“Working Time Reduction and Employment in a Finite World”, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2023, 125 (1), 170-207. Wiley Showcase on Kudos. CESifo Working paper 9351, with Jean-François Fagnart and Marc Germain.
location and equilibrium unemployment in a duocentric economy with
matching frictions", Journal of
Urban Economics, 2016, 91, 26-44. With Etienne Lehmann and
Paola Liliana Montero Ledezma.
“Beyond the Labour Income Tax Wedge: The Unemployment-Reducing Effect of Tax Progressivity”, in International Tax and Public Finance, 2016, 23 (3), 454-489. With Etienne Lehmann, Claudio Lucifora and Simone Moriconi. Revised version (July 2014)
“Did the Intergenerational Solidarity Pact increase the employment rate of older workers in Belgium? A macro-econometric evaluation”, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2015, 4 (17). With Muriel Dejemeppe and Catherine Smith.
Equilibrium Unemployment Theory at the Age of the Internet",
Regional Science and Urban Economics,
2015, 53, 50-67. With Vanessa
“Is it Socially Efficient to Impose Job Search Requirements on Unemployed Benefit Claimants with Hyperbolic Preferences?”, Journal of Public Economics, 2014, 113, 80-95. With Bart Cockx and Corinna Ghirelli.
“Optimal income taxation with Kalai wage bargaining and endogenous participation”, Social Choice and Welfare, 2014, 42, 381-402. With Laurence Jacquet and Etienne Lehmann.
“Optimal Redistributive Taxation with both Extensive and Intensive Responses”, Journal of Economic Theory, 2013, 148, 1770 – 1805. With Laurence Jacquet and Etienne Lehmann.
“Le contrôle de la recherche d’emploi est-il efficace?”,in Revue française d’économie, 2012, vol. 27 (1), 65-106. With Cockx Bart and Muriel Dejemeppe.
“Optimal Income Taxation with Endogenous Participation and Search Unemployment”, Journal of Public Economics, 2011, 95, 1523-1537. With Etienne Lehmann and Alexis Parmentier.
Evaluation du comportement de recherches d'emploi, Academia Press, Gent, et Belspo, Bruxelles, 2011, 2401 p. With B. Cockx and M. Dejemeppe. Appendices.
“Flexicurity in Belgium. A proposal based on economic principles”, International Labour Review, 2010, 149 (3), 361-372. With B. Cockx.
“Search Frictions on Product and Labor markets: Money in the Matching Function”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2010, 14, 56-92. With Etienne Lehmann.
“A Simple Theory of Optimal Redistributive Taxation with Equilibrium Unemployment”, Économie publique/Public economics, 22-23, 2008 (1-2). With Mathias Hungerbühler, Etienne Lehmann and Alexis Parmentier.
“Economie du Travail” in Mention Economie, Editions Eyrolles, 2008
“Quelles réformes pour nos institutions du marché du travail? Réflexions autour d'un certain nombre de pistes”, in Cantillon B. and V. De Maeschalck (red.), Gedachten over Sociaal Federalism - Réflexions sur le fédéralisme social, 2008, ACCO, Leuven, 29 - 72. Texte mis à jour. Transparents sur cette problématique 3 avril 2008 : cliquez ici
“Employment subsidies and substitutable skills: An equilibrium matching approach”, Applied Economics Quarterly, 2007, 53, 375-404 . With Gabriele Cardullo. For an extended version will the appendixes, click .
“On the optimality of search matching equilibrium when workers are risk averse”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2007, 9, 867-884. With Etienne Lehmann. Click here.
“Optimal income taxation in an equilibrium unemployment model”, Review of Economic Studies, 2006, 73, 715-739. With Mathias Hungerbühler, Etienne Lehmann and Alexis Parmentier. Corresponding discussion paper.
“The normative analysis of tagging revisited: dealing with stigmatization”, FinanzArchiv, 2006,62, 168-198. With Laurence Jacquet. Corresponding discussion paper.
“Eligibility criteria, enforcement and labour market regimes: Discussion”, European Economy. Special Reports, 2005, No 2, 153-158.
“Active citizen's income, unconditional income and participation under imperfect competition”, Oxford Economic Papers, 2004 Vol 56, No. 1, 98-117. Pre-publication version.
“Is basic income a cure for unemployment in unionized economies? A general equilibrium analysis”, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, numéro 66, Avril-Juin 2002, 81-105. Corresponding discussion paper.
“Labor market policies and equilibrium employment: Theory and
applications for Belgium”, with Eric Dor, in d'Aspremont Claude, Victor
Ginsburgh, Henri Sneessens and Frans Spinnewyn (Eds) Institutional
and Financial Incentives for Social Insurance, Springer, Boston,
2002, 51 - 71.
Corresponding discussion paper.
"Fighting unemployment without worsening poverty : Basic income versus
reductions of social security contributions", in Wiemer Salverda,
Claudio Lucifora and Brian Nolan (eds.) Policy measures for low-wage
employment in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000, 93-120. Corresponding
discussion paper.
"Embeddedness, cooperation and the theory of the labor-managed firm", Journal of Development Economics, 2000, 61, 175-204 . With M. Nyssens. Corresponding IRES Discussion paper 9825.
"Rotation des emplois et mobilité des travailleurs en Belgique", Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 2ème trimestre 1999, N°162, 107-148. Corresponding discussion paper about job creation and destruction and worker reallocation in Belgium (with an extended abstract in English).
Active labour market policies and job tenure", Oxford Economic Papers, 1998, 50, 685-708. With B. Cockx et A. Karaa. Also available here.
"Effets des formations professionnelles et des aides à l'embauche : exploitation d'une enquête auprès d'employeurs belges", Economie et Prévision, 1997, N°131, 113-130.
"On labour market policies and aggregate unemployment outflows", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1997, vol 59, 1, 109-132. With E. Dor et M. Lopez-Novella.
Examining the econom(etr)ic relevance of discretizing panel data : an application to the Belgian labour market", Labour, 8, 3, 1994, 455-488. With E. Cahuzac and M. Mouchart.
"De l'optimalité des systèmes d'assurance-chômage:quelques réflexions", Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 60, 2, 1994, 129-162. With H. R. Sneessens.
"Diminution des cotisations patronales à la Sécurité Sociale et création d'emplois en Belgique", Recherches Economiques de Louvain, vol. 57, 1, 1991, 33-60.