaert, When Bad News Become Good News: Towards Usable Instances of Learning with Physical Errors, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2022, num 4, pp 1-24, (pdf file).

282. R. Breuer, F.-X. Standaert, I. Levi, Fully-Digital Randomization Based Side-Channel Security — Towards Ultra-Low Cost-per-Security in IEEE access, vol 10, pp 68440-68449, 2022, (pdf file).

281. I. Levi, D. Bellizia, F.-X. Standaert, Tight‑ES‑TRNG: Improved Construction and Robustness Analysis, in Springer Nature Computer Science, vol 3, num 321, pp 20, (pdf file).

280. (Best workshop paper award!) Yuanyuan Zhou, F.-X. Standaert, S-box Pooling: Towards More Efficient Side-Channel Security Evaluations, in the proceedings of AIHWS 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13285, pp 146-164, Rome, Italy, June 2022, Springer, (pdf file).

279. C. Verhamme, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Analyzing the Leakage Resistance of the NIST's Lightweight Crypto Standardization Process Finalists, in the proceedings of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2022, Virtual, May 2022, (pdf file, slides).
-- Extended version in the proceedings of CARDIS 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13820, pp 290-308, Birmingham, Germany, UK, November 2022, Springer, (pdf file).

278. J. Bogaert, M.-C. de Marneffe, A. Descampe, F.-X. Standaert, Automatic and Manual Detection of Generated News: Case Study, Limitations and Challenges, in the proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation (MAD 2022), pp 18-26, Newark, New Jersey, USA, June 2022, (pdf file).

277. C. Momin, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Handcrafting: Improving Automated Masking in Hardware with Manual Optimizations, in the proceedings of COSADE 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13211, pp 257-275, Leuven, Belgium, April 2022, Springer, (pdf file).

276. M. Azouaoui, O. Bronchain, C. Hoffmann, Y. Kuzovkova, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, Systematic Study of Decryption and Re-Encryption Leakage: the Case of Kyber, in the proceedings of COSADE 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13211, pp 236-256, Leuven, Belgium, April 2022, Springer, (pdf file).

275. M. Azouaoui, O. Bronchain, V. Grosso, K. Papagiannopoulos, F.-X. Standaert, Bitslice Masking and Improved Shuffling: How and When to Mix Them in Software?, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2022, num 2, pp 140-165, (pdf file).

274. O. Bronchain, F. Durvaux, L. Masure, F.-X. Standaert, Efficient Profiled Side-Channel Analysis of Masked Implementations, Extended, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol 17, pp 574-584, (pdf file).

273. F.-X. Standaert, T.G. Malkin, M. Yung, Lessons from the Past, Challenges for the Future: the EC09 Evaluation Framework in the Deep Learning Era (Invited Talk), in the proceedings of ASIANHost 2021, Virtual, December 2021.
273b. F.-X. Standaert, T.G. Malkin, M. Yung, Lessons from the Past, Challenges for the Future: the EC09 Evaluation Framework in the Deep Learning Era (Invited Talk), IIT Kharagpur Distinguished Lecture on Security and Privacy, Virtual, May 2022, (pdf file, slides).

272. D. Bellizia, F.-X. Standaert, Leveraging Inexact Computing in Post-Quantum Cryptography (Invited Presentation), in the proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT 2021), Virtual, October 2021, (slides).

271. F. Berti, S. Bhasin, J. Breier, Xiaolu Hou, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, B. Udvarhelyi, A Finer-Grain Analysis of the Leakage (Non) Resilience of OCB, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2022, num 1, pp 461-481, (pdf file).

270. F. Berti, Chun Guo, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Efficient Leakage-Resilient MACs without Idealized Assumptions, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13091, pp 95-123, Virtual, December 2021, Springer, (pdf file).

269. D. Bellizia, B. Udvarhelyi, F.-X. Standaert, Towards a Better Understanding of Side-Channel Analysis Measurements Setups, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13173, pp 64-79, Lubeck, Germany, November 2021, Springer, (pdf file).

268. G. Cassiers, S. Faust, M. Orlt, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Tight Random Probing Security, in the proceedings of Crypto 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12827, pp 185-214, Virtual, August 2021, Springer, (pdf file).

267. B. Udvarhelyi, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, Security Analysis of Deterministic Re-Keying with Masking & Shuffling: Application to ISAP, in the proceedings of COSADE 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12910, pp 168-183, Lugano, Switzerland, October 2021, Springer, (pdf file).

266. Chun Guo, F.-X. Standaert, Weijia Wang, Xiao Wang, Yu Yu, Provable Security of SP Networks with Partial Non-Linear Layers, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology , vol 2021, num 2, pp 353-388, (pdf file).

265. J. Bogaert, Q. Carbonnelle, A. Descampe, F.-X. Standaert, Can Fake News Detection be Accountable? The Adversarial Examples Challenge (Extended Abstract), in the proceedings of the 41st WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 21-28, , Virtual, May 2021, (pdf file).

264. F.-X. Standaert, Evaluating and Designing Against Side-Channel Leakage: White Box or Black Box? (Invited Talk), in the proceedings of Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, Virtual, pp 1, June 2021, ACM, (pdf file, slides).

263. O. Bronchain, C. Momin, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Improved Leakage-Resistant Authenticated Encryption based on Hardware AES Coprocessors, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2021, num 3, pp 641-676, (pdf file).

262. D. Bellizia, C. Hoffmann, D. Kamel, Hanlin Liu, P. Meaux, F.-X. Standaert, Yu Yu, Learning Parity with Physical Noise: Imperfections, Reductions and FPGA Prototype, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2021, num 3, pp 390-417, (pdf file).

261. O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, Breaking Masked Implementations with Many Shares on 32-bit Software Platforms (or When the Security Order Does Not Matter), in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2021, num 3, pp 202-234, (pdf file).

260. O. Bronchain, S. Faust, V. Lallemand, G. Leander, L. Perrin, F.-X. Standaert, MOE: Multiplication Operated Encryption with Trojan Resilience, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology , vol 2021, num 1, pp 78-129, (pdf file).

259. A. Descampe, C. Massart, S. Poelman, F.-.X. Standaert, O. Standaert, Automated News Recommendation in front of Adversarial Examples & the Technical Limits of Transparency in Algorithmic Accountability, in AI and Society, vol 37, num 1, pp 67-80, 2021, (pdf file).
259b. A. Descampe, F.-X. Standaert, Transparents mais Corruptibles: les Algorithmes au Défi des Comportements "Adversariaux" dans le Domaine Journalistique, Les Cahiers du Journalisme, num 7, pp 39-66, 2021, (pdf file).

258. G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Provably Secure Hardware Masking in the Transition- and Glitch-Robust Probing Model: Better Safe than Sorry, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2021, num 2, pp 136-158, (pdf file).

257. M. Azouaoui, F. Durvaux, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, K. Papagiannopoulos, V. Verneuil, On the Worst-Case Side-Channel Security of ECC Point Randomization in Embedded Devices, in the proceedings of Indocrypt 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12578, pp 205-22, Virtual, December 2020, Springer, (pdf file).

256. C. Momin, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Unprotected and Masked Hardware Implementations of Spook v2, in the proceedings of SILC 2020, pp 15, Virtual, November 2021, (pdf file).

255. M. Azouaoui, D. Bellizia, I. Buhan, N. Debande, S. Duval, C. Giraud, E. Jaulmes, F. Koeune, E. Oswald, F.-X. Standaert, C. Whytnall, A Systematic Appraisal of Side-Channel Evaluation Strategies, in the proceedings of SSR 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12529, pp 46-66, Virtual, November 2020, Springer, (pdf file).

254. S. Duval, P. Meaux, C. Momin, F.-X. Standaert, Exploring Crypto-Physical Dark Matter and Learning with Physical Rounding: Towards Secure and Efficient Fresh Re-Keying, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2021, num 1, pp 373-401, (pdf file).

253. B. Udvarhelyi, A. van Wassenhove, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, On the Security of Off-the_Shelf Microcontrollers: Hardware is Not Enough, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12609, pp 103-118, Virtual, November 2020, Springer, (pdf file).

252. G. Cassiers, B. Gregoire, I. Levi, F.-X. Standaert, Hardware Private Circuits: From Trivial Composition to Full Verification, in IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol 70, num 10, pp 1677-1690, October 2021, (pdf file).

251. Weijia Wang, Chun Guo, F.-X. Standaert, Yu Yu, Gaëtan Cassiers, Packed Multiplication: How to Amortize the Cost of Side-channel Masking? in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12491, pp 851-880, Virtual, December 2020, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

250. O. Bronchain, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, Reducing Risks Through Simplicity (Higher Side-Channel Security for Lazy Engineers), in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 11, num 1, pp 39-55, April 2021, (pdf file).

249. D. Kamel, D. Bellizia, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, Side-channel Analysis of a Learning Parity with Physical Noise Processor, in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 11, num 2, pp 171-179, June 2021, (pdf file).

248. I. Levi, D. Bellizia, D. Bol, F.-X. Standaert, Ask Less, Get More: Side-Channel Signal Hiding, Revisited, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (I), vol 67-I, num 12, pp 4904-4917, July 2020, (pdf file).

247. Qian Guo, V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, O. Bronchain, Modeling Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks from a Coding Theory Viewpoint, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2020, num 4, pp 209-238, (pdf file).

246. D. Bellizia, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, V. Grosso, Chun Guo, C. Momin, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Mode-Level vs. Implementation-Level Physical Security in Symmetric Cryptography: A Practical Guide Through the Leakage-Resistance Jungle, in the proceedings of Crypto 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12170, pp 369-400, Virtual, August 2020, Springer, (pdf file).

245. (Google Bughunter Program, Honorable Mention!) G. Camurati, A. Francillon, F.-X. Standaert, Understanding Screaming Channels: From a Detailed Analysis to Improved Attacks, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2020, num 3, pp 358-401, (pdf file, source code).

244. D. Bellizia, F. Berti, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers,S. Duval, C. Guo, G. Leander, G. Leurent, I. Levi, C. Momin, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, B. Udvarhelyi, F. Wiemer, Spook: Sponge-Based Leakage-Resistant Authenticated Encryption with a Masked Tweakable Block Cipher, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology , vol 2020, num S1, pp 295-349, (pdf file, errata).

243. C.-H. Bertrand Van Ouytsel, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, How to Fool a Black Box Machine Learning Based Side-Channel Security Evaluation, in the proceedings of YACCRYPTED 2020, pp 10, Virtual, May 2020.
-- Extended version in Cryptography and Communications, vol 13, num 4, pp 573-585, 2021, Springer, (pdf file).

