Notes, documents, links...

Slides and documents 2024-2025
Lecture 1 : Sweep-Line Algorithm for Line Segment Intersection        (18-09-2024)
Lecture 2 : Half Edges data structure        (07-10-2024)
Lecture 3 : Triangulation        (07-10-2024)
Lecture 4 : Unstructured quads        (07-10-2024)
Old Reference book
Computational Geometry        (23-09-2019)
Computational Geometry (pdf copy)        (20-09-2020)
An Introduction to Mesh Generation : book of Remacle and Geuzaine (pdf copy)        (05-12-2022)
An Introduction to Mesh Generation Algorithms : slides of Steve Owen        (15-11-2023)
JF's Programs
chap2.cpp        (28-09-2020)
chap2.h        (28-09-2020)
hilbert.cpp        (30-11-2020)
hilbert.cpp (version 2022)        (05-12-2022)
oTest.cpp        (19-10-2020)
robustPredicates.h        (19-10-2020)
robustPredicates.cpp        (19-10-2020)
Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Predicates for Computational Geometry       
Introduction : the Klee's problem        (18-09-2017)
Convex Hulls        (25-09-2017)
Intersection of Line Segments        (09-10-2017)
Overlay of subdivisions        (09-10-2017)
Linear Programming        (22-10-2017)
Orthogonal Searching        (06-11-2017)
Point Location        (24-11-2017)
Voronoi Cells        (24-11-2017)
Delaunay Triangulations        (24-11-2017)