See also my Google Scholar page

Book Chapter
            J.-Ch. D. Michael T. Schaub, Sophia N. Yaliraki, Mauricio Barahona. The stability of a graph                         partition: a dynamics-based framework for community detection. In book “Dynamics On and Of                 Complex Networks”, Volume 2, 221-242. Springer (2013). doi

Articles and preprints

Renaud Lambiotte, J.-Ch. D. and Mauricio Barahona. Laplacian Dynamics and Multiscale Modular Structure in Networks. arxiv

Gautier Krings, Jean-François Carpantier, J.-Ch. D. Trade integration and trade imbalances in the European Union: a network perspective. Submitted to PLoS ONE (2013).

Maguy Trefois and J.-Ch. D. Zero forcing sets, constrained matchings and minimum rank. Submitted to Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2013).

Fabio Fagnani and J.-Ch. D. The robustness of democratic consensus. Submitted to Automatica (2013).

Sophie Hautphenne, Gautier Krings, J.-Ch. D. and Vincent Blondel. Sensitivity analysis of epidemic networks. Submitted to Mathematical Biosciences (2013).

J.-Ch. D. and Henrik Sandberg. Finite-time thermodynamics of port-Hamiltonian systems.
To appear in Physica D (2013).

Renaud Lambiotte, Lionel Tabourier and J.-Ch. D. Burstiness and spreading on temporal networks.
To appear in EPJ B (2013) arxiv

Balázs Csáji, Arnaud Browet, Vincent Traag, J.-Ch. D., Etienne Huens, Paul Van Dooren, Zbigniew Smoreda and Vincent D. Blondel. Exploring the Mobility of Mobile Phone Users. Physica A, Vol. 392, no. 6, p. 1459–1473 (2013). doi arxiv

J.-Ch. D. Characterising solution sets of LTI differential equations. Automatica, Vol. 48, no.8, p. 1645-1649 (2012). doi

Manuel Lopez-Martinez, J.-Ch. D.  and Vincent Blondel. Optimal sampling time for consensus in time-delayed networked systems. IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 6, no. 15, p. 2467-2476 (2012). doi

Michael T. Schaub, J.-Ch. D., Sophia N Yaliraki, Mauricio Barahona. Markov dynamics as a zooming lens for multiscale community detection: non clique-like communities and the field-of-view limit. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32210 (2012).doi arxiv

Renaud Lambiotte, Roberta Sinatra, J.-Ch. D., Tim S. Evans, Mauricio Barahona, and Vittorio Latora. Flow graphs: interweaving dynamics and structure. Phys. Rev. E 84, 017102 (2011). doi arxiv

J.-Ch. D and Anne-Sophie Libert. Centrality Measures and Thermodynamic Formalism for Complex Networks. Phys. Rev. E 83, 046117 (2011). doi arxiv

Henrik Sandberg, J.-Ch. D., and John C. Doyle: On Lossless Approximations, the Fluctuation- Dissipation Theorem, and Limitations of Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56 (2), pp. 293-308, (2011). doi arxiv

J.-Ch. D., Sophia Yaliraki and Mauricio Barahona. Stability of Graph Communities Across Time Scales. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107, pp. 12755-12760, 2010. pnas arxiv
Cédric Langbort and J.-Ch. D. Distributed Design Methods for Linear Quadratic Control and Their Limitations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55 (9), pp. 2085-2093, 2010. doi
Paul Bell, J.-Ch. D., Raphaël Jungers and Vincent D. Blondel. The Continuous Skolem-Pisot Problem: On the Complexity of Reachability for Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. Theoretical Computer Science. 411(40-42), 2010.arxiv

J.-Ch. D., Ruggero Carli and Sandro Zampieri. Optimal strategies in the average consensus problem. System and Control Letters, 58 (10-11), pp. 759-765, 2009. arxiv

J.-Ch. D. What is a universal computing machine? Applied Mathematics and Computation215 (4), pp. 1368-1374, 2009. pdf

