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Books, edited volumes
- R. M. Jungers. The Joint Spectral Radius: Theory and Applications. Vol 385 in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 2009.
- R.M. Jungers, V. Bruyère, R. Hollanders, M. Rigo (Eds.). Special Issue of RAIRO ITA in the honor of the 14th Mons Days of Theoretical Computer Science, 48, 2014.
- J. Kenanian, A. Balkan, R. Jungers and P. Tabuada. Data Driven Stability Analysis of Black-box Switched Linear Systems. [Link]
- B. Legat, P. A. Parrilo, and R. M. Jungers. Generating unstable trajectories for Switched Systems via Dual Sum-Of-Squares techniques.
- R. M. Jungers and P. Tabuada. Non-local Linearization of Nonlinear Differential Equations via Polyflows.
- P.-Y. Chevalier, V. Gusev, J. M. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers. Sets of Stochastic Matrices with Converging Products: Bounds and Complexity.
- C. Gomes, R. M. Jungers, B. Legat and H. Vangheluwe. Minimally constrained stable Switched Systems and Application to Co-simulation.
- B. Legat, P. Tabuada, and R. M. Jungers. Computing controlled invariant sets for hybrid systems with applications to model-predictive control.
- F. Gonze, A. Simonetto, E. Huens, J. Boucquey, R. M. Jungers. A Probabilistic Model for Precedence Rules and Reactionary Delay in Air Traffic Management.
- V. Gusev, F. Aubry and R. M. Jungers. Scalability Limits of Network Monitoring With Probing Cycles.
- B. Legat, P. A. Parrilo, and R. M. Jungers. Stability of switched systems and entropy of switching sequences.
- S. Dilip, N. Athanasopoulos and R. M. Jungers. The impact of packet dropouts on the reachability energy.
- F. Forni, R. M. Jungers, R. Sepulchre. Path-complete positivity of linear switching systems.
- A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers. SOS-Convex Lyapunov Functions with Applications to Nonlinear Switched Systems.
- A. Tanwani, R. M. Jungers, and W.P.M.H. Heemels. Observability of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Communication Protocols and Dropouts.
Journal Articles (accepted or appeared)
- N. Athanasopoulos, R. M. Jungers. Combinatorial methods for invariance and safety of hybrid systems. Automatica, 98, 130-140, 2018. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers, A. Kundu, and W.P.M.H. Heemels. Controllability of linear systems subject to packet losses. To appear in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018. [Link]
- F. Gonze, V. Gusev, B. Gerencser, R. M. Jungers and M. V. Volkov. On the interplay between Babai and Cerny’s conjectures. To appear in: International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science, 2018. [Link]
- N. Athanasopoulos, K. Smpoukis, R. M. Jungers. Automata-theoretic invariant multi-set constructions for constrained switching systems. IEEE Control Systems Society Letters, 1, 256-261, 2017. [Link]
- B. Gerenczér, V. Gusev, and R.M. Jungers. Primitive sets of matrices and synchronizing automata. To appear in Siam Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2017. [Link]
- D. Angeli, N. Athanasopoulos, R. M. Jungers, and M. Philippe. Path-complete graphs and common Lyapunov functions. To appear in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018. [Link]
- F. Gonze, A. Simonetto, E. Huens, J. Boucquey, R. M. Jungers. Probabilistic Occupancy Counts and Flight Criticality Measures for Air Traffic Management. To appear in: Journal of Air Traffic Management, 2018.
