Step #5 update and Step #4 correction

Please note the deadline for Step 5 correction has been changed to tuesday. I also added a note about the ioctl number : you should define it correctly, but do not check for it inside your IOCTL, as I cannot find automatically the number you’ll use. I will personally use 1 as the command argument to call your ioctl. So just ignore the command argument in your ioctl. Remember the mode/dev is given as a structure pointer in the third argument, the command number is normally used to have multiple functionalities using one function, using kind of a big switch/case inside the ioctl. We only have one : “set fastnet mode”. So it’s not a big deal.

I added a “false” project on the platform, a clone  of the step 4 to allow you to correct your Step 4 code if you want and test it on the platform by re-submitting as many times as you want. I also pushed my code to Gitlab, if you find bugs or problems, tell me ! As the project begin slowly to be bigger, you may catch things I forgot… I remember I told something in class I forgot in my code, but I don’t remember what it was…

The Step 5 will come on the platform ASAP…

Remember that you have to completely remove the system call and any definition made for it. But keep the messages from step 2, the credits from step 1, …