Description: Focal array beam formers are implemented by placing an array of feed elements near the focal plane of a reflector antenna. One of the largest systems developed and the first to demonstrate the polarization performance of a broad band phased array feed was the PHased Array feed Demonstrator (PHAD) developed at the DRAO. Its predecessor, the Advanced Focal Array Demonstrator (AFAD) uses a 2D array of 128 Vivaldi elements, organized as an 8 x 8 array x 2 linear polarizations.
Development of fast numerical method for the simulation of very large array
Design of thick Vivaldi antenna suitable for the band 750 to 1500 MHz.
Manufacturing and measurement of a demonstrator array of 4 elements.
My contribution to AFAD: Using the Method-of-moments code developed at the UCL, I developed a fast numerical method based on the Array Scanning Method and the Macro Basis Functions to reduce the simulation time and the memory needed for the simulation of very large array on a classic PC. Then I proposed a novel 3D Taper Slot Antenna that I studied numerically using MoM code and CST commercial software. Then I coordinated with the mechanical Laboratory for the manufacturing of a 4-element array. Finally measurement results of this array in the anechoic chamber, using 4-port VNA, showed very good agreement with the numerical simulation results.