- R. M. Jungers, A. A. Ahmadi, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani. A Characterization of Lyapunov Inequalities for Stability of Switched Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,62(6), 3062-3067, 2017. [Link]
- B. Gerenczér, R. Hollanders, J-C. Delvenne, R. M. Jungers. A complexity analysis of Policy Iteration through combinatorial matrices arising from Unique Sink Orientations. To appear in Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 2017. [Link]
- V. Gusev, R. M. Jungers, and E. Pribavkina. Generalized primitivity of labeled digraphs. Electronic notes in Discrete Mathematics, 61, 549-555, 2017. [Link]
- S. Dilip, H. Pillai and R. M. Jungers. On Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equations: A rankcharacterization of solutions. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 527, 184-215, 2017. [Link]
- R.M. Jungers, P. Mason. On feedback stabilization of linear switched systems via switching signal control. To appear in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2017. [Link]
- M. Philippe, R. Essick, G. Dullerud, R. M. Jungers. Stability of discrete-time switching systems with constrained switching. To appear in Automatica. [Link]
- F. Gonze, R. M. Jungers. On the Synchronizing Probability Function and the Triple Rendezvous Time for Synchronizing Automata. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 30(2), 995-1014, 2016. [Link]
- P.-Y. Chevalier, J. M. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers. Tight Bound for Deciding Convergence of Consensus Systems. To appear in: Systems and Control Letters, 2017. [Link]
- A. Mauroy, P. Taslakian, S. Langerman, R. M. Jungers. The four-bars problem. To appear in Nonlinearity. [Link]
- M. Ogura, V. M. Preciado, and R.M. Jungers. Efficient methods for computing lower bounds on the p-radius of switched linear systems. To appear in: Systems and Control Letters. [Link]
- R. Hollanders, B. Gerenczér, J-C Delvenne, R.M. Jungers. Improved bound on the worst case complexity of Policy Iteration. To appear in: Operations Research Letters. [Link]
- M. Philippe, G. Millerioux, R. M. Jungers. Deciding the boundedness and dead-beat stability of constrained switching systems. To appear in: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers and V. Protasov. Analysing the stability of linear switching systems via exponential Chebyshev polynomials. To appear in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers, A. D’Innocenzo and M. D. Di Benedetto. Feedback stabilization of dynamical systems with switched delays. To appear in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015. [Link]
- V. Blondel, R. M. Jungers, and A. Olshevsky. On primitivity of sets of matrices. Automatica, 61, 80-88, 2015. [Link]
- A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers. Lower Bounds on Complexity of Lyapunov Functions for Switched Linear Systems. To appear in Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2015. [Link]
- F. Gonze, R. M. Jungers and A. N. Trahtman. A Note on a Recent Attempt to Improve the Pin-Frankl Bound. DMTCS 17(1), 307-308, 2015. [Link]
- J. Hendrickx, K. H. Johansson, R. M. Jungers, H. Sandberg and K.C. Sou. An exact solution to the power networks security index problem and its generalized Min Cut formulation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 19(12), 3194-3208, 2014. [Link]
- P.-Y. Chevalier, J. M. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers. A switched system approach to the decidability of consensus. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53(5), 3104–3119, 2015.[Link]
- V. Protasov and R. M. Jungers. Resonance, marginal instability, and sublinear growth of switching systems. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 17, 81-93, 2015. [Link]
- D. Bernardes, J. C. Delvenne, R. Hollanders, R. M. Jungers, B. Mitra, F. Tarissan, Data-driven traffic and diffusion modeling in peer-to-peer networks: A real case study. Network Science, 2(3), 341-366, 2014. [Link]
- A. A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani. Analysis of the Joint Spectral Radius via Lyapunov Functions on Path-Complete Graphs.SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 52(1), 687-917, 2014. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers, A. Cicone, and N. Guglielmi. Lifted polytope methods for computing the joint spectral radius. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 35(2), 391-410, 2014. [Link]
- M. Canini and R. M. Jungers. The Software Defined Network revolution. ERCIM News 97, 18-19, 2014. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers, V. Bruyère, R. Hollanders, M. Rigo. Foreword to the Special Issue in the honor of the Journées Montoises 2014.RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 48, 247, 2014. [Link]
- N. Vlassis and R. M. Jungers. Polytopic uncertainty for linear systems: New and old complexity results.Systems & Control Letters, 67, 9-13, 2014.[Link]
- J. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers, A. Olshevsky and G. Vankeerberghen. Graph diameter,
eigenvalues, and minimum-time consensus. Automatica. 50(2), 635-640, 2014. [Link] - V. Protasov and R. M. Jungers, Lower and Upper Bounds for the Largest Lyapunov Exponent of matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 438, 4448-4468, 2013. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers. The synchronizing probability function of an automaton.SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 26(1), 177–192, 2012. [Link]