Julien M. Hendrickx, Brian D. O. Anderson, J.-Ch. D. and Vincent D. Blondel. Directed graphs for the analysis of rigidity and persistence in autonomous agents systems. International Journal of Robust and Non-Linear Control. Vol.17 pp.960-981, 2007. pdf

J.-Ch. D., Petr Kůrka and Vincent D. Blondel. Computational universality in symbolic dynamical systems. Fundamenta Informaticae, 74(4), 463-490, 2006. ps arxiv

J.-Ch. D. An optimal quantized feedback strategy for scalar linear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51(2), 298-303, 2006. ieee pdf

J.-Ch. D. and Vincent D. Blondel. Complexity of control on finite automata. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51(6), 977-986, 2006. ps

J.-Ch. D. and Vincent D. Blondel. Quasiperiodic configurations and undecidable dynamics for tilings, infinite words and Turing machines. Theoretical Computer Science, 319:127-143, 2004.
Peer-reviewed conference papers    

Romain Hollanders , J.-Ch. D. and Raphaël M. Jungers. An exponential lower-bound for the Policy iteration algorithm on discounted MDPs. Proceedings of the 51st  IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012), Hawai, USA, 2012.

Romain Hollanders , J.-Ch. D. and Raphaël M. Jungers. On the complexity of optimizing PageRank.
Proceedings of Algotel 2012.

Henrik Sandberg and J.-Ch. D. The Observer Effect in Estimation with Physical Communication Constraints, Proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress (2011)

 Qin Xin, J.-Ch. D., Zhang Zhanlong and He Wei. Improved Compact Routing Scheme with Applications in Static Sensor Networks and Internet, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Internet of Things and 4th International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (2011)

Manuel Lopez-Martinez, J.-Ch. D and Vincent Blondel. Energy-Aware Consensus for Networked Sampled MIMO Systems, Proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress (2011)

Manuel Lopez-Martinez, J.-Ch. D and Vincent Blondel. Energy-aware Consensus Algorithms in Network Sampled Systems, Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop onDistributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (Nec-Sys 2010), Annecy, France, 2010.

Fabio Fagnani and J.-Ch. D., Democracy in Markov chains and its preservation under local perturbations. Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2010), Atlanta, USA, 2010.

J.-Ch. D. and Tzvetan Ivanov. A Characterisation of Solution Sets of LTI Differential Equations, Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2009), Shanghai, China, 2009.

J.-Ch. D. What is a universal computing machine? Proceedings of the Conference on Unconventional Computation, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 2008.

Henrik Sandberg, J.-Ch. D., and John C. Doyle, Linear-quadratic-gaussian heat engines, in                 Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 2007.

J.-Ch. D., Ruggero Carli and Sandro Zampieri, Optimal strategies in the average consensus problem in Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 2007. arxiv

Henrik Sandberg, J.-Ch. D., and John C. Doyle: The Statistical Mechanics of Fluctuation-Dissipation and Measurement Back Action. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference,  New York City, New York, July 2007. arxiv

J.-Ch. D., Henrik Sandberg, and John C. Doyle, Thermodynamics of linear systems, in Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Kos, Greece, July 2007. pdf

J.-Ch. D., Ruggero Carli and Sandro Zampieri, Fast strategies in the average consensus problem, NeCST workshop, Nancy, France, 2007.

Cédric Langbort and J.-Ch. D. The price of distributed design in optimal control. In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2006).

J.-Ch. D., Petr Kůrka and Vincent D. Blondel. Computational universality in symbolic dynamical systems. In M. Margenstern, editor, MCU 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3354, 104-115, Springer-Verlag 2005.

J.-Ch. D. and Vincent D. Blondel. Complexity of control on finite automata. In B. De Moor, B. Mortmans, J. Willems, P. Van Dooren, and V. D. Blondel, editors, Proceedings of the Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2004), Leuven, 2004.