£300 will be awarded every two years to a published (or accepted) self-labelled replication using materials held on IRIS. Direct, partial, and conceptual replications are all eligible. The study must self-label with the term ‘replication’ in the title and/or abstract.
2018 Winner:
Suzuki, Y. (2017). The optimal distribution of practice for the acquisition of L2 morphology: A conceptual replication and extension. Language Learning, 67, 512–545.
This study replicated Suzuki & DeKeyser (2017*). Effects of distributed practice on the proceduralization of morphology. Language Teaching Research, 21, 166-188. The main objective of the study was to investigate further the role of linguistic complexity for different levels of L2 grammar practice distribution. The reviewers found this replication study to have a very thorough and clear methodology, clearly explaining all deviations from the original study with strong rationales for the changes made. The materials from Suzuki (2017) are on IRIS.
Call for submissions 2020:
Submissions must include:
i) the article or chapter (with evidence of accepted or ‘in press’ status if not already published);
ii) the materials from IRIS and any adaptations of them (adaptations should also be uploaded to IRIS, with a Note to link it to the earlier study’s materials). Please provide the url(s) linking to the materials on IRIS in a short cover letter.
IRIS now accepts data of all kinds, and we encourage applicants to submit their data (raw or reduced where necessary) along with their other materials.
Review Process
Submissions can be made to iris@iris-database.org at any time. This round will close at midnight (GMT) on 30th November 2020. The study must have been published (or be in press) from 1 December 2018 onwards. All submissions will be reviewed by the IRIS directors and up to two anonymous reviewers. This award will be announced by 5 January 2021.
Please note that IRIS operates the following system to reduce any conflict of interest: If the selected article is from one of the journals in which one of the directors of IRIS is involved as an editor, that person’s evaluations are withdrawn from the final decision-making. If the selected article continues to receive the highest evaluations among the remaining evaluations, then the award can go ahead. If the selected article no longer receives the highest evaluations, all the evaluations are considered again but with the evaluation by the reviewer in question for the previously selected article withdrawn from the process.
Replications using materials developed by IRIS Directors (Emma Marsden, Luke Plonsky, and Cylcia Bolibaugh) are not eligible.
Criteria for award
Submissions will be welcomed from any area of second language research (broadly defined, including multilingualism, language education, research methodology). All methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives are welcome.
Submissions will be reviewed against the following criteria:
• Strength of the justification for the replication.
• Soundness and transparency of methods and analysis, including clarity about how these are similar/different to those of the initial study.
• How well the discussion and conclusions are warranted by the methods, data, and analysis.
• How well the findings from the initial study are integrated into the set-up, analysis and interpretation of the replication.
If two or more submissions meet all the above criteria equally, special consideration will then be given to replications with one or more of the following characteristics:
• Multi-site replications
• Open data
• Pre-registered studies
• Direct or partial replications (though we emphasize that conceptual replications, which change more than one significant variable, are also welcome)
Please direct any questions to iris@irisdatabase.org