- F. Zamorano, A. Vande Wouwer, R. M. Jungers, and G. Bastin. Derivation of macroscopic dynamic models of CHO cell cultures through minimal sets of elementary flux modes. Journal of Biotechnology, 164(3), 409-422, 2013. [Link]
- J. Cardinal, S. Fiorini, G. Joret, R. M. Jungers and J. I. Munro. Sorting under Partial Information (without the Ellipsoid Algorithm).Combinatorica, 33(6), 655-697, 2013. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers. On asymptotic properties of matrix semigroups with an invariant cone.Linear Algebra and its Applications, 437(5): 1205–1214 2012. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers. On the existence of a bounded trajectory for nonnegative integer systems. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 7(2): 349-355, 2013. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers and V. Protasov. Fast algorithms for the p-radius computation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 33(3): 1246-1266, 2011. [Link]
- B. C. Csaji, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Pagerank optimization by edge selection. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 169, 73-87, 2014. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Observable graphs.Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159: 981–989, 2011. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers, F. Zamorano, V. D. Blondel, A. Vande Wouwer, and G. Bastin. Fast computation of minimal elementary decompositions of metabolic flux vectors. Automatica,47: 1255-1259, 2011. [Link]
- J. Cardinal, S. Fiorini, G. Joret, R. M. Jungers and J. I. Munro. An Efficient Algorithm for Partial Order Production. SIAM Journal on Computing, 39(7):2927–2940, 2010. [Link]
- V. Protasov, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Joint spectral characteristics of matrices: a conic programming approach.SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 31(4):2146-2162, 2010. [Link]
- P. Bell, J.-C. Delvenne, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. The Continuous Skolem-Pisot Problem: On the complexity of reachability for linear ordinary differential equations. Theoretical Computer Science, 411(40-42):3625-3634, 2010. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers and V. Protasov. Counterexamples to the CPE conjecture. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 31(2): 404-409, 2009. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers, V. Protasov, and V. D. Blondel. Overlap-free words and spectra of matrices. Theoretical Computer Science, 410: 3670-3684, 2009. [Link]
- V. D. Blondel, J. Cassaigne, and R. M. Jungers. On the number of a-power-free binary words for 2 <a < 7/3.Theoretical Computer Science, 410: 2823-2833, 2009. [Link]
- F. Blanchet-Sadri, R. M. Jungers, and J. Palumbo. Testing avoidability of sets of partial words is hard. Theoretical Computer Science, 410: 968-972, 2009. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. On the finiteness property for rational matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428(10): 2283–2295, 2008. [Link]
- R. M. Jungers, V. Protasov, and V. D. Blondel. Efficient algorithms for deciding the type of growth of products of integer matrices.Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428(10): 2296–2311, 2008. [Link]
- V. D. Blondel, J. M. Hendrickx, and R. M. Jungers. Solitaire Clobber as an optimization problem on words.INTEGERS: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 8, G04, 2008. [Link]
- V. D. Blondel, J.-L. Guillaume, J. M. Hendrickx, and R. M. Jungers. Distance distribution in random graphs and application to complex networks exploration.Physical Review E, 76, 066101, 2007. [Link]
- V. D. Blondel, R. Jungers, and V. Protasov. On the complexity of computing the capacity of codes that avoid forbidden difference patterns.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52(11): 5122–5127, 2008. [Link]
Selected conference papers and abstracts
- J. Kenanian, A. Balkan, R. Jungers and P. Tabuada. Data Driven Stability Analysis of Black-box Switched Linear Systems. Proc. of IEEE CDC 2018.
- Tanwani, R. M. Jungers, and W.P.M.H. Heemels. Observability of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Communication Protocols and Dropouts. Proc. of IEEE CDC 2018.
- C. Gomes, R. M. Jungers, B. Legat and H. Vangheluwe. Minimally Constrained Stable Switched Systems and Application to Co-simulation. Proc. of IEEE CDC 2018.
- G. Berger, F. Forni, R. M. Jungers. Path-complete dominance analysis for switching linear systems. Proc. of IEEE CDC 2018.
- Costanza Catalano and Raphaël M. Jungers. On randomized generation of slowly synchronizing automata. Proc. of MFCS 2018.
- C. Catalano and R. M. Jungers. The Synchronizing Probability Function for Primitive Sets of Matrices. Proc. of DLT 2018.
- F. Gonze and R. M. Jungers. On Completely Reachable Automata and Subset Reachability. Proc. of DLT 2018.
- V. Gusev, R. Jungers and D. Průša. Dynamics of the Independence Number and Automata Synchronization. Proc. of DLT 2018.
- B. Legat, P. Tabuada, and R. M. Jungers. Computing invariant sets for hybrid systems with application to Model-Predictive Control. Proc. of ADHS 2018.
