Born in 1994, I grew up in Belgium. In 2012, I started my bachelor in engineering at UCLouvain Belgium with specific courses on computer science and electronic systems. In 2015, I studied to get a master in Electrical Engineering. There, I discovered security and embedded systems which are the key point of my ongoing research. I concluded my master with a thesis about implementations resilient to Hardware-Trojans.
I started my PhD in 2017 under the supervision of François-Xavier Standaert at UCL Crypto Group. I am currently exploring the world of side-channel analysis. In a few words, I am interested in security of electronic devices/embedded systems implementing cryptographic primitives (i.e., block ciphers or PRFs). My research is focused on analysis of software protected implementations. I do my analysis in a open setting where the adversary gets all knowledge/control of the target during the profiling. Recently, I have been involved in the organization of the CHES 2020 CTF
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12. O. Bronchain, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert,
Reducing Risks Through Simplicity (Higher Side-Channel Security for Lazy Engineers),
to appear in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol xx, num yy, pp www-zzz, month year.
(pdf file)
11. D. Kamel, D. Bellizia, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert,
Side-channel Analysis of a Learning Parity with Physical Noise Processor,
to appear in the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, vol xx, num yy, pp www-zzz, month year,
(pdf file).
10. Qian Guo, V. Grosso, F.-X. Standaert, O. Bronchain,
Modeling Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks from a Coding Theory Viewpoint,
in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2020, num 4, pp 209-238,
(pdf file).
9. D. Bellizia, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, V. Grosso, Chun Guo, C. Momin, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert,
Mode-Level vs. Implementation-Level Physical Security in Symmetric Cryptography: A Practical Guide Through the Leakage-Resistance Jungle,
in the proceedings of Crypto 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12170, pp 369-400, Santa Barbara,
California, USA, August 2020, Springer,
(pdf file).
8. D. Bellizia, F. Berti, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, S. Duval, C. Guo,
G. Leander, G. Leurent, I. Levi, C. Momin, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F.-X. Standaert, B. Udvarhelyi, F. Wiemer,
Spook: Sponge-Based Leakage-Resistant Authenticated Encryption with a Masked Tweakable Block Cipher,
in IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology , vol 2020, num S1, pp 295-349,
(pdf file).
7. C.-H. Bertrand Van Ouytsel, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, F.-X. Standaert,
How to Fool a Black Box Machine Learning Based Side-Channel Security Evaluation,
in the proceedings of YACCRYPTED 2020, pp 10, Porquerolles, France, May 2020,
(pdf file).
6. C. Momin, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert,
A Stealthy Hardware Trojan based on a Statistical Fault Attack,
in the proceedings of YACCRYPTED 2020, pp 12, Porquerolles, France, May 2020,
(pdf file).
5. O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert,
Side-Channel Countermeasures' Dissection and the Limits of Closed Source Security Evaluations,
in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2020, num 2, pp 1-25,
(pdf file,slides).
4. O. Bronchain, J.M. Hendrickx, C. Massart, A. Olshevsky, F.-X. Standaert,
Leakage Certification Revisited: Bounding Model Errors in Side-Channel Security Evaluations,
in the proceedings of Crypto 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11629, pp 713-737, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 2019, Springer,
(pdf file,
source code).
3. C. Momin, O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert,
Time-Modulated Hardware Trojans: Clock-Based and Interface-Based Examples,
in the proceedings of the 40th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp xxx-yyy, Ghent, Belgim, May 2019,
(pdf file).
2. O. Bronchain, T. Schneider, F.-X. Standaert,
Multi-Tuple Leakage Detection and the Dependent Signal Issue,
in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol 2019, num 2, pp 318-345,
(pdf file, source code, slides).
1. O. Bronchain, F.-X. Standaert, S. Faust, L. Dassy,
Implementing Trojan-Resilient Hardware from (Mostly) Untrusted Components Designed by Colluding Manufacturers,
in the proceedings of ASHES 2018, pp 1-10, Toronto, Canada, October 2018,
(pdf file,