- EUROSLA 2014 Yearbook Prize for Paquot (2014). Cross-linguistic influence and formulaic language: recurrent word sequences in French learner writing. In Leah Roberts, & Ineke Vedder, Jan Hulstijn, EUROSLA Yearbook. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2014, pp. 216-237
- 2024 Disentangling the construct of phraseological complexity: a validation study with human judgments (2024 – 2026), FSR project (promoter) (95,300 EUR)
- 2022 UCLouvain ‘Fond de Developpement Pédagogique’ project: Planifier, rédiger et réviser un écrit universitaire : appropriation d’un processus rédactionnel complexe et des normes discursives propres au travail de recherche (2022- 2024; c. 150,000 EUR)
- 2021 FNRS research project n° T.0165.22: Adaptive Comparative Judgment for large-scale proficiency rating in L2 research: task conditions and their impact on reliability and validity (2022- 2024; 124,657 EUR)
- 2019 ARC research project: MOOCresearch2.0: A mixed-method and multidisciplinary approach to socio-cognitive conflicts in online educational platforms (700,000 EUR) (with Mariane Frenay, François Lambotte & Valérie Swaen)
- 2018 FSR research project: Particle placement and genitive alternations in EFL learner spoken syntax: core probabilistic grammar and/or L1‐specific preferences? (76,500 EUR)
- 2017 FNRS research project n° T.0086.18 « Lexicogrammatical complexity in French as a Foreign Language: the impact of mode » (187,939 EUR)
- 2017 Event organization: Summer school (convenor): Bootcamp on ‘statistics for linguistics with R’ taught by Stefan Gries, 10-14 July 2017, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Financements FSR 2017 en soutien aux Ecoles Doctorales du FNRS (2000 EUR)
- 2016 FWO research project n° G025917N: “Lexicogrammatical complexity: a missing construct in L2 research” (221,150 EUR)
- 2016 Research project grant: LouvainX Corpus (= building a corpus from LouvainX MOOC data), Institut Language et Communication, UCL. (5000 EUR).
- 2015 Research project grant: Particle placement alternations in EFL learner speech: core probabilistic grammar and/or EFL-specific preferences? ‘Exploring probabilistic grammar(s) in varieties of English around the world’ project (director: B. Szmrecsanyi), KULeuven. (1000 EUR).
- 2015 Research project grant: Quantitative research methods and study quality in learner corpus research. Institut Language et Communication, UCL. (1395.36 EUR).
- 2015 Event organization: Summer school (convenor): Bootcamp on ‘statistics for linguistics with R’ taught by Stefan Gries, 29 June – 3rd July 2015, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Financements FSR 2015 en soutien aux Ecoles Doctorales du FNRS. (3000 EUR).
- 2015 Event organization: Symposium (co-organized with Thomas François): ‘Measuring linguistic complexity: A multidisciplinary perspective’, 24 April 2015, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Financements FSR 2015 en soutien aux Ecoles Doctorales du FNRS. (1000 EUR).
- 2014 FNRS research stay grant: Northern Arizona University, USA. (3,485.86 EUR).
- 2014 Postdoctoral research stay grant, Institut Language et Communication, UCL. (1,500 EUR).
- 2014 Research project grant: CEFR-based assessment of EFL learner texts in content courses, Institut Language et Communication, UCL. (2,500 EUR).
- 2013 FNRS conference travel grant: Second Language Research Forum, Provo, Utah, United States. (960.90 EUR).
- 2012 Research project grant: Aide à la redaction en anglais pour la recherche en sciences humaines. UCL SSH funding (co-director : Sylviane Granger). (15,000 EUR).
- 2009 Event organization: International conference (co-chair with Sylviane Granger): ‘eLexicography in the 21st century: New challenges, new applications’, 22-24 October 2009, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. FNRS funding. (5000 EUR).