- N. Athanasopoulos and R. M. Jungers. On invariance and reachability analysis on semialgebraic sets for linear dynamics. Proc. of ADHS 2018.
- S. Dilip, N. Athanasopoulos and R. M. Jungers. The impact of packet dropouts on the reachability energy. Proc. of ICCPS 2018.
- D. Angeli, N. Athanasopoulos, R. M. Jungers, and M. Philippe. A Linear Program to
- Compare Path-Complete Lyapunov Functions. Proc. of CDC 2017.
- N. Athanasopoulos, K. Smpoukis and R. M. Jungers, Invariant Sets Analysis for Constrained Switching Systems. Proc. of CDC 2017.
- D. Angeli, M. Philippe, N. Athanasopoulos, and R. M. Jungers. Path-Complete Graphs and Common Lyapunov Functions. Proc. of HSCC 2017.
- F. Forni, R. M. Jungers, and R. Sepulchre. Path-complete positivity of switching systems. Proc. of IFAC World Congress, 2017.
- F. Gonze, A. Simonetto, E. Huens, J. Boucquey and R. M. Jungers. Probabilistic Occupancy Counts and Flight Criticality Measures for ATM. Proc. of the 12th ATM R&D Seminar, 2017.
- F. Gonze, V. Gusev, B. Gerencser, R. M. Jungers and M. V. Volkov, On the interplay between Babai and Cerny’s conjectures. Proc. of DLT 2017.
- N. Athanasopoulos, and R. M. Jungers. Invariant Sets for Switching Affine Systems Subject to Semi-Algebraic Constraints. Proc. of Nolcos 2016.
- M. Philippe, R. Essick, G. E. Dullerud, R. M. Jungers. Extremal Storage Functions and Minimal Realizations of Discrete-Time Linear Switching Systems. Proc. of CDC 2016.
- N. Athanasopoulos, K. Smpoukis, R. M. Jungers Safety and Invariance for Constrained Switching Systems. Proc. Of CDC 2016.
- B. Legat, P. A. Parrilo, and R. M. Jungers. Generating unstable trajectories for Switched Systems via Dual Sum-Of-Squares techniques. Proc. of HSCC 2016.
- N. Athanasopoulos and R. M. Jungers. Computing the domain of attraction of switching systems subject to non-convex constraints. Proc. of HSCC 2016.
- A. Simonetto, F. Gonze, R. M. Jungers et al. Coptra: Combining Probable Trajectories. SESAR Innovation Days, 2016.
- M. Philippe, R. Essick, G. Dullerud, R. M. Jungers. The minimum achievable stability radius of switched linear systems with feedback. Proc. of CDC 2015.
- R. Jungers, A. Kundu, and M. Heemels. On observability in networked control systems with packet losses. Proc. of Allerton 2015.
- R. Jungers, and M. Heemels. Controllability of networked control systems subject to packet losses. Proc. of ADHS 2015.
- P.-Y. Chevalier, J. Hendrickx, and R. M. Jungers. Reachability of Consensus and Synchronizing Automata. Proc. of CDC 2015.
- M. Philippe and R. M. Jungers. Converse Lyapunov theorems for discrete-time linear switching systems with regular switching sequences. Proc. of ECC 2015.
- M. Philippe and R. M. Jungers.A sufficient condition for the boundedness of matrix products accepted by an automaton.Proc. of HSCC 2015.
- M. Ogura and R. M. Jungers. Efficiently Computable Lower Bounds for the p-radius of Switching Linear Systems. Proc. of CDC 2014.
- F. Gonze and R. M. Jungers. On the synchronizing probability function and the triple rendezvous time as approaches to Cerny's conjecture.Proc. of the Mons Days 2014.
- M. Philippe and R. M. Jungers. Stability analysis of discrete time switching systems driven by an automaton. Proc. of the Mons Days 2014.
- P.-Y. Chevalier, J. Hendrickx, and R. M. Jungers. A switched Systems approach to the decidability of consensus.Proc. of MTNS 2014.
- G. Vankeerberghen, J. M. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers. JSR: a toolbox for computing the Joint Spectral Radius. Proc. of HSCC 2014
- R. M. Jungers, A. D'Innocenzo and M. D. Di Benedetto. Further results on controllability of linear systems with switching delays. Proc. of IFAC WC 2014.
