Ph.D. Students
- Amir Bayat : Large Language Models for control. 2024-
- Alexis Vuille : Data-Driven symbolic control. 2023-
- Adrien Banse : Data-driven symbolic control. 2022-
- Sébastien Mattenet : Logic and smart abstractions. 2020-
- Brieuc Pinon : Fundamental computation models for Artificial Intelligence. 2019-
- Wouter Jongeneel : Foundations of Control Theory
- Shuyuan Zhang : Nonlinear symbolic control
- Guillaume Berger : PAC learning for Cyber-Physical Systems
Current Master Students
- tbd
Previous Members
Previous Ph.D. students
- Romain Hollanders : Stochastic optimization in large networks, 2010-2015. Now at Energis.
- Pierre-Yves Chevalier : Switching systems techniques for decentralized systems 2012-2018.
- Matthew Philippe : Control theoretical techniques for Multipath TCP optimization, 2012-2017. Now at UCLA.
- Costanza Catalano (with U. l'Aquila) : Synchronizing graphs and primitive matrices. 2016-2019. Now at Politecnico di Torino.
- François Gonze : Synchronizing Automata and Air Trafic Management. 2014-2019
- Benoît Legat : Algebraic optimization and Cyber-Physical control. 2016-2020
- Antoine Aspeel : Data driven optimal control. 2017-2022
- Guillaume Berger : Optimization and abstraction of Cyber-Physical Systems. 2017-2021
- Virginie Debauche : Cyber-Physical systems control. 2019-2024
- Julien Calbert : Machine learning, optimization, and smart abstractions. 2020-2024
- Andrea Simonetto : Control and Optimization in Air Traffic Management. 2016-2017
- Nikos Athanasopoulos : Algebraic techniques for Cyber-Physical systems control. 2015-2017
- Sanand Dilip : Networked control and communications. 2015-2017
- Balazs Gerencser : Stochastic optimization. 2013-2016, Postdoc (Now at Rényi Institute)
- Matthew Philippe (Alcatel-Lucent MSc Thesis Award), Master Student
- Guillaume Vankeerberghen : Algorithms for smart and decentralized technologies 2012-2014, Master Student (Now at Real Impact)
- Vladimir Gusev : Synchronizing automata. 2015-2018
- Mridul Seth : Algorithms for smart content marketing. 2018-2019
- Moctar Kande (with UCAD) : Viral Dynamics modeling. 2015-2018
- Mahsa Farjadnia : Data driven control. 2018-2020
- Thiago Alves Lima : Convex optimization and software design 2022-
- Matteo Della Rossa : Path-Complete Lyapunov Functions and Hybrid Systems control 2020-
- Lucas Egidio : Convex optimization and control 2021-
- Zheming Wang. Data-driven control.
- Benoît Legat : Algebraic optimization and Cyber-Physical control. 2016-2020 2022-
- Wei Ren : Formal methods and smart abstractions. 2020-
- Somya Singh : Path-complete abstractions
- Yousef Farid : Control of bipedal robot and neural control