242. C. Momin, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, A Stealthy Hardware Trojan based on a Statistical Fault Attack, in the proceedings of YACCRYPTED 2020, pp 12, Virtual, May 2020.
-- Extended version in Cryptography and Communications, vol 13, num 4, pp 587-600, 2021, Springer, (pdf file).

241. Yuanyuan Zhou, S. Duval, F.-X. Standaert, Scatter: a Missing Case?, in the proceedings of COSADE 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12244, pp 90-103, Virtual, October 2020, Springer, (pdf file).

240. C. Massart, F.-X. Standaert, Fidelity Leakages: Applying Membership Inference Attacks to Preference Data, in the INFOCOM 2020 Workshop on Big Data Security and Privacy, pp 728-733, Virtual, July 2020, (pdf file).

239. Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Low-Energy Leakage-Resistant Authenticated Encryption from the Duplex Sponge Construction, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology , vol 2020, num 1, pp 6-42, (pdf file).

238. B. Bilgin, L. De Meyer, S. Duval, I. Levi, F.-X. Standaert, Low AND Depth and Efficient Inverses: a Guide on S-boxes for Low-latency Masking, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology , vol 2020, num 1, pp 144-184, (pdf file).

237. G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Trivially and Efficiently Composing Masked Gadgets with Probe Isolating Non-Interference, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol 15, pp 2542-2555, February 2020, (pdf file).

236. I. Levi, D. Bellizia, F.-X. Standaert, Beyond Algorithmic Noise, or How to Shuffle Parallel Implementations?, in International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol 48, num 5, pp 674-695, May 2020, (pdf file).

235. Weijia Wang, P. Meaux; G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Efficient and Private Computations with Code-Based Masking, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2020, num 2, pp 128-171, (pdf file).

234. O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, Side-Channel Countermeasures' Dissection and the Limits of Closed Source Security Evaluations, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2020, num 2, pp 1-25, (pdf file).

233. Chun Guo, F.-X. Standaert, Weijia Wang, Yu Yu, Efficient Side-Channel Secure Message Authentication with Better Bounds, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, vol 2019, num 4, pp 23-53, (pdf file).

232. F.-X. Standaert, Analyzing the Leakage-Resistance of some Round-2 Candidates of the NIST's Lightweight Crypto Standardization Process, in the proceedings of the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2019, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2019, (pdf file, slides).

231. F. Berti, Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Strong Authenticity with Leakage under Weak and Falsifiable Physical Assumptions, in the proceedings of InsCrypt 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12020, pp 517-532, Nanjing, China, December 2019, Springer, (pdf file).

230. F. Berti, Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, TEDT, a Leakage-Resilient AEAD mode for High (Physical) Security Applications, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2020, num 1, pp 256-320, (pdf file).

229. P. Meaux, C. Carlet, A. Journault, F.-X. Standaert, Improved Filter Permutators for Efficient FHE: Better Instances and Implementations, in the proceedings of Indocrypt 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11898, pp 68-91, Hyderabad, India, December 2019, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

228. M. Azouaoui, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, V. Verneuil, Key Enumeration from the Adversarial Viewpoint. When to Stop Measuring and Start Enumerating?, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11833, pp 252-267, Pragues, Czech Republic, November 2019, Springer, (pdf file).

227. G. Cassiers, Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, SpookChain: Chaining a Sponge-Based AEAD with Beyong-Birthday Security, in the proceedings of SPACE 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11947, pp 67-85, Gandhinagar, India, December 2019, Springer, (pdf file).

226. Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Authenticated Encryption with Nonce Misuse and Physical Leakage: Definitions, Separation Results & First Construction (Extended Abstract), in the proceedings of LatinCrypt 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11774, pp 150-172, Santiago, Chile, October 2019, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

225. G. Barthe, S. Belaid, G. Cassiers, P.-A. Fouque, B. Grégoire, F.-X. Standaert, MaskVerif: Automated Verification of Higher-Order Masking in Presence of Physical Defaults, in the proceedings of ESORICS 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11735, pp 300-318, Luxembourg, September 2019, Springer, (pdf file).

224. O. Bronchain, J.M. Hendrickx, C. Massart, A. Olshevsky, F.-X. Standaert, Leakage Certification Revisited: Bounding Model Errors in Side-Channel Security Evaluations, in the proceedings of Crypto 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11692, pp 713-737, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2019, Springer, (pdf file).

223. C. Massart, F.-X. Standaert, Revisiting Location Privacy from a Side-Channel Analysis Viewpoint, in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11627, pp 333-351, Marrakech, Morocco, July 2019, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

222. F. Berti, O. Pereira, F.-X. Standaert, Reducing the cost of Authenticity with Leakages - a CIML2-secure AE scheme with one Call to a Strongly Protected TBC, in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11627, pp 229-249, Marrakech, Morocco, July 2019, Springer, (pdf file).

221. C. Massart, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Long-term Privacy Bounds in Open Data Publishing, in the proceedings of the 40th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 6, Ghent, Belgium, May 2019, (pdf file).

220. C. Momin, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, Time-Modulated Hardware Trojans: Clock-Based and Interface-Based Examples, in the proceedings of the 40th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 8, Ghent, Belgium, May 2019, (pdf file).

219. Yuanyuan Zhou, F.-X. Standaert, Simplified Single Trace Side-Channel Attacks on Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication using Fully Convolutional Networks, in the proceedings of the 40th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 8, Ghent, Belgium, May 2019, (pdf file).

218. Weijia Wang, Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, Provable Order Amplification for Code-Based Masking: How to Avoid Non-Linear Leakages due to Masked Operations, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol 14, num 11, pp 3069-3082, May 2019, (pdf file).

217. F.-X. Standaert, Towards and Open Approach to Secure Cryptographic Implementations (Invited Talk), in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11478, pp xv, Darmstadt, Germany, May 2018, Springer, (pdf file, slides).
217b. F.-X. Standaert, Towards and Open Approach to Side-Channel Resistant Authenticated Encryption (Invited Talk), in the proceedings of ASHES 2019, pp 1, London, November 2019, (pdf file, slides).

216. Yuanyuan Zhou, F.-X. Standaert, Deep Learning Mitigates but Does Not Annihilate the Need of Aligned Traces and a Generalized ResNet Model For Side-channel Attacks, in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 10, num 1, pp 85-95, April 2020, (pdf file).

215. M. Azouaoui, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, Fast Side-Channel Security Evaluation of ECC Implementations - Shortcut Formulas for Horizontal Side-channel Attacks against ECSM with the Montgomery, in the proceedings of COSADE 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11421, pp 25-42, Darmstadt, Germany, April 2019, Springer, (pdf file).

214. G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Globally Optimized Masking: From Low Randomness to Low Noise Rate (or Probe Isolating Multiplications with Reduced Randomness and Security against Horizontal Attacks), in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2019, num 2, pp 162-198, (pdf file).

213. I. Levi, D. Bellizia, F.-X. Standaert, Reducing a Masked Implementation's Effective Security Order with Setup Manipulations (and an Explanation Based on Externally-Amplified Couplings), in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2019, num 2, pp 293-317, (pdf file).

212. O. Bronchain, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, Multi-Tuple Leakage Detection and the Dependent Signal Issue, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2019, num 2, pp 318-345, (pdf file).

211. (Best paper award!) T. Moos, A. Moradi, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, Glitch-Resistant Masking Revisited - or Why Proofs in the Robust Probing Model are Needed, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2019, num 2, pp 256-292, (pdf file).

210. G. Barthe, S. Belaid, F. Dupressoir, P.-A. Fouque, B. Gregoire, F.-X. Standaert, P.-Y. Strub, Improved Parallel Mask Refreshing Algorithms: Generic Solutions with Parametrized Non-Interference & Automated Optimizations, in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 10, num 1, pp 17-26, April 2020, (pdf file).

209. F.-X. Standaert, How (not) to Use Welch's T-test in Side-Channel Security Evaluations, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11389, pp 65-79, Montpellier, France, November 2018, Springer, (pdf file).

208. O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, S. Faust, L. Dassy, Implementing Trojan-Resilient Hardware from (Mostly) Untrusted Components Designed by Colluding Manufacturers, in the proceedings of ASHES 2018, pp 1-10, Toronto, Canada, October 2018, (pdf file, revised in October 2020).

207. D. Kamel, D. Bellizia, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, D. Bol, Demonstrating an LPPN Processor, in the proceedings of ASHES 2018, pp 18-23, Toronto, Canada, October 2018, (pdf file).

206. S. Faust, V. Grosso, S. Merino Del Pozo, C. Paglialonga, F.-X. Standaert, Composable Masking Schemes in the Presence of Physical Defaults and the Robust Probing Model, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2018, num 3, pp 89-120, (pdf file).

205. F.-X. Standaert, Attaques par Canaux Auxiliaires: Evaluations de Securite a Court et Long Terme, in MISC (Magasine de Securite Informatique), num 99, pp 66-60, September/October 2018, (pdf file).

204. D. Kamel, F.-X. Standaert, A. Duc, D. Flandre, F. Berti, Learning with Physical Noise or Errors, in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol 17, num 5, pp 957-971, October 2020, (pdf file).

203. F. Berti, F. Koeune, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Ciphertext Integrity with Misuse and Leakage: Definition and Efficient Constructions with Symmetric Primitives, in the proceedings of ASIACCS 2018, pp 37-50, Songdo, Incheon, Korea, June 2018, Springer, (pdf file).

202. D. Goudarzi, A. Journault, M. Rivain, F.-X. Standaert, Secure Multiplication for Bitslice Higher-Order Masking: Optimisation and Comparison, in the proceedings of COSADE 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10815, pp 3-22, Singapore, April 2018, Springer, (pdf file).

201. A. Moradi, B. Richter, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, Leakage Detection with the Chi-squared-Test, in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2018, num 1, pp 209-237, (pdf file).

200. V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, Masking Proofs are Tight (and How to Exploit it in Security Evaluations), in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10821, pp 385-412, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2018, Springer, (pdf file).

199. F. Berti, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Encryption with Decryption Leakages, in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, vol 2017, num 3, pp 271-293, (pdf file).

198. J. Balasch, S. Faust, B. Gierlichs, C. Paglialonga, F.-X. Standaert, Consolidating Inner Product Masking, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10624, pp 724-754, Hong Kong, China, September 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

197. R. Poussier, Qian Guo, F.-X. Standaert, S. Guilley, C. Carlet, Connecting and Improving Direct Sum Masking and Inner Product Masking, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10728, pp 123-141, Lugano, Switzerland, November 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

196. A. Ding, Liwei Zhang, F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, Yunsi Fei, Towards Sound and Optimal Leakage Detection Procedure, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10728, pp 105-122, Lugano, Switzerland, November 2017, Springer (pdf file).