- R. Hollanders, B. Gerencser, J.-C. Delvenne, and R. M. Jungers. A new upper bound for Policy Iteration. Proc. of MTNS 2014.
- R. Hollanders, G. Como, J.-C. Delvenne, and R. M. Jungers.Tight bounds on sparse perturbations of Markov ChainsProc. of MTNS 2014.
- A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers. On Complexity of Lyapunov Functions for Switched Linear Systems. Proc. of IFAC WC 2014.
- R. M. Jungers, A. D’Innocenzo and M. D. Di Benedetto. How to control linear systems with switching delays?Proc. of ECC 2014.
- G. Vankeerberghen, J. M. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers, L. A. Wolsey. An efficient technique for solving the scheduling of appliances in smart-homes. Proc. of ACC 2014.
- V. Protasov and R. M. Jungers. Is switching systems stability harder for continuous time systems? Proc. of CDC2013.
- A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers. SOS-Convex Lyapunov Functions with Applications to Nonlinear Switched Systems. Proc. of CDC2013.
- V. D. Blondel, R. M. Jungers, A. Olshevsky. On Primitivity of Sets of Matrices. Proc. of CDC2013.
- R. M. Jungers. Joint Spectral Characteristics, a tale of three disciplines. To appear in Proc. of DLT2013, LNCS 7907, Springer.
- V. Protasov and R. M. Jungers. Convex optimization methods for computing the Lyapunov exponent of matrices. Proc. of ECC’13, Zurich, 2013.
- J. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers, A. Olshevsky and G. Vankeerberghen. Diameter, optimal consensus, and graph eigenvalues. Proc. of Benelux meeting'13, Houffalize, 2013.
- P-Y Chevalier, J. M. Hendrickx, R. M. Jungers. Joint spectral radius via consensus algorithms. Proc. of Benelux meeting'13, Houffalize, 2013.
- R. Hollanders, J.-C. Delvenne, and R. M. Jungers. A combinatorial open problem for the complexity of policy iteration. Proc. of Benelux meeting'13, Houffalize, 2013.
- A. A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani. Joint spectral radius, path-complete graphs, and semidefinite programming. Proceedings of ISMP 2012.
- R. Hollanders, J.-C. Delvenne, and R. M. Jungers. An exponential lower-bound for the Policy iteration algorithm on discounted MDPs. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2012, Hawai, 2012.
- R. M. Jungers, A. D’Innocenzo and M. D. Di Benedetto. Feedback stabilization of dynamical systems with switched delays. Proceedings of theIEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2012, Hawai, 2012.
- G. Vankeerberghen, J. Hendrickx and R. M. Jungers. On the definitive consensus conjecture. To appear in the proceedings of POSTA’12.
- R. Hollanders, J.-C. Delvenne, and R. M. Jungers. On the complexity of optimizing PageRank. To appear in the proceedings of ALGOTEL 2012.
- R. M. Jungers, A. Cicone, and N. Guglielmi. Extremal conitope norm methods for the control of switched systems. To appear in the proceedings of SIAM LA 2012.
- R. Hollanders, J.-C. Delvenne, and R. M. Jungers. On the complexity of optimizing PageRank. To appear in the proceedings of SIAM LA 2012.
- A. A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani. When is a set of LMIs a sufficient condition for stability? To appear in the Proceedings of ROCOND 12. (Invited.)
- R. M. Jungers. Geometrical methods for hybrid systems control.To appear in the proceedings of CIMPA 2012. (Invited.)
- G. Bastin, F. Zamorano, R. M. Jungers, A. Vande Wouwer, Multiple Modelling of CHO cell cultures through the computation of minimal sets of EFMs. Proceedings of ChemPor 2011.
- R. Hollanders, J.-C. Delvenne, and R. Jungers. On the Policy Iteration Algorithm for PageRank Optimization. Proceedings of Netsci'11.
- A. A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani. Analysis of the Joint Spectral Radius via Lyapunov Functions on Path-Complete Graphs. Proceedings of HSCC’11, Chicago, 2011.
- J. Cardinal, S. Fiorini, G. Joret, R. M. Jungers and J. I. Munro. Sorting under Partial Information (without the Ellipsoid Algorithm).In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 359-368, Cambridge, 2010.
