

Raphaël Robiette





Contact Details



Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences

The Robiette Research Group

Research in Organic and Physical Organic Chemistry

UCLouvain links

- Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
- Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (IMCN)
- Molecular Chemistry, Materials and Catalysis Division (MOST)
- Ecole de Chimie
- Magasin Lavoisier
- UCL thesis catalog and thesis agenda for IMCN
- A guide for the new researcher
- Service Desk
- Système d'information (support IT)
- UCL Webmail
- Online booking of equipment
- Poster printing
- Oasis files service
- Big files transfer service
- Opportunités d'emploi
- Safety and chemical waste information
- Appel en cas d'accident / Call in case of an emergency


- Bibliothèque des Sciences et technologies (BST) (order articles)
- Salle de documentation CHOM
- List of journals
- Scopus
- SciFinder
- Reaxys
- European Patent Office

Other groups

- Jeremy N. Harvey group (KULeuven)
- Varinder K. Aggarwal group (Bristol)
- Michael Jung group (UCLA)
- Jirí Pospíšil group (Olomouc)
- Mario Waser group (Linz)
- S. Vincent group (UNamur)
- G. Berionni group (UNamur)
- J.-C. Monbaliu (ULiege)
Chemistry Links

- NMRium
- ChemCalc
- ChemExper
- ChemSpider
- Conference and events database
- pKa tables
- Reactivity parameters (Mayr)
- Collection of useful database
- Evans Organic Chemistry Problems
- Sarpong group meeting problems
- MS, H1 and C13 NMR, IR, Raman, ESR Database
- H1 and C13 NMR Database
- NIST Chemistry WebBook
- Named reactions
- Named compounds and reagents
- Named Reactions (Wikipedia)
- Organic Chemistry Portal
- IUPAC Goldbook
- Chemical calculations
Mendeleev Table
- Chemistry dictionary
- Merriam-Webster

Chemistry Softwares

- List
- Gaussian
- Schrodinger (Jaguar, Maestro)

Societies and Institutions

- Société Royale de Chimie (SRC)
- Fonds de la recherche scientifique-FNRS
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)

This page and all its contents belong to and were written by Raphaël Robiette.
For any comments or suggestions, please contact me.