195. L. Lerman, N. Veshchikov, O. Markowitch, F.-X. Standaert, Start Simple and then Refine: Bias-Variance Decomposition as a Diagnosis Tool for Leakage Profiling, in IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol 67, num 2, pp 268-283, February 2018, (pdf file).

194. A. Journault, F.-X. Standaert, Very High Order Masking: Efficient Implementation and Security Evaluation, in the proceedings of CHES 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10529, pp 623-643, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.), September 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

193. R. Poussier, Yuanyuan Zhou, F.-X. Standaert, A Systematic Approach to the Side-Channel Analysis of ECC Implementations with Worst-Case Horizontal Attacks, in the proceedings of CHES 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10529, pp 534-554, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.), September 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

192. D.J. Bernstein, S. Kolbl, S. Lucks, P.M. Costa Massolino, F. Mendel, K. Nawaz, T. Schneider, P. Schwabe, F.-X. Standaert, Y. Todo, B. Viguier, Gimli: a Cross-Platform Permutation, in the proceedings of CHES 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10529, pp 299-320, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.), September 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

191. G. Barthe, F. Dupressoir, S. Faust, B. Gregoire, F.-X. Standaert, P.-Y. Strub, Parallel Implementations of Masking Schemes and the Bounded Moment Leakage Model, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10210, pp 535-566, Paris, France, May 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

190. J. Lange, C. Massart, A. Mouraux, F.-X. Standaert, Side-Channel Attacks Against the Human Brain: the PIN Code Case Study, in the proceedings of COSADE 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10348, pp 171-189, Paris, France, April 2017, Springer, (pdf file).
-- Extended version in Brain Informatics, vol 5, num 2, 12 pages, October 2018, (pdf file).

189. S. Merino Del Pozo, F.-X. Standaert, Getting the Most Out of Leakage Detection - Statistical tools and Measurement Setups Hand in Hand, in the proceedings of COSADE 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10348, pp 264-281, Paris, France, April 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

188. K. Nawaz, D. Kamel, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, Scaling Trends for Dual-Rail Logic Styles against Side-Channel Attacks: a Case-Study, in the proceedings of COSADE 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10348, pp 19-33, Paris, France, April 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

187. Weijia Wang, Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, Dawu Gu, Sen Xu, Chi Zhang, Ridge-based Profiled Differential Power Analysis, in the proceedings of CT-RSA 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10159, pp 347-362, San Francisco, USA, February 2017, Springer, (pdf file).
-- Extended version in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol 13, num 5, pp 1301-1316, January 2018, (pdf file).

186. F.-X. Standaert, High (Physical) Security & Lightweight (Symmetric) Cryptography, invited talk, HighLight: High-Security Lightweight Cryptography, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 2016, and LightCrypto Workshop, Cannes, France, November 2016, (pdf file).

185. M.O. Choudary, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, Score-based vs. Probability-based Enumeration - a Cautionary Note -, in the proceedings of Indocrypt 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10095, pp 137-152, Kolkata, India, December 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

184. F.-X. Standaert, Leakage-Resilient Symmetric Cryptography (Overview of the ERC Project CRASH, Part II), invited talk, in the proceedings of Indocrypt 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10095, pp XI, Kolkata, India, December 2016, Springer, (pdf file, slides).

183. F.-X. Standaert, Towards Fair and Efficient Evaluations of Leaking Cryptographic Devices (Overview of the ERC Project CRASH, Part I), invited talk, in the proceedings of SPACE 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10076, pp 353-362, Hyderabad, India, December 2016, Springer, (pdf file, slides).

182. F. Berti, F.-X. Standaert, An Analysis of the Learning Parity with Noise Assumption Against Fault Attacks, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10146, pp 245-264, Cannes, France, November 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

181. Weijia Wang, F.-X. Standaert, Yu Yu, Sihang Pu, Liuj Junrong, Zheng Guo, Dawu Gu, Inner Product Masking for Bitslice Ciphers and Security Order Amplification for Linear Leakages, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10146, pp 174-191, Cannes, France, November 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

180. A. Moradi, F.-X. Standaert, Moments-Correlating DPA, in the procceedings of Theory of Implementations, TI 2016, pp 5-15, Vienna, Austria, October 2016, (pdf file).

179. M. Medwed, F.-X. Standaert, V. Nikov, M. Feldhofer, Unknown-Input Attacks in the Parallel Setting: Improving the Security and Performances of the CHES 2012 Leakage-Resilient PRF, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10031, pp 602-623, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

178. N. Bruneau, S. Guilley, A. Heuser, O. Rioul, F.-X. Standaert, Y. Teglia, Taylor Expansion of Maximum Likelihood Attacks for Masked and Shuffled Implementations, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10031, pp 573-601, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

177. S. Dziembowski, S. Faust, F.-X. Standaert, Private Circuits III: Hardware Trojan-Resilience via Testing Amplification, in the proceedings of ACM CCS 2016, pp 142-153, Vienna, Austria, October 2016, (pdf file).

176. D. Kamel, G. de Streel, S. Merino Del Pozo, K. Nawaz, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, D. Bol, Towards Securing Low-Power Digital Circuits with Ultra-Low-Voltage Vdd Randomizers, in the proceedings of SPACE 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10076, pp 233-248, Hyderabad, India, December 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

175. T. Schneider, A. Moradi, F.-X. Standaert, T. Guneysu, Bridging the Gap: Advanced Tools for Side-Channel Leakage Estimation beyond Gaussian Templates and Histograms , in the proceedings of SAC 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10532, pp 58-78, St. John's, Canada, August 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

174. F.-X. Standaert, Leakage-Resilient (Symmetric) Cryptography, Summer School on Real-World Crypto and Privacy, Sibenik, Croatia, June 2016 (slides).

173. F.-X. Standaert, Introduction to Side-Channel Analysis, Summer School on Real-World Crypto and Privacy, Sibenik, Croatia, June 2016 (slides).

172. R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, V. Grosso, Simple Key Enumeration (and Rank Estimation) using Histograms: an Integrated Approach, in the proceedings of CHES 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9813, pp 61-81, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2016, Springer, (pdf file, source code).

171. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, S. Merino Del Pozo, Towards Easy Leakage Certification, in the proceedings of CHES 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9813, pp 40-60, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2016, Springer, (pdf file, source code).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 7, num 2, pp 129-147, May 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

170. S. Dziembowski, S. Faust, G. Herold, A. Journault, D. Masny, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Sound Fresh Re-Keying with Hard (Physical) Learning Problems, in the proceedings of Crypto 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9815, pp 272-301, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

169. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, From Improved Leakage Detection to the Detection of Points of Interests in Leakage Traces, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9665, pp 240-262, Vienna, Austria, May 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

168. P. Meaux, A. Journault, F.-X. Standaert, C. Carlet, Towards Stream Ciphers for Efficient FHE with Low-Noise Ciphertexts, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9665, pp 311-343, Vienna, Austria, May 2016, Springer, (pdf file).

167. Fan Zhang, Shize Guo, Xinjie Zhao, Tao Wang, Jian Yang, F.-X. Standaert, Dawu Gu, A Framework for the Analysis and Evaluation of Algebraic Fault Attacks on Lightweight Block Ciphers, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol 11, num 5, pp 1039-2054, January 2016, (pdf file).

166. V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, ASCA, SASCA and DPA with Enumeration: Which One Beats the Other and When?, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9453, pp 291-312, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2015, (pdf file).

165. C. Dobraunig, F. Koeune, S. Mangard, F. Mendel, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Fresh and Hybrid Re-Keying Schemes with Beyond Birthday Security, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9514, pp 225-241, Bochum, Germany, November 2015, (pdf file).

164. R. Poussier, V. Grosso and F.-X. Standaert, Comparing Approaches to Rank Estimation for Side-Channel Security Evaluations, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9514, pp 125-142, Bochum, Germany, November 2015, (pdf file).

163. O. Pereira, F.-X. Standaert, S. Vivek, Leakage-Resilient Authentication and Encryption from Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives, in the proceedings of ACM CCS 2015, pp 96-108, Denver, Colorado, USA, October 2015, (pdf file).

162. S. Guilley, A. Heuser, O. Rioul, F.-X. Standaert, Template Attacks, Optimal Distinguishers and the Perceived Information Metric, in the proceedings of CryptArchi 2015, Leuven, Belgium, July 2015, (slides).

161. Junrong Liu, Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, Zheng Guo, Dawu Gu, Wei Sun, Yijie Ge, Rong Fu, Xinjun Xie, Small Tweaks do Not Help: Differential Power Analysis of MILENAGE Implementations in 3G/4G USIM Cards, in the proceedings of ESORICS 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9326, pp 468-480, Vienna, Austria, September 2015, Springer, (pdf file).

160. S. Merino Del Pozo, F.-X. Standaert, Blind Source Separation from Single Measurements using Singular Spectrum Analysis, in the proceedings of CHES 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9293, pp 42-59, Saint Malo, France, September 2015, Springer, (pdf file).

159. Weijia Wang, Yu Yu, Junrong Liu, Zheng Guo, F.-X. Standaert, Dawu Gu, Sen Xu, Evaluation and Improvement of Generic-Emulating DPA Attacks, in the proceedings of CHES 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9293, pp 416-432, Saint Malo, France, September 2015, Springer, (pdf file).

158. R. Peschi, F.-X. Standaert, V. Blondel, From Minimal Distortion to Good Characterization: Perceptual Utility in Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (Extended Abstract), in the proceedings of the 36th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 112-120, Brussels, Belgium, May 2015, (long version).

157. A. Journault, F.-X. Standaert, K. Varici, Improving the Security and Efficiency of Block Ciphers based on LS-Designs (Extended Abstract), in the proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, WCC 2015, Paris, France, April 2015, (pdf file).
- Extended version in Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol 82, num 1-2, pp 459-509, January 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

156. L. Lerman, R. Poussier, G. Bontempi, O. Markowitch, F.-X. Standaert, Template Attacks vs. Machine Learning Revisited (and the Curse of Dimensionality in Side-Channel Analysis), in the proceedings of COSADE 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9064, pp 20-33, Berlin, Germany, April 2015, Springer, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol ww, num xx, pp 1-13, April 2017, Springer, (pdf file).

155. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, J.-B. Mairy, Y. Deville, Efficient Selection of Time Samples for Higher-Order DPA with Projection Pursuits, in the proceedings of COSADE 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9064, pp 34-50, Berlin, Germany, April 2015, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

154. A. Duc, S. Faust, F.-X. Standaert, Making Masking Security Proofs Concrete (or How to Evaluate the Security of any Leaking Device), in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9056, pp 401-429, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2015, Springer.
-- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptology, vol 32, num 4, pp 1263-1297, October 2019, Springer, (pdf file, source code).