- M. X. Goemans and R. M. Jungers. Synchronizing graphs and game theory. Proceedings of JGA 2010, 12, Marseille, 2010.
- R. Hollanders, R. Jungers, and J.-C. Delvenne. On the Policy Iteration Algorithm for PageRank Optimization.Proc. of Benelux meeting'11, Lommel, 2011.
- A. A. Ahmadi, R. M. Jungers, P. A. Parrilo, and M. Roozbehani. Dynamical Lyapunov Functions. Proceedings of IEEEI 2010.
- M. X. Goemans and R. M. Jungers. The synchronizing probability function of an automaton. Proceedings of Mons Days 2010, Amiens, 2010.
- R. M. Jungers and V. Y. Protasov. Weak stability of switching dynamical systems and fast computation of the p-radius of matrices. Proceedings of theIEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2010, Atlanta, 2010.
- V. Y. Protasov, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Joint Spectral Characteristics of Matrices: a Conic Programming Approach. Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Monterey Bay-Seaside, California, 2009.
- J. Cardinal, S. Fiorini, G. Joret, R. M. Jungers and J. I. Munro. An Efficient Algorithm for Partial Order Production. Proceedings of STOC’09, 93-100, Bethesda, 2009.
- R. M. Jungers and V. Y. Protasov. The Joint Spectral Characteristics, Extremal Norms, and the Complex Polytope Extremality Conjecture.Book of abstracts of the Haifa Matrix Theory Conference, Haifa, 2009.
- C.-T. Chang, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. On the growth rate of matrices with row uncertainties.Proceedings of BFG09, Leuven, 2009.
- P. Bell, J.-C. Delvenne, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. The Continuous Skolem-Pisot Problem.Book of abstracts of Automatha'09, Liège, 2009.
- R. M. Jungers, F. Zamorano, V. D. Blondel, A. Vande Wouwer, G. Bastin. A fast algorithm for computing a minimal decomposition of a metabolic flux vector in terms of elementary flux vectors.Proceedings of Mathmod 2009, Wien, 2009.
- J. Cassaigne and R. M. Jungers. On the number of a-power-free words for 2 <a < 7/3.Book of abstract of the Journées Numération, Prague, 2008.
- R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Is the joint spectral radius of rational matrices reachable by a finite product?Proceedings of the satellite workshops of DLT2007, 25–37, Turku, 2007.
- V. D. Blondel, J. M. Hendrickx, and R. M. Jungers. On the proportion of edges that belong to shortest paths in random graphs.Proceedings of Dynamo’s first meeting on Dynamic Networks, Salerno, 2007.
- R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Observable graphs.Proceedings of the 26th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, 2007.
- V. D. Blondel, C. de Kerchove, J. M. Hendrickx, and R. M. Jungers. Playing clobber on a cycle.Proceedings of the 26th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, 2007.
- V. D. Blondel, R. M. Jungers, and V. Protasov. On the complexity of computing the capacity of codes that avoid forbidden difference patterns.Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 207–212, Kyoto, 2006.
- R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Cruisable graphs.Proceedings of the Journées Montoises, Rennes, 2006.
- R. M. Jungers, V. Protasov, and V. D. Blondel. Efficient algorithms for deciding the type of growth of products of integer matrices (extended abstract).Proceedings of the 13th ILAS Conference, 556–563, Amsterdam, 2006.
Book Chapters
- V. D. Blondel and R. M. Jungers. Extremal Matrix Products and the finiteness property. In Combinatorics, Automata, and Number Theory, 530-562, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- B. C. Csaji, R. M. Jungers and V. D. Blondel. Pagerank optimization by edge selection. InLecture Notes in Computer Science6331, 89-103, Springer, 2010.
- [3] R. M. Jungers, V. Protasov, and V. D. Blondel. Computing the growth of the number of overlap-free words with spectra of matrices.Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4957, 84–93, springer, 2008.
- EFM toolbox for matlab, 2010. [Link]
- The JSR toolbox for matlab, 2011 (version 1.1 in 2014, version 1.2 in 2015).
- The Constrained Switching Systems toolbox for matlab, 2015.
- R. M. Jungers. On the growth of codes whose differences avoid forbidden patterns.Master’s thesis, Université catholique de Louvain, June 2005.
- R. M. Jungers. Infinite Matrix Products. From the joint spectral radius to combinatorics.Ph.D. thesis, Université catholique de Louvain, June 2008. [Link]