Welcome on my personal web page.

Pierre DEHEZ

CORE  (L1.03.01)

Voie du Roman Pays 34
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve


Domains: Game Theory (cooperative), General Equilibrium Theory



This page contains documents concerning myself as well as documents and information I am happy to share.

·        My curriculum vitae,

·        The list of my publications and a commented bibliography,

·        The list of the doctoral students I have (co)supervised.

·        Loyd SHAPLEY's PhD dissertation "Additive and non-additive set functions" (1953),

·        Werner FENCHEL's mimeo "Convex cones, sets and functions" (1953),

·        Loyd SHAPLEY's "Lectures on Game Theory" (UCLA, Department of Mathematics, 1987),

·        Robert AUMANN's "Lectures on Game Theory" (Westview Press, 1989, out of print),

·        "From uncertainty to macroeconomics and back: An interview of Jacques Drèze", conducted by Omar Licandro and myself, published in Macroeconomics Dynamics 9, 2005.

     A document that highlights the coherence of Jacques DREZE's scientific research.

·        Documents about our late colleague Jean-François MERTENS: A note on his research,
the list of his publications, and the list of his doctoral students,

·        The short survey of Lloyd Shapley's contributions written by my friend Larry BLUME,
following Lloyd Shapley's passing. 

·        Robert AUMANN's video of the lecture he gave in May 2017 at the occasion of CORE 50th anniversary:
"Rule Rationality: A Synthesis of Behavioral and Mainstream Economics" and the powerpoint he used on that occasion. 

·        The lecture notes (in French) of my teacher of proba and stat, José PARIS: Eléments de théorie des probabilités (La Procure, 1969). My favorite introduction to probability theory. 

·        A presentation made by late Jean-Paul FITOUSSI in 1993 at the occasion of the 100th birthday of Léon DUPRIEZ: https://youtu.be/jcoHnjgRwag
More than 30 years ago and still relevant !


As far as TU-games are concerned, I strongly recommend the page TUGlabWeb that covers 3 and 4-person games, and more. It is based on the work of Miguel Ángel Mirás Calvo and Estela Sánchez Rodríguez from the University of Vigo. Fantastic!

Alternatively, Holger Meinhardt from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has developed a complete package covering cooperative games using Matlab and Mathematica. It's very efficient and can accomodate up to 16 players ! For more information:

Here is a book of introduction to Game Theory, first published in French. It is based on courses addressed to undergraduate students in social sciences at UCLouvain. It has been translated into Italian by my former student and friend Pier Mario Pacini, Professor at the University of Pisa. At that occasion, the text was significantly improved and an English version is now available. It will appear in Summer 2024 at Springer Verlag.


Théorie des jeux
Conflit, négociation, coopération et pouvoir

Pierre DEHEZ

Economica, 2017

ISBN 9782717869811

Corrigendum !


Conflitto, contrattazione, cooperazione e potere
Introduzione alla teoria dei giochi

Pierre DEHEZ (Autore)
Pier Mario PACINI (Curatore)

Giappichelli, 2021

ISBN 9788892138520