153. C. Glowacz, V. Grosso, R. Poussier, J. Schueth, F.-X. Standaert, Simpler and More Efficient Rank Estimation for Side-Channel Security Assessment, in the proceedings of FSE 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9054, pp 117-129, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2015, Springer, (pdf file).

152. S. Merino Del Pozo, F.-X. Standaert, D. Kamel, A. Moradi, Side-Channel Attacks from Static Power: When Should we Care?, in the proceedings of DATE 2015, pp 145-150, Grenoble, France, March 2015, (pdf file).

151. S. Belaid, V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, Masking and Leakage-Resilient Primitives: One, the Other(s) or Both?, in Cryptography and Communications, vol 7, num 1, pp 163-184, January 2015, (pdf file).

150. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, B. Gerard, F.-X. Standaert, Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8873, pp 282-296, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C.), December 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

149. J. Balasch, B. Gierlichs, V. Grosso, O. Reparaz, F.-X. Standaert, On the Cost of Lazy Engineering for Masked Software Implementations, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8968, pp 64-81, Paris, France, November 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

148. V. Grosso, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, L. Gaspar, Combining Leakage-Resilient PRFs and Shuffling (Towards Bounded Security for Small Embedded Devices), in the proceedings of CARDIS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8968, pp 122-136, Paris, France, November 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

147. H. Brenner, L. Gaspar, G. Leurent, A. Rosen, F.-X. Standaert, FPGA implementations of SPRING and their Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of CHES 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8731, pp 414-432, Busang, Korea, September 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

146. V. Grosso, E. Prouff, F.-X. Standaert, Efficient Masked S-boxes Processing, a Step Forward, in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8469, pp 251-266, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

145. Shize Guo, Xinjie Zhao, Fan Zhang, Tao Wang, Zhijie Shi, F.-X. Standaert, Chujiao Ma, Exploiting the Incomplete Diffusion Feature: A Specialized Analytical Side-Channel Attack against the AES and its Application to Microcontroller Implementations, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol 9, num 6, pp 999-1014, June 2014, (pdf file).

144. L. Gustin, F. Durvaux, S. Kerckhof, F.-X. Standaert, M. Verleysen, Support Vector Machines for Improved IP Detection with Soft Physical Hash Functions, in the proceedings of COSADE 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8622, pp 112-128, Paris, France, April 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

143. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, How to Certify the Leakage of a Chip?, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8441, pp 459-476, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2014, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

142. V. Grosso, G. Leurent, F.-X. Standaert, K. Varici, LS-Designs: Bitslice Encryption for Efficient Masked Software Implementations, in the proceedings of FSE 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8540, pp 18-37, London, UK, March 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

141. C. Petit, M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, On a Particular Case of the Bisymmetric Equation for Quasigroup, in Acta Mathematica Hungarica, vol 143, num 2, August 2014, (pdf file).

140. A. Barenghi, C. Hocquet, D. Bol, F.-X. Standaert, F. Regazzoni, I. Koren, A Combined Design-Time/Test-Time Study of the Vulnerability of Sub-Threshold Devices to Low Voltage Fault Attacks, in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol 2, num 2, pp 107-118, June 2014, (pdf file).

139. A.G. Bayrak, F. Regazzoni, D. Novo Bruna, D. P. Brisk, F-X. Standaert, P. Ienne, Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures, in IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol 64, num 2, pp 329-341, January 2015, (pdf file).

138. C. Whitnall, E. Oswald, F.-X. Standaert, The Myth of Generic DPA... and the Magic of Learning, in the proceedings of CT-RSA 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8366, pp 183-205, San Fransisco, USA, February 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

137. L. Gaspar, G. Leurent, F.-X. Standaert, Hardware Implementation and Side-Channel Analysis of Lapin, in the proceedings of CT-RSA 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8366, pp 206-226, San Fransisco, USA, February 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

136. S. Kerckhof, F.-X. Standaert, E. Peeters, From New Technologies to New Solutions (Exploiting FRAM Memories to Enhance Physical Security), in the proceedings of CARDIS 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8419, pp 16-29, Berlin, Germany, November 2013, Springer, (pdf file).

135. V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, E. Prouff, Low Entropy Masking Schemes, Revisited, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8419, pp 33-43, Berlin, Germany, November 2013, Springer, (pdf file).

134. M. Parusinski, S. Shariati, D. Kamel, F.-X. Standaert, Strong PUFs and their (Physical) Unpredictability: A Case Study with Power PUFs, in the proceedings of WESS 2013 (8th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security 2013), pp 5:1-5:10, Montreal, Canada, September 2013, (pdf file).

133. S. Belaid, F. De Santis, J. Heyszl, S. Mangard, M. Medwed, J.-M. Schmidt, F.-X. Standaert, S. Tillich, Towards Fresh Re-Keying with Leakage-Resilient PRFs: Cipher Design Principles and Analysis, in the proceedings of PROOFS 2013 (Security Proofs for Embedded Systems), pp 48-68, Santa-Barbara, California, USA, August 2013, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 4, num 3, pp 157-171, September 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

132. D. Kamel, M. Renauld, D. Flandre, F.-X. Standaert, Understanding the Limitations and Improving the Relevance of SPICE Simulations in Side-Channel Security Evaluations, in the proceedings of PROOFS 2013 (Security Proofs for Embedded Systems), pp 69-82, Santa-Barbara, California, USA, August 2013, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 4, num 3, pp 187-195, September 2014, Springer, (pdf file).

131. F.-X. Standaert, O. Pereira, Yu Yu, Leakage-Resilient Cryptography Under Empirically Verifiable Assumptions, in the proceedings of Crypto 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8042, pp 335-352, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2013, Springer, (pdf file).

130. V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, S. Faust, Masking vs. Multiparty Computation: How Large is the Gap for the AES?, in the proceedings of CHES 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8086, pp 400-416, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2013 (pdf file).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 4, num 1, pp 47-57, April 2014, Springer, (pdf file) + updated Section 4.2, with additional performance evaluations for more expensive randomness generation.

129. B. Gerard, V. Grosso, M. Naya-Plasencia, F.-X. Standaert, Block Ciphers that are Easier to Mask: How Far Can we Go?, in the proceedings of CHES 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8086, pp 383-399, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2013, Springer, (pdf file, test vectors, cryptanalysis).

128. S. Kerckhof, F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, B. Gerard, Intellectual Property Protection for FPGA Designs with Soft Physical Hash Functions: First Experimental Results, in the proceedings of HOST 2013, pp 7-12, Austin, Texas, June 2013, (pdf file).

127. Hui Zhao, Yongbin Zhou, F.-X. Standaert, Hailong Zhang, Systematic Construction and Comprehensive Evaluation of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test based Side-Channel Distinguishers, in the proceedings of ISPEC 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7863, pp 336-352, Lanzhou, China, May 2013, Springer, (pdf file).

126. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, B. Gerard, F.-X. Standaert, Security Evaluations Beyond Computing Power: How to Analyze Side-Channel Attacks you Cannot Mount?, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7881, pp 126-141, Athens, Greece, May 2013, Springer, (pdf file, source code).

125. Yuanyuan Zhou, Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, On the Need of Physical Security for Small Embedded Devices: a Case Study with COMP128-1 Implementations in SIM Cards, in the proceedings of Financial Crypto and Data Security 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7859, pp 230-238, Okinawa, Japan, April 2013, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

124. Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, Practical Leakage-Resilient Pseudorandom Objects with Minimum Public Randomness, in the proceedings of CT-RSA 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7779, pp 223-238, San Francisco, USA, February 2013, Springer, (pdf file).

123. F. Durvaux, M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, L. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, Efficient Removal of Random Delays from Embedded Software Implementations using Hidden Markov Models, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7771, pp 123-140, Graz, Austria, November 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

122. J. Balasch, B. Ege, T. Eisenbarth, B. Gerard, Z. Gong, T. Guneysu, S. Heyse, S. Kerckhof, F. Koeune, T. Plos, T. Poppelmann, F. Regazzoni, F.-X. Standaert, G. Van Assche, R. Van Keer, L. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel, I. von Maurich, Compact Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Hash Functions in ATtiny Devices, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7771, pp 158-172, Graz, Austria, November 2012, Springer, (pdf file, source codes).

121. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, M. Medwed, S. Kerckhof, F.-X. Standaert, Shuffling Against Side-Channel Attacks: a Comprehensive Study with Cautionary Note, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7658, pp 740-757, Bejing, China, December 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

120. S. Shariati, F.-X. Standaert, L. Jacques, B. Macq, Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of Image-based PUFs, in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 2, num 3, pp 189-206, October 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

119. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, B. Gerard, M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, An optimal Key Enumeration Algorithm and its Application to Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of SAC 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7707, pp 391-407, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, August 2012, Springer, (pdf file, source code).
- Key enumeration algorithm used in the best attack of the DPA Contest V2 (see hall of fame).

118. F. Durvaux, B. Gerard, S. Kerckhof, F. Koeune, F.-X. Standaert, Intellectual Property Protection for Integrated Systems using Soft Physical Hash Functions, in the proceedings of WISA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7690, pp 208-225, Jeju Island, Korea, August 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

117. M. Medwed, F.-X. Standaert, A. Joux, Towards Super-Exponential Side-Channel Security with Efficient Leakage-Resilient PRFs, in the proceedings of CHES 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7428, pp 193-212, Leuven, Belgium, September 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

116. B. Gerard, F.-X. Standaert, Unified and Optimized Linear Collision Attacks and Their Application in a Non-Profiled Setting, in the proceedings of CHES 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7428, pp 175-192, Leuven, Belgium, September 2012, Springer, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 3, num 1, pp 45-58, April 2013, Springer, (pdf file).

115. S. Kerckhof, F. Durvaux, C. Hocquet, D. Bol, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Green Cryptography: a Comparison of Lightweight Ciphers from the Energy Viewpoint, in the proceedings of CHES 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7428, pp 390-407, Leuven, Belgium, September 2012, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

114. Y. Oren, M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, A. Wool, Algebraic Side-Channel Analysis Beyond the Hamming Weight Leakage Model, in the proceedings of CHES 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7428, pp 140-154, Leuven, Belgium, September 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

113. (Best student paper award & best presentation award!) S. Shariati, F. Koeune, F.-X. Standaert, Security Analysis of Image-based PUFs for Anti-Counterfeiting, in the proceedings of CMS 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7394, pp 26-38, Canterbury, UK, September 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

112. V. Grosso, C. Boura, B. Gerard, F.-X. Standaert, A Note on the Empirical Evaluation of Security Margins against Algebraic Attacks (with Application to Low Cost Ciphers LED and Piccolo), in the proceedings of proceedings of the 33rd WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 52-59, Boekelo, The Netherlands, May 2012, (pdf file, long version).

111. D. Kamel, M. Renauld, D. Bol, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, Analysis of Dynamic Differential Swing Limited Logic for Low-Power Secure Applications, in the Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol 2, num 1, pp 98-126, MDPI, 2012, (pdf file).

