Some useful reminders for the exam of Tuesday June 11th 2024

To know for the day of the exam :
Your noma : you have to identify yourself to get it :-)
Your examination room : you have to identify yourself to get it :-)
Your magic number for sorting copies : you have to identify yourself to get it... :-)

To hand in (and possibly take back) a blank sheet of paper for the exam, the last thing you want to do is walk in on the day of the examn...

  Students dans l'auditoire BARB91
  Students handing a blank sheet

Instructions for the exam of Tuesday June 11th 2024

The schedeule exam will depend on your group !.

11:15 : groups 2 and 3
11:35 : groups 4 and 5
11:55 : groups 6 and 8
12:15 : groups 7 and 10
12:35 : groups 9 and 11
12:55 : groups 12 and 13
13;15 : group 14