110. F. Durvaux, S. Kerckhof, F. Regazzoni, F.-X. Standaert, A Survey of Recent Results in FPGA Security and Intellectual Property Protection, in Secure Smart Embedded Devices: Platforms and Applications (book chapter), pp 201-224, Springer, 2013, (pdf file).

109. A. Bogdanov, L.R. Knudsen, G. Leander, F.-X. Standaert, J. Steinberger, E. Tischhauser, Key-Alternating Ciphers in a Provable Setting: Encryption Using a Small Number of Public Permutations, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7237, pp 45-62, Cambridge, UK, April 2012, Springer, (pdf file).

108. T. Eisenbarth, Zheng Gong, T. Guneysu, S. Heyse, S Indesteege, S. Kerckhof, F. Koeune, T. Nad, T. Plos, F. Regazzoni, F.-X. Standaert, L. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel, Compact Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Block Ciphers in ATtiny Devices, in the proceedings of the ECRYPT Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 2011.
- also appeared in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7374, pp 172-187, Ifrane, Morocco, July 2012, Springer, (pdf file, source codes).

107. F.-X. Standaert, Some Hints on the Evaluation Metrics and Tools for Side-Channel Attacks, NIST Non-Invasive Attack Testing Workshop, Nara, Japan, September 2011.
- Revised version: The Eurocrypt 2009 Evaluation Framework for SCAs, Revisited, seminar given at LIRMM, Montpellier, France in July 2012 and SKLOIS, Bejing, China in August 2012, (slides).

106. M. Medwed, C. Petit, F. Regazzoni, M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, Fresh Re-Keying II: Securing Multiple Parties against Side-Channel and Fault Attacks, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7079, pp 115-132, Leuven, Belgium, September 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

105. M. Medwed, F.-X. Standaert, Extractors Against Side-Channel Attacks: Weak or Strong?, in the proceedings of CHES 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6917, pp 256-272, Nara, Japan, September 2011, Springer, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 1, num 3, pp 231-241, Springer, (pdf file).

104. M. Renauld, D. Kamel, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, Information Theoretic and Security Analysis of a 65-nanometer DDSLL AES S-box, in the proceedings of CHES 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6917, pp 223-239, Nara, Japan, September 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

103. F.-X. Standaert, C. Petit, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, Masking with Randomized Look Up Tables (Towards Preventing Side-Channel Attacks of All Orders), in Festschrift Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6805, pp 283-299, Springer, (pdf file).

102. A. Barenghi, C. Hocquet, D. Bol, F.-X. Standaert, F. Regazzoni, I. Koren, Exploring the Feasibility of Low Cost Fault Injection Attacks on Sub-Threshold Devices through an Example of a 65nm AES Implementation, in the proceedings of RFIDSec 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7055, pp 48-60, Amherst, Massachussets, USA, June 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

101. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, F.-X. Standaert, Generic Side-Channel Distinguishers: Improvements and Limitations, in the proceedings of Crypto 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6841, pp 354-372, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

100. B. Barak, Y. Dodis, H. Krawczyk, O. Pereira, K. Pietrzak, F.-X. Standaert, Yu Yu, Leftover Hash Lemma, Revisited, in the proceedings of Crypto 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6841, pp 1-20, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

99. S. Kerckhof, F. Durvaux, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, F. Regazzoni, G. Meurice de Dormale, F.-X. Standaert, Low Cost FPGA Implementations of the SHA-3 Finalists, in the proceedings of the ECRYPT II Hash Workshop, Tallin, Estonia, May 2011.
- also appeared in the proceedings of CARDIS 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7079, pp 115-132, Leuven, Belgium, September 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

98. S. Kerckhof, B. Collard, F.-X. Standaert, FPGA Implementation of a Statistical Saturation Attack, in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6737, pp 100-116, Dakar, Senegal, July 2011, (pdf file).

97. (HiPEAC Paper Award!) A.G. Bayrak, F. Regazzoni, P. Brisk, F.-X. Standaert, P. Ienne, A First Step Towards Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures, in the proceedings of DAC 2011, pp 230-235, San Diego, California, USA, June 2011, (pdf file).

96. F.-X. Standaert, Leakage Resilient Cryptography: a Practical Overview, invited talk, ECRYPT Workshop on Symmetric Encryption (SKEW 2011), Copenhagen, Denmark, February 2011, (slides).
- Also presented at COSADE 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, February 2011.

95. F. Armknecht, R. Maes, A.-R. Sadeghi, F.-X. Standaert, C. Wachsmann, A Formalization of the Security Features of Physical Functions, in the proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pp 397-412, Oakland, California, USA, May 2011, (pdf file).

94. M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, D. Kamel, D. Flandre, A Formal Study of Power Variability Issues and Side-Channel Attacks for Nanoscale Devices, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6632, pp 109-128, Tallinn, Estonia, May 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

93. C. Hocquet, D. Kamel, F. Regazzoni, J.-D. Legat, D. Flandre, D. Bol, F.-X. Standaert, Harvesting the potential of nano-CMOS for lightweight cryptography: An ultra-low-voltage 65 nm AES coprocessor for passive RFID tags, in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 1, num 1, pp 79-86, April 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

92. J. Doget, E. Prouff, M. Rivain, F.-X. Standaert, Univariate Side Channel Attacks and Leakage Modeling, in the proceedings of COSADE 2011, pp 1-15, Darmstadt, Germany, February 2011, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol 1, num 2, pp 123-144, Springer, (pdf file).

91. F. Regazzoni, Wang Yi, F.-X. Standaert, FPGA Implementations of the AES Masked Against Power Analysis Attacks, in the proceedings of COSADE 2011, pp 56-66, Darmstadt, Germany, February 2011, (pdf file).

90. B. Collard, F.-X. Standaert, Experimenting Linear Cryptanalysis, in Advanced Linear Cryptanalysis (book chapter), pp 1-28, IOS Press, 2011, (pdf file).

89. (IET Information Security Premium Award 2011-2013!) S. Mangard, E. Oswald, F.-X. Standaert, One for All - All for One: Unifying Standard DPA Attacks, in IET Information Security, vol 5, num 2, pp 100-110, June 2011, (pdf file).

88. F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, E. Oswald, B. Gierlichs, M. Medwed, M. Kasper, S. Mangard, The World is Not Enough: Another Look on Second-Order DPA, in the proceedings of Asiacrypt 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6477, pp 112-129, Singapore, December 2010, Springer, (pdf file, long version).

87. Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, O. Pereira, M. Yung, Practical Leakage-Resilient Pseudorandom Generators, in the proceedings of ACM CCS 2010, pp 141-151, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 2010, (pdf file).

86. S. Shariati, L. Jacques, F.-X. Standaert, B. Macq, M.A. Salhi, P. Antoine, Randomly Driven Fuzzy Key Extraction of Unclonable Images, in the proceedings of ICIP 2010, Hong Kong, September 2010, (pdf file).

85. D. Kamel, C. Hocquet, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, D. Bol, Glitch-Induced Within-Die Variations of Dynamic Energy in Voltage-Scaled Nano-CMOS Circuits, in the proceedings of ESSCIRC 2010, Seville, Spain, September 2010, (pdf file).

84. F.-X. Standaert, How Leaky is an Extractor?, in the proceedings of LatinCrypt 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6212, pp 294-304, Puebla, Mexico, August 2010, Springer, (pdf file).

83. F.-X. Standaert, O. Pereira, Yu Yu, J.-J. Quisquater, M. Yung, E. Oswald, Leakage Resilient Cryptography in Practice, in Towards Hardware Intrinsic Security: Foundation and Practice (book chapter), pp 105-139, Springer, 2010, (pdf file).

82. M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, Representation-, Leakage- and Cipher- Dependencies in Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of the ACNS 2010 Industrial Track, Beijing, China, June 2010, (pdf file).

81. B. Collard, F.-X. Standaert, Multi-Trail Statistical Saturation Attacks, in the proceedings of ACNS 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6123, pp 123-138, Beijing, China, June 2010, Springer, (pdf file).

80. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, F.-X. Standaert, Adaptive Chosen-Message Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of ACNS 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6123, pp 186-199, Beijing, China, June 2010, Springer, (pdf file).

79. L. Batina, B. Gierlichs, E. Prouff, M. Rivain, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, Mutual Information Analysis: a Comprehensive Study, in the Journal of Cryptology, vol 24, num 2, pp 269-291, April 2011, Springer, (pdf file).

78. M. Medwed, F.-X. Standaert, J. Groszschaedl, F. Regazzoni, Fresh Re-Keying: Security against Side-Channel and Fault Attacks for Low-Cost Devices, in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6055, pp 279-296, Stellenbosch, South Africa, May 2010, Springer, (pdf file).

77. G. de Meulenaer, F.-X. Standaert, Stealthy Compromise of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Power Analysis Attacks, in the proceedings of Mobilight 2010, pp 229-242, Barcelona, Spain, (pdf file).
- also presented as a poster at ACM Wisec 2010, Hoboken, New Jersey, March 2010.

76. S. Shariati, F.-X. Standaert, B. Macq, M. Salhi, P. Antoine, Random Profiles of Laser Marks, in the proceedings of the 31st WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, 8 pages, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 2010, (pdf file).

75. M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of Inscrypt 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6151, pp 393-410, Bejing, China, December 2009, Springer, (pdf file, source code).

74. F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, Time-Memory Tradeoffs, Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, second edition, Springer, 2010, (pdf file).

73. F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, Physical Security, Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, second edition, Springer, 2010, (pdf file).

72. P. Bulens, F.-X, Standaert, J.-J Quisquater, How to Strongly Link Data and its Medium: the Paper Case, IET Information Security, vol 4, num 2, pp 125-136, September 2010, (pdf file).

71. M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, Algebraic Attacks on the AES: Why Time also Matters in DPA, in the proceedings of CHES 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5747, pp 97-111, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2009, Springer, (pdf file, source code).

70. F. Regazzoni, A. Cevrero, F.-X. Standaert, S. Badel, T. Kluter, P. Brisk, Y. Leblebici, P. Ienne, A Design Flow and Evaluation Framework for DPA-Resistant Instruction Set Extensions, in the proceedings of CHES 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5747, pp 205-219, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2009, Springer, (pdf file).

69. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, F.-X. Standaert, Mutual Information Analysis: How, When and Why?, in the proceedings of CHES 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5747, pp 429-443, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2009, Springer, (pdf file).

68. M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, Combining Algebraic and Side-Channel Cryptanalysis against Block Ciphers, in the proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 97-104, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 2009, (pdf file).

67. D. Kamel, D. Bol, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, Comparison of Ultra-Low-Power and Static CMOS Full Adders in 0.15 um FD SOI CMOS, in the proceedings of IEEE International SOI Conference, Foster City, California, USA, October 2009, (pdf file).

66. F.-X. Standaert, F. Koeune, Tickets de Metro Electroniques et Vie Privee, Le Soir, 27 aout 2009, (version longue), (version courte).
- Intervention au Parlement de la Region de Bruxelles Capitale, 22 juin 2011 (slides).

65. F.-X. Standaert, F. Koeune, W. Schindler, How to Compare Profiled Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of ACNS 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5536, pp 485-498, Paris, France, June 2009, Springer, (pdf file).

64. D. Kamel, F.-X. Standaert, D. Flandre, Scaling Trends of the AES S-box Lower Power Consumption in 130 and 65 nm CMOS Technology Nodes, in the proceedings of ISCAS 2009, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.), May 2009, (pdf file).

63. (Eurocrypt Test-of-Time Award 2024!) F.-X. Standaert, T.G. Malkin, M. Yung, A Unified Framework for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks, in the proceedings of Eurocrypt 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5479, pp 443-461, Cologne, Germany, April 2009, Springer, (pdf file).

62. B. Collard, F.-X. Standaert, A Statistical Saturation Attack against the Block Cipher PRESENT, in the proceedings of CT-RSA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5473, pp 195-210, San Francisco, USA, April 2009, Springer, (pdf file), errata + improvement.

61. G. Piret, F.-X. Standaert, Provable Security of Block Ciphers Against Linear Cryptanalysis - a Mission Impossible?, in Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol 50, num 3, pp 325-338, March 2009, (pdf file).

60. C.H. Kim, G. Avoine, F. Koeune, F.-X. Standaert, O. Pereira, The Swiss-Knife RFID Distance Bounding Protocol, in the proceedings of ICISC 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5461, pp 98-115, Seoul, Korea, December 2008, Springer, (pdf file).

59. F.-X. Standaert, B. Gierlichs, I. Verbauwhede, Partition vs. Comparison Side-Channel Distinguishers: an Empirical Evaluation of Statistical Tests for Univariate Side-Channel Attacks against Two Unprotected CMOS Devices, in the proceedings of ICISC 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5461, pp 253-267, Seoul, Korea, December 2008, Springer, (pdf file).

58. F.-X. Standaert, T.G. Malkin, M. Yung, Does Physical Security of Cryptographic Devices Need a Formal Study?, invited talk, in the proceedings of ICITS 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5155, pp 70, Calgary, Canada, August 2008, Springer, (pdf file).

57. F.-X. Standaert, Securite des Comminucations en Presence de Fuites Physiques d'Information, la Lettre du FNRS, pp 26, Septembre 2008, (pdf file).

56. F.-X. Standaert, C. Archambeau, Using Subspace-Based Template Attacks to Compare and Combine Power and Electromagnetic Information Leakages, in the proceedings of CHES 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5154, pp 411-425, Washington DC, USA, August 2008, Springer (pdf file).

55. G. de Meulenaer, F. Gosset, F.-X. Standaert, L. Vandendorpe, On the Energy Cost of Communications and Cryptography in Wireless Sensor Networks, in the proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 239-246, Leuven, Belgium, May 2008, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (SecPriWiMob'2008), Avignon, France, October 2008 (pdf file).

54. F. Gosset, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, FPGA Implementation of SQUASH, in the proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 231-238, Leuven, Belgium, May 2008, (pdf file).

53. P. Bulens, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, P. Pellegrin, G. Rouvroy, Implementation of the AES-128 on Virtex-5 FPGAs, in the proceedings of Africacrypt 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5023, pp 16-26, Casablanca, Morocco, June 2008, Springer, (pdf file).

52. F. Mace, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, FPGA Implementation(s) of a Scalable Encryption Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on VLSI, vol 16, num 2, pp 212-216, February 2008, (pdf file).

51. C. Petit, F.-X. Standaert, O. Pereira, T.G. Malkin, M. Yung, A Block Cipher based Pseudo Random Number Generator Secure Against Side-Channel Key Recovery, in the proceedings of ASIACCS 2008, pp 56-65, Tokyo, Japan, March 2008, (pdf file, e-Print version).

50. B. Collard, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, Experiments on the Multiple Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round Serpent, in the proceedings of FSE 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5086, pp 382-397, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 2008, Springer, (pdf file, trails).

49. G. Piret, F.-X. Standaert, Security Analysis of Higher-Order Boolean Masking Schemes for Block Ciphers (with Conditions of Perfect Masking), in IET Information Security, vol 2, num 1, pp 1-11, March 2008, (pdf file).

48. B. Collard, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, Improving the Time Complexity of Matsui's Linear Cryptanalysis, in the proceedings of ICISC 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4817, pp 77-88, Seoul, Korea, November 2007, Springer, (pdf file).

47. B. Collard, F.X. Standaert, J.J. Quisquater, Improved and Multiple Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round Serpent, in the proceedings of InsCrypt 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4990, pp 51-65, Xining, China, September 2007, Springer, (pdf file), appendixes, (pdf file).

46. F. Mace, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, Information Theoretic Evaluation of Logic Styles to Counteract Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of CHES 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4727, pp 427-442, Vienna, Austria, September 2007, Springer, (pdf file).

45. F.-X. Standaert, Secure and Efficient Implementation of Symmetric Encryption Schemes using FPGAs, Cryptographic Engineering (book chapter), pp 295-318, Springer, 2009. (pdf file).

44. F. Mace, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, ASIC Implementations of the Block Cipher SEA for Constrained Applications, in the proceedings of RFID Security Workshop 2007, 12 pages, Malaga, Spain, July 2007, (pdf file).

43. J.-J. Quisquater, F.-X. Standaert, Physically Secure Cryptographic Computations: From Micro to Nano Electronic Devices, in the proceedings of DSN 2007, Workshop on Dependable and Secure Nanocomputing, invited talk, 2 pages, Edinburgh, UK, June 2007, (pdf file).

42. F.-X. Standaert, Introduction to Side-Channel Attacks, in Secure Integrated Circuits and Systems (book chapter), pp 27-44, Springer, July 2009. (pdf file).

41. P. Bulens, K. Kallach, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, FPGA Implementations of eSTREAM Phase-2 Focus Candidates with Hardware Profile, in the proceedings of SASC 2007, 10 pages, Bochum, Germany, January 2007, (pdf file).

40. F.-X. Standaert, A Didactic Classification of Some Illustrative Leakage Functions, in the proceedings of WISSEC 2006, 16 pages, Antwerp, Belgium, November 2006.

39. F.-X. Standaert, E. Peeters, C. Archambeau, J.-J. Quisquater, Towards Security Limits in Side-Channel Attacks, in the proceedings of CHES 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4249, pp 30-45, Yokohama, Japan, October 2006, Springer, (pdf file).

38. C. Archambeau, E. Peeters, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, Template Attacks in Principal Subspaces, in the proceedings of CHES 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4249, pp 1-14, Yokohama, Japan, October 2006, Springer, (pdf file).
- Also appeared in the proceedings of WISSEC 2006, Antwerp, Belgium, November 2006. -

37. F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, FPGA Implementations of the DES and Triple-DES Masked Against Power Analysis Attacks, in the proceedings of FPL 2006, Madrid, Spain, August 2006, (pdf file).

36. F.-X. Standaert, E. Peeters, F. Mace, J.-J. Quisquater, Updates on the Security of FPGAs Against Power Analysis Attacks, in the proceedings of ARC 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3985, pp 335-346, Delft, The Netherlands, March 2006, Springer, (pdf file).

35. E. Peeters, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, Power and Electromagnetic Analysis: Improved Models, Consequences and Comparisons, in Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol 40, pp 52-60, Elsevier, Spring 2007, (pdf file).

34. F. Koeune, F.-X. Standaert, A Tutorial on Physical Security and Side-Channel Attacks, in Foundations of Security Analysis and Design III: FOSAD 2004/2005 Tutorial Lectures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3655, pp 78-108, September 2005, Springer, (pdf file).

33. T.G. Malkin, F.-X. Standaert, M. Yung, A Comparative Cost/Security Analysis of Fault Attack Countermeasures, in the proceedings of FDTC 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2005, (pdf file).
- Also included in the best papers of FDTC 2005/2006 volume, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4236, pp 159-172, September 2006, Springer -

32. F. Mace, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, A Design Methodology for Secured ICs Using Dynamic Current Mode Logic, in the proceedings of PATMOS 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3728, pp 550-560, Leuven, Belgium, September 2005, Springer, (pdf file).

31. E. Peeters, F.-X. Standaert, N. Donckers, J.-J. Quisquater, Improved Higher-Order Side-Channel Attacks With FPGA Experiments, in the proceedings of CHES 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3659, pp 309-323, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2005, Springer, (pdf file).

30. F.-X. Standaert, G. Piret, N. Gershenfeld, J.-J. Quisquater, SEA: a Scalable Encryption Algorithm for Small Embedded Applications, in the proceedings of the Workshop on Lightweight Crypto, Graz, Austria, July 2005, (pdf file).
- Also appeared in the proceedings of CARDIS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3928 , pp 222-236, Tarragona, Catalonia, Aprils 2006, Springer, (pdf file) -

29. P. Leglise, F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, Efficient Implementation of Recent Stream Ciphers on Reconfigurable Hardware Devices, in the proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, (pdf file).

28. J.-J. Quisquater, F.-X. Standaert, Exhaustive Key Search of the DES: Updates and Refinements, in the proceedings of SHARCS 2005 (Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems), Paris, France, February 2005, (pdf file).

27. F.-X. Standaert, E. Peeters, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, An Overview of Power Analysis Attacks Against Field Programmable Gate Arrays, in the Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 94, num. 2, pp 383-394, February 2006, (pdf file).

26. F.-X. Standaert, F. Lefebvre, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, B. Macq, J.-D. Legat, Practical Evaluation of a Radial Soft Hash Algorithm, in the proceedings of ITCC 2005 (vol 2), pp 89-94, Las Vegas, USA, April 2005, (pdf file).

25. F.-X. Standaert, G. Piret, G. rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, FPGA Implementations of the ICEBERG Block Cipher, in the proceedings of ITCC 2005 (vol 1), pp 556-561, Las Vegas, USA, April 2005, (pdf file).
- Extended version in Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol 40, pp 20-27, Elsevier, Spring 2007, (pdf file) -

24. F.-X. Standaert, E. Peeters, J.-J. Quisquater, On the Masking Countermeasure and Higher-Order Power Analysis Attacks, in the proceedings of ITCC 2005 (vol 1), pp 562-567, Las Vegas, USA, April 2005, (pdf file).

23. G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, F. Lefebvre, J.-J. Quisquater, B. Macq, J.-D. Legat, Reconfigurable Hardware Solutions for the Digital Rights Management of Digital Cinema, in the proceedings of DRM 2004, pp 40-53, Washington DC, USA, October 2004, (pdf file).

22. F. Mace, F.-X. Standaert, I. Hassoune, J.-D. Legat, J.-J. Quisquater, A Dynamic Current Mode Logic to Counteract Power Analysis Attacks, in the proceedings of DCIS 2004, Bordeaux, France, November 2004, (pdf file).

21. F.-X. Standaert, S.B. Ors, J.-J. Quisquater, B. Preneel, Power Analysis Attacks against FPGA Implementations of the DES, in the proceedings of FPL 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3203, pp 84-94, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2004, Springer, (pdf file).

20. F.-X. Standaert, S.B. Ors, B. Preneel, Power Analysis of an FPGA Implementation of Rijndael: Is Pipelining a DPA Countermeasure?, in the proceedings of CHES 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3156, pp 30-44, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 2004, Springer, (pdf file).

19. G. Rouvroy, F. Lefebvre, F.-X. Standaert, B. Macq, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Hardware Implementation of a Fingerprinting Algorithm Suited for Digital Cinema, in the proceedings of Eusipco 2004, Vienna, Austria, September 2004, (pdf file).

18. G. Piret, F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, On the Security of the DeKaRT Primitive, in the proceedings of CARDIS 2004, pp 241-254, Toulouse, France, August 2004, Kluwer, (pdf file).

17. J.-J. Quisquater, F.-X. Standaert, Time-Memory Tradeoffs, Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, Springer, 2004, (pdf file).

16. J.-J. Quisquater, M. Neve, E. Peeters, F.-X. Standaert, L'emission rayonnee des cartes a puces : une vue d'ensemble, Revue de l'Electricite et de l'Electronique, num 6/7, June/July 2004, (pdf file).

15. G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Compact and Efficient Encryption/Decryption Module for FPGA Implementation of the AES Rijndael Very Well Suited for Small Embedded Applications, in the proceedings of ITCC 2004, Las Vegas, USA, April 2004, (pdf file).
- Extended version available in: Embedded Cryptographic Hardware Design and Security (book chapter), Nova Science Publishers, 2004, (pdf file) -

14. F.-X. Standaert, G. Piret, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, ICEBERG: an Involutional Cipher Efficient for Block Encryption in Reconfigurable Hardware, in the proceedings of FSE 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3017, pp 279-298, Delhi, India, February 2004, Springer, (pdf file).

13. G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Design Strategies and Modified Descriptions to Optimize Cipher FPGA Implementations: Fast and Compact Results for DES and Triple-DES, in the proceedings of FPL 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2778, pp 181-193, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2003, Springer, (pdf file).
- Also presented as a poster at FPGA 2003, Monterey, California, USA, February 2003 (13b), (pdf file) -

12. F.-X. Standaert, L. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel, D. Samyde, J.-J. Quisquater, Differential Power Analysis of FPGAs : How Practical is the Attack?, in the proceedings of FPL 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2778, pp 701-709, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2003, Springer, (pdf file).

11. F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Efficient Implementation of Rijndael Encryption in Reconfigurable Hardware: Improvements and Design Tradeoffs, in the proceedings of CHES 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2779, pp 334-350, Cologne, Germany, September 2003, Springer, (pdf file).

10. F.-X. Standaert, G. Piret, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Key-Dependent Approximations in Cryptanalysis, in the proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp 53-62, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, May 2003, (pdf file).

9. G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Efficient Uses of FPGAs for Implementations of the DES and its Experimental Linear Cryptanalysis, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Special Edition on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 32, num 4, pp 473-482, April 2003, (pdf file).

8. G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Efficient FPGA implementation of block cipher MISTY1, in the proceedings of RAW 2003, 7 pages, Nice, France, April 2003, (pdf file).

7. F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, A Methodology to Implement Block Ciphers in Reconfigurable Hardware and its Application to Fast and Compact AES Rijndael, in the proceedings of FPGA 2003, pp 216-224, Monterey, California, February 2003, (pdf file).

6. F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, Efficient FPGA Implementations of Block Ciphers KHAZAD and MISTY1, in the proceedings of the Third NESSIE Workshop, 10 pages, Munich, November 2002, (pdf file).
- Extended version in the NESSIE final report, (ps file) -

5. (Prix Recherche et Developpement de la SRBE!) G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, Implementation of Cryptographic Standards and Cryptanalysis using FPGA's : Extended Abstract, Revue E Tijdschrift - 118eme annee/118de jaargang - num 3-2002 (Septembre/September 2002), (pdf file).

4. F. Koeune, G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-P. David, J.-D. Legat, A FPGA Implementation of the Linear Cryptanalysis, in the proceedings of FPL 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2438, pp 845-852, Montpellier, France, September 2002, Springer, (pdf file).

3. J.-J. Quisquater, F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-P. David, J.-D. Legat, A Cryptanalytic Time-Memory Tradeoff : First FPGA Implementation, in the proceedings of FPL 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2438, pp 780-789, Montpellier, France, September 2002, Springer, (pdf file).

2. F.-X. Standaert, G. Rouvroy, J.-J. Quisquater, J.-D. Legat, A Time-Memory Tradeoff using Distinguished Points: New Analysis and FPGA Results, in the proceedings of CHES 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2523, pp 593-609, Redwood City, California, USA, August 2002, Springer, (pdf file).

1. (IEEE Student Paper Contest Finalist!) G. Rouvroy, F.-X. Standaert, FPGA's as Cryptanalytic Tools, in the proceedings of the IEEE Melecon 2002 conference, pp 209-214, Cairo, May 2002, (pdf file).

Technical reports

U88. M. Obremski, J. Ribeiro, L. Roy, F.-X. Standaert, D. Venturi, Improved Reductions from Noisy to Bounded and Probing Leakages via Hockey-Stick Divergences, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2024/1009.

U87. T. Moos, S. Saha, F.-X. Standaert, Prime Masking vs. Faults - Exponential Security Amplification against Selected Classes of Attacks, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2024/147.

U86. G. Cassiers, L. Masure, C. Momin, T. Moos, A. Moradi, F.-X. Standaert, Randomness Generation for Secure Hardware Masking - Unrolled Trivium to the Rescue, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2023/1134.

U85. T. Peters, Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Multiplex: TBC-based Authenticated Encryption with Sponge-Like Rate, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2024/294.

U84. L. Grassi, L. Masure, P Meaux, T. Moos, F.-X. Standaert, Generalized Feistel Ciphers for Efficient Prime Field Masking, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2024/431.

U83. C. Hoffmann, P. Meaux, F.-X. Standaert, The Patching Landscape of Elisabeth-4 and the Mixed Filter Permutator Paradigm, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2023/1895.

U82. Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Lei Wang, Forgery Attacks on Several Beyond-Birthday-Bound Secure MACs, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2023/1431.

U81. J. Feldtkeller, T. Guneysu, T. Moos, J. Richter-Brockmann, S. Saha, P. Sasdrich, F.-X. Standaert, Combined Private Circuits - Combined Security Refurbished, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2023/1341.

U80. M. Azouaoui, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, C. Hoffmann, Y. Kuzovkova, J. Renes, M. Schönauer, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, C. van Vredendaal, Protecting Dilithium against Leakage: Revisited Sensitivity Analysis and Improved Implementations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/1406.

U79. L. Masure, F.-X. Standaert, Prouff & Rivain’s Formal Security Proof of Masking, Revisited: Tight Bounds in the Noisy Leakage Model, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2023/883.

U78. Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Optimally Secure Tweakable Block Ciphers with a Large Tweak from n-bit Block Ciphers, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2023/790.

U77. L. Masure, G. Cassiers, J. Hendrickx, F.-X. Standaert, Information Bounds and Convergence Rates for Side-Channel Security Evaluators, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/490.

U76. L. Masure, P. Meaux, T. Moos, F.-X. Standaert, Effective and Efficient Masking with Low Noise using Small-Mersenne-Prime Ciphers, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/863.

U75. F. Berti, Chun Guo, T. Peters, Yaobin Shen, F.-X. Standaert, Secure Message Authentication in the Presence of Leakage and Faults, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/1142.

U74. J. Béguinot, Wei Cheng, S. Guilley, Yi Liu, L. Masure, O. Rioul, F.-X. Standaert, Removing the Field Size Loss from Duc et al.'s Conjectured Bound for Masked Encodings, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/1738.

U73. O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Give Me 5 Minutes: Attacking ASCAD with a Single Side-Channel Trace, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2021/817.

U72. C. Hoffmann, B. Libert, C. Momin, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Leakage-Resistant Post-Quantum CCA-Secure Public Key Encryption, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/873.

U71. C. Verhamme, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Analyzing the Leakage Resistance of the NIST's Lightweight Crypto Standardization Process Finalists, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/1628.

U70. L. Masure, V. Cristiani, M. Lecomte, F.-X. Standaert, Don't Learn What You Already Know: Grey-Box Modeling for Profiling Side-Channel Analysis against Masking, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/493.

U69. L. Masure, O. Rioul, F.-X. Standaert, A Nearly Tight Proof of Duc et al.'s Conjectured Security Bound for Masked Implementations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/600.

U68. O. Cosseron, C. Hoffmann, P. Meaux, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Globally Optimized Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption - Featuring the Elisabeth Stream Cipher, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/180.

U67. C. Momin, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Unprotected and Masked Hardware Implementations of Spook v2, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/254.

U66. C. Momin, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Handcrafting: Improving Automated Masking in Hardware with Manual Optimizations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/252.

U65. M. Azouaoui, O. Bronchain, C. Hoffmann, Y. Kuzovkova, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, Systematic Study of Decryption and Re-Encryption Leakage: the Case of Kyber, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2022/036.

U64. M. Azouaoui, O. Bronchain, V. Grosso, K. Papagiannopoulos, F.-X. Standaert, Bitslice Masking and Improved Shuffling: How and When to Mix Them in Software?, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2021/951.

U63. S. Duval, P. Meaux, C. Momin, F.-X. Standaert, Exploring Crypto-Physical Dark Matter and Learning with Physical Rounding Towards Secure and Efficient Fresh Re-Keying, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2021/950.

U62. A. Canteau, F.-X. Standaert, Report on the Eurocrypt 2021 Review Process, June 14, 2021, (pdf file).

U61. G. Cassiers, B. Gregoire, I. Levi, F.-X. Standaert, Hardware Private Circuits: From Trivial Composition to Full Verification, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2020/185.

U60. Qian Guo, V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, Modeling Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks from a Coding Theory Viewpoint, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2018/498.

U59. D. Bellizia, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, V. Grosso, Chun Guo, C. Momin, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Mode-Level vs. Implementation-Level Physical Security in Symmetric Cryptography: A Practical Guide Through the Leakage-Resistance Jungle, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2020/211.

U58. Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Low-Energy Leakage-Resistant Authenticated Encryption from the Duplex Sponge Construction, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/193.

U57. G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert, Trivially and Efficiently Composing Masked Gadgets with Probe Isolating Non-Interference, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2018/438.

U56. Chun Guo, F.-X. Standaert, Weijia Wang, Yu Yu, Efficient Side-Channel Secure Message Authentication with Better Bounds, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/1424.

U55. O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, Side-Channel Countermeasures' Dissection and the Limits of Closed Source Security Evaluations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/1008.

U54 F. Berti, Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Strong Authenticity with Leakage under Weak and Falsifiable Physical Assumptions, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/1413.

U53. F. Berti, Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, TEDT, a Leakage-Resilient AEAD mode for High (Physical) Security Applications, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/137.

U52. P. Meaux, C. Carlet, A. Journault, F.-X. Standaert, Improved Filter Permutators: Combining Symmetric Encryption Design, Boolean Functions, Low Complexity Cryptography, and Homomorphic Encryption, for Private Delegation of Computations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/193.

U51. Chun Guo, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Authenticated Encryption with Nonce Misuse and Physical Leakages: Definitions, Separation Results, and Leveled Constructions, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2018/484.

U50. O. Bronchain, J.M. Hendrickx, C. Massart, A. Olshevsky, F.-X. Standaert, Leakage Certification Revisited: Bounding Model Errors in Side-Channel Security Evaluations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/132.

U49. C. Massart, F.-X. Standaert, Revisiting Location Privacy from a Side-Channel Analysis Viewpoint (Extended Version), cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/467.

U48. F. Berti, O. Pereira, F.-X. Standaert, Reducing the cost of Authenticity with Leakages - a CIML2-secure AE scheme with one Call to a Strongly Protected TBC, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/451.

U47. M. Azouaoui, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, Fast Side-Channel Security Evaluation of ECC Implementations - Shortcut Formulas for Horizontal Side-channel Attacks against ECSM with the Montgomery, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2019/163.

U46. T. Moos, A. Moradi, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert, Glitch-Resistant Masking Revisited - or Why Proofs in the Robust Probing Model are Needed, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2018/490.

U45. F.-X. Standaert, How (not) to Use Welch's T-test in Side-Channel Security Evaluations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2017/138.

U44. S. Faust, V. Grosso, S. Merino Del Pozo, C. Paglialonga, F.-X. Standaert, Composable Masking Schemes in the Presence of Physical Defaults and the Robust Probing Model, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2017/711.

U43. F. Berti, F. Koeune, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, Leakage-Resilient and Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2016/996.

U42. V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, Masking Proofs are Tight (and How to Exploit it in Security Evaluations), cryptology e-Print archive, report 2017/116.

U41. Liwei Zhang, A. Ding, F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, Yunsi Fei, Towards Sound and Optimal Leakage Detection Procedure, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2017/287.

U40. G. Barthe, F. Dupressoir, S. Faust, B. Gregoire, F.-X. Standaert, P.-Y. Strub, Parallel Implementations of Masking Schemes and the Bounded Moment Leakage Model, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2016/912.

U39. A. Moradi, F.-X. Standaert, Moments-Correlating DPA, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2014/409.

U38. V. Grosso, G. Leurent, F.-X. Standaert, K. Varici, Anthony Journault, F. Durvaux, L. Gaspar, S. Kerckhof, SCREAM & iSCREAM: Side-Channel Resistant Authenticated Encryption with Masking, submission to the CAESAR competition, version 3, second round specifications, (pdf file).

U37. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, Towards Easy Leakage Certification, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2015/537.

U36. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, From Improved Leakage Detection to the Detection of Points of Interests in Leakage Traces, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2015/536.

U35. V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, ASCA, SASCA and DPA with Enumeration: Which One Beats the Other and When?, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2015/535.

U34. P. Pessl, F.-X. Standaert, S. Mangard, F. Durvaux, Towards Leakage Simulators that Withstand the Correlation Distinguisher, Asiacrypt 2014 rump session talk, (slides).

U33. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, J.-B. Mairy, Y. Deville, Efficient Selection of Time Samples for Higher-Order DPA with Projection Pursuits, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2014/412.

U32. C. Glowacz, V. Grosso, R. Poussier, J. Schueth, F.-X. Standaert, Simpler and More Efficient Rank Estimation for Side-Channel Security Assessment, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2014/920.

U31. S. Belaid, V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, Masking and Leakage-Resilient Primitives: One, the Other(s) or Both?, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2014/053.

U30. J. Balasch, B. Gierlichs, V. Grosso, O. Reparaz, F.-X. Standaert, On the Cost of Lazy Engineering for Masked Software Implementations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2014/413.

U29. V. Grosso, R. Poussier, F.-X. Standaert, L. Gaspar, Combining Leakage-Resilient PRFs and Shuffling (Towards Bounded Security for Small Embedded Devices), cryptology e-Print archive, report 2014/411.

U28. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, B. Gerard, F.-X. Standaert, Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2014/410.

U27. F. Durvaux, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, How to Certify the Leakage of a Chip?, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2013/706.

U26. C. Whitnall, E. Oswald, F.-X. Standaert, The Myth of Generic DPA... and the Magic of Learning, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2012/256.

U25. S. Belaid, F. De Santis, J. Heyszl, S. Mangard, M. Medwed, J.-M. Schmidt, F.-X. Standaert, S. Tillich, Towards Fresh Re-Keying with Leakage-Resilient PRFs: Cipher Design Principles and Analysis, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2013/305.

U24.Yuanyuan Zhou, Yu Yu, F.-X. Standaert, J.-J. Quisquater, On the Need of Physical Security for Small Embedded Devices: a Case Study with COMP128-1 Implementations in SIM Cards, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2013/224.

U23. Gangjun Fan, Yongbin Zhou, F.-X. Standaert, Dengguo Feng, On (Destructive) Impacts of Mathematical Realizations over the Security of Leakage Resilient ElGamal Encryption, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2013/213.

U22. Hui Zhao, Yongbin Zhou, F.-X. Standaert, Hailong Zhang, Systematic Construction and Comprehensive Evaluation of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test based Side-Channel Distinguishers, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2013/091.

U21. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, B. Gerard, F.-X. Standaert, Security Evaluations Beyond Computing Power: How to Analyze Side-Channel Attacks you Cannot Mount?, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2012/578, (source code).

U20. J. Balasch, B. Ege, T. Eisenbarth, B. Gerard, T. Guneysu, S. Heyse, S. Indesteege, S. Kerckhof, F. Koeune, T. Nad, T. Plos, T. Poppelmann, F. Reggazoni, F.-X. Standaert, G. Van Assche, R. Van Keer, L. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel, I. von Maurich, Final Lightweight Cryptography Status Report, ECRYPT NOE Deliverable, D.SYM.12, October 2012, (pdf file).

U19. F. Durvaux, M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, L. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, Cryptanalysis of the CHES 2009/2010 Random Delay Countermeasure, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2012/038.

U18. J. Balasch, B. Ege, T. Eisenbarth, B. Gerard, Z. Gong, T. Guneysu, S. Heyse, S. Kerckhof, F. Koeune, T. Plos, T. Poppelmann, F. Regazzoni, F.-X. Standaert, G. Van Assche, R. Van Keer, L. van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel, I. von Maurich, Compact Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Hash Functions in ATtiny Devices, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2012/507 (source codes).

U17. A. Bogdanov, L.R. Knudsen, G. Leander, F.-X. Standaert, J.P. Steinberger, E. Tischhauser, Key-Alternating Ciphers in a Provable Setting: Encryption Using a Small Number of Public Permutations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2012/35.

U16. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, B. Gerard, M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, An optimal Key Enumeration Algorithm and its Application to Side-Channel Attacks, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2011/610, (source code).

U15. M. Medwed, F.-X. Standaert, Extractors Against Side-Channel Attacks: Weak or Strong?, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2011/348.

U14. N. Veyrat-Charvillon, F.-X. Standaert, Generic Side-Channel Distinguishers: Improvements and Limitations, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2011/088.

U13. B. Barak, Y. Dodis, H. Krawczyk, O. Pereira, K. Pietrzak, F.-X. Standaert, Yu Yu, Leftover Hash Lemma, Revisited, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2011/149.

U12. A. Dehbaoui, S. Tiran, P. Maurine, F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, Spectral Coherence Analysis - First Experimental Results -, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2011/056.

U11. F.-X. Standaert, N. Veyrat-Charvillon, E. Oswald, B. Gierlichs, M. Medwed, M. Kasper, S. Mangard, The World is Not Enough: Another Look on Second-Order DPA, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2010/180.

U10. S. Mangard, E. Oswald, F.-X. Standaert, One for All - All for One: Unifying Standard DPA Attacks, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2009/449.

U9. F.-X. Standaert, O. Pereira, Y. Yu, J.-J. Quisquater, M. Yung, E. Oswald, Leakage Resilient Cryptography in Practice, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2009/341.

U8. M. Renauld, F.-X. Standaert, Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2009/279.

U7. L. Batina, T. Eisenbarth, B. Gierlichs, F. Koeune, E. Oswald, F.-X. Standaert, S. Tillich, Theoretical Models for Side-Channel Attacks, ECRYPT NOE Deliverable, D.VAM.15, June 2008, (pdf file).

U6. F.-X. Standaert, T.G. Malkin, M. Yung, A Unified Framework for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks, cryptology e-Print archive, report 2006/139.

U5. L. Batina, N. Mentens, E. Oswald, J. Pelzl, C. Priplata, C. Stahlke, F.-X. Standaert, Hardware Crackers, ECRYPT NOE Deliverable, D.VAM.3, August 2005, (pdf file).

U4. E. Oswald, M. Feldhofer, K. Lemke, F.-X. Standaert, T. Wollinger, J. Wolkerstorfer, State of the Art in Hardware Architecture, ECRYPT NOE Deliverable, D.VAM.2, September 2005, (pdf file).

U3. L. Batina, E. De Mulder, K. Lemke, N. Mentens, E. Oswald, E. Peeters, F.-X. Standaert, Report on DPA and EMA Attacks on FPGAs, ECRYPT NOE delvierable, D.VAM.5, July 2005, (pdf file).

U2. L. Batina, E. De Mulder, K. Lemke, S. Mangard, E. Oswald, G. Piret, F.-X. Standaert, Electromagnetic Analysis and Fault Attacks: State of the Art, ECRYPT NOE deliverable, D.VAM.4, May 2005, (pdf file).

U1. F.-X. Standaert, G. Piret, J.-J. Quisquater, Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers, a Survey, UCL Crypto Group Technical report, CG-2003/2, (pdf file).